I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 901: monster

Song Jian walked towards this strange church. The windows of this church seemed to be sealed from the inside. The door turned out to be a heavy stone door. Ordinary people may not have the strength to push it away;

As soon as he stepped on the steps of this church, Song Jian received two system prompts;

System: You have entered the Scarlet Church. This area is the territory of Scarborough Earl's Siboar. If you rush in, you will welcome the hostility of Scarborough.

System: You can go to the main city of the city of the sky to find Ms. Baffarian and receive the mission related to the Scarlet Church;

Song Jian's eyes narrowed. It seemed that the boss he was looking for should be in this church. The scarlet Count Baboyar was also at least an elite boss. If he was lucky, he might be a lord. BOSS.

Pushing open the heavy door, Song Jian suddenly realized that the hall of this church was very dim, and the lighting was based on the numerous lit candles around the hall;

In the row of seats in the church hall, there were many people praying with their heads bowed down. On the cloth counter in the church hall, a man wearing a red priest's robe was holding a black and red book. Books, chanting hymns in a low voice;

Song Jian's intrusion seemed to disturb them, and a low growl rang out in his seat;

"Don't you know you want to close the door when you come in?" A low voice sounded from the seat closest to the gate. A man in a gown raised his head and stared at Song Jian with scarlet eyes;

At this moment, the sun shining from outside the door just happened to shine on the man's face. The original white cheeks quickly rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and half of the face turned into a haggard face, lips and eyelids. With a quick smile, the man became as scary as a zombie;

"Don't you think it looks better now than it was before, at least true!" Song Jian smiled slightly, waved a breaking sword, and hacked at the man;


With a low roar, the man found two sharp fangs in his mouth, and Zhang Ya danced his claws toward Song Jian; for a moment, the original yellow name also turned red. This man turned into a monster and even used his arm Towards Song Jian's sword rack;

With a clang, the man's arm seemed to be made of steel and collided with the Heavenly Sword.

Song Jianying danced and fought with this man, and in the course of their fight, other people, whether they were sitting in their seats, praying, or priests chanting on the cloth table, seemed to be indifferent. Ignore the two fighting fiercely.

However, the surface of these people's bodies began to slowly appear a red breath, like a thin layer of gauze.

Song Jian fought with this monster at level 42. He did not cast his skills, but used ordinary swordsmanship to deal with it. Although the damage caused was only the damage of normal attack, but chopped in This monster can also cause nearly a thousand points of damage each time;

As the battle intensified, the man's attack speed became faster and faster, and every time he moved, he even had afterimages.

Although Song Jian chopped on it, as if chopping on steel, Zhen's wrist was a little sore, but the damage to it was not reduced at all;

Uh ~

Song Jian accidentally accidentally, after stabbing the opponent with a sword, he was severely scratched with his paw on his arm, and he caught three spots of blood on the skin of the dew. After a while, blood poured out. Came out

The monster that smelled of blood became even more crazy. It looked at the blood stains on the sharp nails, just like an addict, shaking violently, and couldn't help leaning against the blood on the nails. , And then severely put the whole hand into his mouth;

"Taste of blood!" A moaning roar emanated from the monster's mouth, and the original black eyes instantly turned into blood red;


The monster suddenly pounced on Song Jian, with his limbs open, like a beast, biting towards Song Jian's neck;

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian waved fiercely toward the front, and dozens of swords emerged, stabbing at the monster that had fluttered into the air;

Uh ~

When each piercing sword pierced the monster's body, a blood arrow stayed. After a while, the monster's body was like a funnel, and the dark brown blood stained the whole body;

At this moment, one of the Spirit Swords suddenly flashed a dark golden light. At the moment it stabbed the monster, the monster's body was suddenly split into two halves. The remaining Spirit Sword, Can only be split on two bodies separately;

"Triggered the holy sword of passive skills?" Song Jian's eyes brightened, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth;

Although this monster cannot survive after the Wan Jian Jue is cast, it is still very lucky to be able to trigger the passive skill holy sword in battle;

A monster with only more than 20,000 qi and blood value, after slicing into two halves, the qi and blood value has become zero, but it still has not died. The two bodies have moved by hands and feet and are still converging It seems that as long as they are together, they can be resurrected.

"Can't you kill?" Song Jian frowned suddenly, waving the sword in his hand, and stabbed severely at one of his bodies;

At this time, he discovered that the monster that had been cut in two seemed to have lost the previous defensive effect. The long sword easily pierced his body and caused more than 2,000 critical damage;

At this time ~ www.novelhall.com ~ A half-blood appeared on the stabbed half of the body, about one third of what it was before. Song Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief and attacked the half-body continuously. , Soon the blood value will be cleared;

The monster whose blood value was cleared again made a scream at this time. Two bodies burned at the same time, and within a few seconds, it was burned into a pile of ashes;

A red bead exuding silver light rolled down from the ashes and rolled to Song Jian's feet;

Song Jianshun picked up the bead with his hands. Before he could look at its properties, he heard a heavy breathing sound throughout the church;

Looking up, all the people who originally sat down in their seats and prayed, all stood up, exuding a strong **** smell, eyes red, and two fangs coming out of their lips, even on the preaching table. The priest looked towards Song Jian with a sullen face, and his red eyes were full of greed and fierce look.

"Taste of blood ..." growled, everyone rushed towards Song Jian with open teeth;
