I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 900: Eagle Eye

The city of the sky looks like a mirage. It is located in the thick clouds, looming. When Song Jianfei went up, he found that the city looks high, but it is only five or six hundred meters away from the ground.

At this point, Song Jian was standing in front of the abandoned gate of the city of the sky, which was supposed to be a towering gate. Now it has collapsed in half, leaving only half a door for people to enter and leave.

This gate is entirely constructed of a strange stone. Song Jian's perception disappeared without any trace when he touched these stones;

Strange patterns are painted on the surface of the door frame constructed by the rock, but Song Jian knows that this is not a pattern, but a kind of text that looks a bit similar to the language of the abyss, but it is completely two different characters. ;

Song Jian picked up a broken stone and examined it carefully. These stones can be isolated from perceptual exploration, but have no attributes, just some garbage of no value;

Stepping into the city, Song Jian heard a loud noise of fighting from a distance. After walking in that direction for a while, he found that there were actually two players hunting down a cricket monster with a feather;

This monster has a humanoid monster with an eagle-like head, two hands are a pair of sharp claws, covered with thick feathers, and wings behind it, but a pair of bat-like meat wings;

It punched empty-handed, but the damage was not weak. The two claws were like sharp blades. When they swung in the air, they left a trail of shadows. Two 37-level players were forced back by it.

Seeing Song Jianying, the two players were overjoyed and shouted at Song Jian: "Brother, come here to help, half the loot!"

This monster is only forty-two, and it is also an ordinary monster named "Templar Eagle Slave". Its blood value is only more than 30,000 points, and it has been worn away by the two more than 10,000 points;

Song Jian smiled slightly and slashed his sword towards the monster. Each sword could take away one or two thousand injuries. Within a short time, he snatched the monster's hatred into his own hands and let the two players loose immediately. Tone

Seeing Song Jianping's chops were so powerful, the two players were instantly happy, struggling to release their skills and assisting the attack. Such a thick golden thigh must be held tightly;

It didn't take long for the monster to be killed by the three, and several items burst, including a piece of silver-quality equipment that glowed on the ground.

None of the two players moved. The man who called Song Jian said before: "Brother, you choose first, as long as you see it, it doesn't matter if you take it all away. Leave us two inconspicuous things!"

Song Jian glanced at the silver-quality equipment, which was a forty-level plate helmet, and it was estimated that it could sell tens of thousands of yen, but it was not very useful to him.

Instead, one of the blue-quality materials made Song Jian's eyes bright;

"I'm going to do this, I'll give you everything else." Song Jian picked up the blue-quality material with a smile and said to the two;

"Thank you, brother!" The two players smiled at each other, with joy on their faces.

Song Jian turned and walked towards the other road. The player who originally called for Song Jian was about to reach out and wanted to say something, but was stopped by his companion;

"We are a burden to him, don't delay others," his companion shook his head and whispered;

"Hey, that's the same, let's try not to blame it, search the rooms here, maybe there will be unexpected gains!" Another said with a sigh;

"At least I have to earn the toll!" Laughed his companion;

"Isn't this the return of the toll, the silver-quality plate armor, at least 100,000 yen? You can use it. Take it first, and the rest belongs to me!"


The entire city of the sky does not look large, it feels like a military town, the area is not even one tenth of the city of the doomsday. Standing at this end, you can see the opposite city wall;

Although the city of the sky is not large, there are many monsters. Almost every two steps, you can hear the roar and roar of the monsters, and you can see the looming monsters in the rooms on both sides of the street;

The more you walk into the city of the sky, the more monsters you encounter, the higher the level, and other players, at most, dare to explore near the edge of the city of the sky, and dare not go deep. After all, the treasure is precious and does not have itself Precious little life

These ordinary monsters over forty levels did not have much appeal to Song Jian. After killing a few, only a few ordinary materials burst. Song Jian gave up and continued to kill, but instead acquired the previous ones. Take out the blue-quality material;

"Eye of the Eagle (blue), reinforcement material, item level 38, use effect: can strengthen the pupil technique skills effect; can strengthen the pupil technique equipment effect; during the enhancement process, there is a certain chance to improve the field of vision used; use requirements : Have pupil skills / have pupil equipment; "

This item is of little value to ordinary players, but it is worth a lot of money to players who have special pupil skills or have similar eyes like Song Jian;

After choosing to use it, this eye-like object in the hand suddenly turned into a white light, embracing Song Jian's eyebrows.

Soon, a cool feeling rushed from the eyebrows to the whole body. Song Jian's eyebrows suddenly became more agile. Before, the vertical eyes looked like metal, but now it looks like they have some muscles. Like texture

System: You have used "Eye of the Eagle ~ www.novelhall.com ~" The "Vertical pupil" attribute of exogenous equipment has been strengthened, the vision is +3, the full attribute is +5, and the special effect 1 is broken. Illusions, stealth, and other false states have a chance to see through the enemy ’s skill release principle, weakening 60% of the power of the skill; special effect 2 eye kill effect is enhanced, damage is increased, and consumption is reduced; special effect 3 weak point removal and enhancement, attack the user's head , Defense increased by 150%, at the same time the head will no longer be a weak point, can not cause critical strikes, fatal blows and other injuries;

This blue-quality reinforcing material directly raised Song Jian's vertical pupil by a grade, from the original white quality to the green quality, and the item level also rose to the 25th level.

After strengthening the vertical pupil, Song Jian continued to penetrate the city of the sky, just an ordinary monster can drop such good materials, then the elite boss or the boss-level boss in it will not drop higher quality, more attributes Good item?

Thinking of this, Song Jian's heart suddenly became fiery. Just then, a church appeared suddenly in front of Song Jian, and a huge cross was erected on the high attic. The cross was covered with dark brown dried blood, bound by the cross. Yes, it turned out to be a monster with two fangs out, which looked weird;
