I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 904: Angel War Servant

Song Jian walked to the end of the passage. Here is a very large room. In the center of the room, there is a coffin made of black iron wood. Around the coffin, there are several weathering bones, a burly body, but The monster who has been holding his back, holding a huge hammer in his hand, smashed the large iron nails one foot long by one foot, and severely hit the four corners of this coffin;

Looking at his body shape, Song Jian can feel that this monster has powerful power in his body. The hammer in his hand is almost as large as the warhammer used for battle. Every time he smashes, the entire room shakes slightly.

However, with such a powerful force, it is still impossible to smash the iron nails into the coffin. With each smash, the nails can only be nailed in for a short length. It may take at least several hours to nail the whole nail in;

Song Jian's eyes fell on this huge monster holding a hammer. It was almost full of red fruit, only a worn felt cloth around his waist, covered with scars of various sizes, horizontally. No, there is almost no complete skin on the body;

On both sides of its spine, there were two obvious laceration wounds, one of which still had a piece of white bone left, and looked out of the skin, as if there had been a pair of wings growing here, but it was broken in battle. General

"Is this monster an angel before?" Song Jian looked at the white broken bone on his spine, how could he not associate the big man in front of him with the angel;

Song Jian looked towards the top of the monster, which showed the name and attributes of the monster, and the name of the monster in front of him was also red. Obviously, even if the opponent was a battle angel, it was also a monster for Song Jian;

"Angel War Servant Toros, Level 45, Elite Boss, HP: 45000/45000"

"Angel war servant? Isn't it a real fighting angel?" Song Jian secretly whispered, attacking the monster with a sword;

Wan Jianjue!

This time, Song Jian only summoned more than ten swords, which made him feel helpless. The number of swords summoned was random and the damage caused was also small. Monsters that could have been spiked directly can now only cause five to the opponent. One-half or less damage;

Song Jian believes that he has mastered Wan Jianjue very well. He can lock it at will, whether it is dealing with a large number of targets or a single target, but until now, he still cannot control the number of spirit swords summoned;

More than a dozen swords slammed into Toros's body with severe pain, making it make a loud roar, raised his head and looked towards Song Jian;

"Enemies!" A hoarse growled, and Toros waved the hammer in his hand and smashed hard at Song Jian;


Po Tianjian and the hammer collided together. Song Jian suddenly felt a strong force coming towards him, and the whole body was pushed by a strong force, and he moved back three or four meters away. The hard floor was also Rubbed out two marks;

"Here, this power attribute is at least 180 points, right? He is just a war servant, how could he have such a powerful power ..." Song Jian looked at Toros in surprise, but it was just a How can a forty-five elite BOSS have such a powerful power attribute;

Even the four-winged angel Kokkor, who fought side by side with him in the abyss hell, did not have such a powerful force. You must know that Kokkol is a real fighting angel;

"Burning flame!" Toros roared, waved his hammer, and smashed hard toward the ground;

Boom, boom, boom ~

From the ground it hammered, a fiery flame rose sharply. The flame's center was dark red and the surface appeared a strange silvery white;

After the first flame rose, a same flame rose from a distance of one meter away, and then a flame rose further forward;

In less than a second, Toros and Song Jian directly raised seven flames, and the last flame just rose under Song Jian's feet, wrapping him up;

The impact of the flames caused Song Jian to lose control of his body instantly. The entire person was rushed into the air by the flames, and at the same time the flame damage that followed caused his blood and blood values ​​to drop rapidly;






The damage is getting higher and higher, and at the same time, Song Jian finds that his resistance and defense value are also falling rapidly;

The flame shock lasted for three seconds before it suddenly disappeared. When Song Jian fell to the ground severely from mid-air, he suddenly found that his blood value had lost more than 3,000 points;

You know, the blood value of an ordinary heavy armored warrior is still in the early three thousand, that is to say, most players, if they encounter the BOSS in front of them, are likely to be killed immediately by it;

Sword shadow clone!

Song Jianying shook violently. After a while, two identical Song Jians appeared in front of the monster;

Wan Jianjue!

She waved the sky sword and attacked the monster. Song Jian took a bottle of high-level recovery potion and poured it into her mouth. Just after raising the blood value a little, Song Jian saw that Toros was carrying the spirit. With the attack of the sword, a hammer hit Song Jian's avatar, and the avatar turned into a white light and disappeared twice.

Only the sword shadow clone of 40% of Song Jian's own attributes is not the enemy of this BOSS at all. Its role is to cause more than 6,000 points of damage to the BOSS and delay the BOSS for a few seconds. So that Song Jian can release the next Wan Jianjue!

When BOSS's eyes were locked on Song Fitness, Wan Jianjue's cooling time was over, Song Jian released Wan Jianjue again without hesitation. This time, the number of spirit swords directly broke through the fifty handles.

The dense spiritual sword exudes a terrifying power, like a meteor shower, flying towards the BOSS;

Boom, boom, boom ~

After a burst of energy bombardment, the Boss body that had been covered with wounds once again shot countless blood arrows, and the blood value plummeted, which was directly killed by Song Jian;

"Do not open the coffin, there ..." Before the fall of BOSS, his eyes shone with a smart light ~ www.novelhall.com ~, spraying blood in his mouth, struggling to speak to Song Jian;

"Can't you open the coffin, but the more you say that, the more I want to open it, bastard!" Song Jian glanced fiercely at the boss's body, and picked up all his spoils of war;

Sure enough, it is a forty-five-level elite BOSS. There are two gold-quality items dropped, one of which is the weapon used by the BOSS, the hammer, and the other is a thin skill book;

The attributes of the hammer are general, and there is not much advantage as a weapon, but this hammer has another attribute, that is, it can be used as a forging hammer, and it can also upgrade the forging level by 2 levels. For players who have learned forging, , Can be said to be the best;

As for the skill book, Song Jian glanced at the cover. On the golden cover, there were several silver characters: "Skills of Skill Variation". Song Jian couldn't help but stare at the properties of the book and looked carefully.



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