I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 903: Blood beads

The priest's fighting method is somewhat like a mad warrior, but its left-hand code can continuously release various auxiliary magics to improve the priest's close combat ability.

And when the priest was injured, he could release healing magic and add blood to the priest, which made Song Jian suddenly speechless;

"This is cheating!" Song Jian stared at the code of the priest's left hand, and the muscles on his cheeks began to twitch slightly;

Wan Jianjue!

Skybreaking sword fiercely slashed towards the priest, this time, there was no defense of the mirror of the god, the spirit sword fiercely chopped on the priest, directly knocking him out seven or eight meters away;

When the spirit sword disappeared, the priest's blood value dropped by a large amount, leaving only less than one-fifth. The code once again bloomed a milky light and began to restore the priest's blood value, but this time The code only increased the priest's blood and blood value by 5%, and subsequently weakened and healed the divine light;

Song Jian snorted coldly, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and the sky-sword pointed forward, and the figure suddenly turned into a streamer, rushing towards the priest;

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Uh ~

Skybreaking sword pierced the priest's left shoulder fiercely and came out through the body. A puff of blood shot out. The priest then found out in horror that he had lost control of the body and his entire body was slow. Float slowly

Uh ~

Song Jian's right hand was constantly throbbing like lightning, and he stabbed eight times in a split second. With the attack, the priest's body floated higher and higher, eventually leaving the ground nearly one meter away, and then fell down fiercely. ;

Song Jian swung his sword while chopping on the left hand of the priest, and a dark golden light flashed, which actually triggered the "Holy Sword" talent;

Uh ~

With a muffled sound, the priest grasped the code's left hand tightly and cut it all together. He was chopped out seven or eight meters away and hit the church seat;

The light on the surface of the Codex gradually faded, and a dark red imagination floated out of the Codex, turned into a skeleton-like existence, gave out a stern roar, and then disappeared.

Without the blessing of the code, the strength of the priest suddenly weakened by more than a third. He was not Song Jian's opponent at first, and now he has no power to fight back.

A series of sword lights emerged around the priest's body, and the appearance of each sword light was accompanied by a painful moan of the priest. After a while, the 45-level elite BOSS fell into a pool of blood. The body burns quickly;

Song Jian looked towards the broken arm holding the code tightly on the seat, but to his disappointment, the broken arm and the holding code also began to cluster and burn, and after a while Kung Fu, turned into a pile of ashes;

"It's a pity ..." Song Jian shook his head slightly regretfully. The effect of this code is very good, it can automatically release many auxiliary spells, and it can continue to heal the user in battle. Most importantly, it seems that it doesn't need to be Consuming energy such as mental power or mana, it is exactly that Song Jian's one-handed sword is right-handed, and his left hand can be equipped with an off-hand item, but unfortunately, this code has not burst out;

Picked from the ashes a robe of dark gold, which was the black priest's robe worn by the priest;

This robe has a tall vertical collar, wide flowing sleeves, and weird patterns on the cuffs embroidered with gold threads. It looks luxurious and somewhat mysterious;

And the attribute is also very good. Although it is a piece of cloth armor, the added defense is higher than a leather armor of the same level and grade. None of the additional attributes is a waste attribute, especially the special effect of this robe. , A defensive skill, and a boost of spell power are all the dreams of legal professionals.

Shaking this robe, Song Jian watched it for a long time before putting it in the parcel box. If this French robe is put on the auction house for sale, I am afraid that it will be able to sell at least 800,000 doomsdays. There are many people, and it is not impossible to exceed one million.

It's just such a good thing, Song Jian will only put it in the warehouse of the League of Nations, and let the players of the League of Nations use the contribution value to redeem, enhancing the strength of the League of Nations;

In addition to this robe, the priest also dropped three golden-quality blood beads; Song Jian, the blood bead, has collected more than forty, all of which were monsters from churches before, but those ordinary monsters ’blood , But the silver quality, but the priest burst is golden quality, even the attributes are beyond a lot;

The role of these blood beads is to change the blood veins. Silver-colored blood beads can enhance the physical quality of the human being. At the same time, there is a small chance that the user will become a blood family.

The priest's golden blood drops burst, but the user can directly turn into blood, and also has the power of the Viscount in the blood;

This is a kind of temptation. Just like the expansion film, it can become an abyss race and acquire an abyss occupation. There are also many rare occupations in the blood race, even epic and legendary occupations.

For ordinary players, these blood beads are treasures that can change their destiny, but unfortunately, Song Jian decided that he would rather rot them in the parcel box instead of selling them or let them be exchanged by the Alliance players;

Although the game does not explicitly say that the blood race will become the enemy of humankind, the abyss **** is like a sharp blade, which has been hung high above the human race in the game. Song Jian does not want to create a hostile race for humanity out of thin air. ;

The principle that non-ethnic people have different hearts has been firmly engraved in Song Jian's heart;

After packing all the spoils ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian walked through the church hall and came to a narrow passage;

This passage is very long, and the windows on the walls on both sides have been sealed for a long time. Every few meters, there is an embedded candlestick. A candle with a thin finger is burning, which can only illuminate a small area;

On both sides of the passage, there are paintings of murals. The content above is actually a picture of a group of angels with white wings and a group of monsters with bat meat wings;

The content of the picture is not that the monsters were killed by the angels and burned with fire, or that a group of monsters flung an angel to the ground and sucked blood around him, looking cruel and horrible;

"This city of the sky may have been captured because of these monsters, but the angels who guarded the city of the sky have all left, or have all been killed ..." Song Jian looked at the mural while Secret way in my heart

At this moment, there was a sound of metal impact suddenly at the end of the passage. This sound was low and full of power. Each impact seemed to be hitting Song Jian's heart, making his blood involuntarily surge. A redness appeared on his cheeks;
