I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 902: Oracle Mirror

At the beginning, these people in the church were no different from ordinary humans, but just sitting on a bench with their heads silently praying. The names and attributes on their heads were also yellow and belonged to neutral monsters. Actively launch an attack, they will not attack Song Jian.

These people sitting on the bench praying seemed to be very afraid of the sunlight. The sunlight can hurt them. The monster that first attacked Song Jian was because Song Jian opened the door, and the sun shone on it. Caused harm;

Seeing these monsters rushing towards him, the bloodthirsty look on his face, Song Jian frowned suddenly. The previous battle did not touch them. Why did these guys suddenly become crazy?

Song Jian glanced over his shoulder. The three bloodstains that were caught were slowly disappearing. The powerful physical attributes gave Song Jian super recovery ability. This minor injury can be recovered in a short time without any medicine. ;

He remembered the appearance of the first monster just now, his eyebrows frowned suddenly;

"They didn't pay attention to the previous battles, but now they have all turned into active monsters. Could it be said that all of this is because of blood?" Song Jian guessed in his heart.

Roar, roar ~

In fact, these monsters were really stimulated by blood, smelled of blood, and all became horrible monsters. Song Jian narrowed his eyes, pushed the stone door behind him completely, and the warm sunlight came in. All three to four meters around Song Jian are illuminated;

A monster that has rushed over was irradiated by the sun, and it suddenly seemed to be sprayed with concentrated sulfuric acid. The body began to emit strong white smoke, and the skin began to fester quickly. .

It growled in pain, but it did not flinch. Although its movement speed was greatly reduced, and the number of injuries continued to float above its head, it still pounced firmly on Song Jian;

Song Jian stood in the sun and waved the Sky Sword towards him. Like the monster before, this monster was like steel. He was able to collide with the Sky Sword and swelled Mars;

"Sunlight is like poison to them. It can hurt and limit them, but it cannot kill them immediately!" Song Jian calmly analyzed while fighting;

When other monsters rushed to the shadowed area in front of the sun, they all stunned, and seemed unwilling to step into the area exposed to the sun, but just shouted at Song Jian continuously;

Soon, Song Jian killed the monster that fought him. In the sun, it quickly turned to ashes, and did not show the abnormal survivability of the first monster;

"Sunlight is their weakness, but it is difficult to kill. To kill them by sunlight, they must be exposed to the sun for about half an hour ..." Song Jian secretly said.

Looking at the fear of these monsters, a smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and he stretched out his left hand, scoring a fierce stroke in the palm of his hand, and suddenly blood spewed out; he wanted to lure these monsters with blood, but ... ...

"Misty grass, cut big!" Song Jian looked at the spurting blood, suddenly speechless, he mistakenly underestimated the sharpness of the Heavenly Sword, and soon the blood stained the entire palm and dripped toward the ground;

The blood stimulus made these monsters even more crazy. Several of them rushed into the sun-illuminated area, no matter how white smoke they covered, their skin continued to fester, and injury figures floated on their heads, lying on the ground. Suddenly sucking up the blood on the ground, the slate was bitten by them, making a "click" click;

Song Jian slowly backed away, trying to lead them outside the church, but the church's door seemed magical. Even if these monsters had fallen into a crazy state, they were not willing to take a step closer to the door.

Song Jian had no choice but to enter the church again and use his sword skills to fight with these monsters;

These monsters are just forty-two ordinary quality monsters. Even if it is not to cast Wan Jianjue, Song Jian can easily kill them. In the sunlight, these monsters will soon all become a pile of ashes;

"You shouldn't kill them, they are already trying to restrain their instincts ..." The priest holding the black-red cover book, a sad look on his cheek.

"Forty-fifth level, elite boss?" Song Jian stared at the top of the priest's head, but did not know why, he could only see the other party ’s rank and rank, without a name;

"Are you Scarborough Earl?" Song Jian asked;

"Are you looking for the master?" The priest froze and asked, "What are you doing to find the master, it has fallen into eternal sleep!"

"Then who are you?" Song Jian frowned slightly;

"I am just a humble servant of the master, a ghost trapped here!" Said the priest;

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Song Jian snorted coldly and rushed towards it with a wave of heavenly sword;

Wan Jianjue!

With Song Jian's sprint, dozens of stalks of spirit swords floated around his body, and "嗖 嗖 嗖" flew towards the priest;

"Killing is the original sin, the mirror of the gods, open!" The priest held the code in his left hand, erected his right hand, and pushed it forward slightly. Immediately, dozens of magic swords struck against an invisible transparent shield. Three feet away from the priest, power burst out suddenly;

Boom, boom, boom ~

After a roar, the priest was safe and sound, except that his baby's right hand had a scar like a baby's mouth, the skin on both sides was turned out, and the flesh was blurred;

A 5,000-point injury floated from the top of the priest's head. The injured priest had a look of surprise on his face, looking at Song Jian and whispering, "Who are you? Mirror's defense? "

In fact, Song Jian is even more surprised than this. This time he summoned a full 56 swords. Not to mention a forty-five-level elite boss, even a forty-five-level boss boss. Able to kill instantly.

However, I did not expect that the damage caused to this BOSS was not even one-tenth;

"The mirror of the gods? What are they, skills or items?" Song Jian could not help asking;

"This is a treasure given to me by the gods ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Only the power of the gods can break its defense!" The priest even answered Song Jian's question, and then seemed to think of something, with a look of madness on his face .

"You have the blood of the gods, killing you, your blood can wake the master. Roar ~" The priest who still seemed a bit human, at this moment completely transformed into a beast and rushed towards Song Jian;

The code of its left hand keeps shining, and all kinds of magic are projected on the priest, giving it a lot of blessings, the power of the bull, the weakening of pain, the guard of the spirit monkey ...

And his right hand's fingers became slender and slender, and his nails were slowly probed out. The skin was cracked and the surface was covered with a layer like scales;

Huh ~

The priest's left hand was like a sharp claw. He grabbed toward Song Jian. His sharp nails even left a residual image in the air. Song Jian waved his sword to resist. For a time, the whole church sounded like a metal collision. Song Jian Fight fiercely with the priest;
