I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 899: Board

Returning from the copy to the manor castle, Wang Qi looked at more than a dozen pieces of dark gold and golden quality equipment, his face showing a surprise look.

"This, is there so much high-quality equipment? Great!" Wang Qixi looked so embarrassed that he couldn't help looking at them one by one.

"All of them are level 40 or above, haha, those boys are now motivated to upgrade!" Wang Qi laughed: "Is it all obtained in the shadow of the abyss of difficulty and difficulty, it's amazing!"

Song Jian smiled slightly and said, "Most of them are here. Let the elites raise their ranks as soon as possible. With these, it will be much easier to attack the abyss shadow."

"Rest assured, within a month, no, for twenty days, I will definitely make all of these guys rise to the level of forty or more!" Wang Qi said with confidence.

In fact, most of the players in the elite group are already at level 36 or above. With these equipment as motivation, I believe that the level can be raised soon;

"By the way, what about the skills book and skill scroll that you bought?" Song Jian asked.

"It's a bit difficult!" Wang Qi's face was embarrassed and said: "High-quality skill books will never appear on the market. As long as a gold or even silver-quality skill book appears in the auction house, it will be met Coercion, a silver passive passive universal skill was fired to 1.2 million yen, these people are crazy! "

In the real world, more and more people know about this game. Many consortia seem to smell **** sharks. They started investing in this game. Many game players have even started to work in these consortia to form specialized Teams or leagues, swipe items in the game, and then bring them out of the game through special methods;

Just a bottle of primary healing potion in the game, it can sell tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in the real world. It is conceivable how great the appeal of this game will be for those consortia;

This has also led to the rush of many people once something good appears in the auction house;

"So far, we have only acquired three skill books!" Wang Qi said, placing three skill books with golden light on the table;

"Boss, you can't continue to buy any more. If you continue, the city's construction funds will be affected." Wang Qi whispered;

Song Jian frowned, sighed softly, and nodded, "Well, city development is important!"

The city of hope is in the rapid expansion stage and needs a lot of money. Wang Qi has told Song Jian more than once that there are consortia who want to inject funds, but they are all rejected by Song Jian;

The income of the City of Hope is on the one hand the development of the Undead Valley, on the other hand, it is the rental of various shops in the city. In addition, there is a newly established caravan that is heading to the old military camp and other cities. Trade

But as the area of ​​Hope City ’s territory continues to expand, those infrastructures alone are like gold behemoths. There is only a return on investment, which makes the City of Hope's finances actually stretched, not as rich as outsiders imagine. ;

Putting together three golden-quality skill books, Song Jian's eyes looked towards the distant sky city;


The city where the sky is located is a large area of ​​farmland. It was originally a food planting base, but after the last day, it has obviously been abandoned and turned into a overgrown wasteland. There are many monsters like piranhas. Most of these monsters are between the 30th and 35th levels, which is exactly the level that most players can play now, so many players will come here to upgrade the monsters;

And in this wasteland, some good grain seeds will be picked up from time to time. This is a treasure chest-like item brushed out by the game. After planting it, you can get good quality cooking materials. Players often buy it at high prices. If you can pick it up, It can also be regarded as a small fortune;

But since this wasteland, a city has appeared, looming in the clouds, this thirty-level sparring area has suddenly become lively;

If you want to enter the city of the sky, you must have the ability to fly. Some players with flying mounts have even started the business of riding here. They charge the players to the city of the sky and earn a lot of money in just half a day. Make those envious eyes red for those players who do n’t have flying mounts.

However, most of the current flying mounts can only carry one player at a time. After a period of time, they must rest for a while, and more and more people hear the news of the city of the sky, resulting in a crowded land in this wasteland. Players with flying mounts are full of people.

When Song Jian came to this wasteland, he was startled by the crowd in front of him. The number of these people was at least a thousand, but those who could really reach the sky city were rare.


There was a sound of flapping wings, Song Jian looked up, and saw a player with a pair of white wings, holding another player and flying towards the city of the sky;

"Hey, did you see that, that player who got a pair of angel wing exo-equipment equipment in the city of the sky, he just took the shit, and now he can fly back and forth a dozen times in an hour, and earn 10,000 in one trip. Doomsday, dog *, his half-day income is more than a month of Lao Tzu ... "murmured a player next to him;

Wow ~

The sound of flapping wings sounded, a high-pitched hissing bird flew, and the flying mount carrying two players rose into the sky and flew towards the city of the sky;

These players with flying mounts are all the envy of other players ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian glanced at the most. There are seven or eight people with flying mounts. In the face of thousands of customers, there are obviously some Demand exceeds supply, and the price of rides has begun to skyrocket;

Song Jian shook his head, the steel wings behind him unfolded, and the whole person rose into the air;

A player next to him was stunned, looking at Song Jian's back, and could not help spitting on the ground;

"Well, it's another **** guy. Is angel wings falling so well?" He muttered softly.

"Blind your dog's eyes!" A player next to him squinted at him and whispered, "You don't look at it, is there any difference between the wings of this man and the angel wings?"

"Well, it's a little different. The feathers on his wings are still reflective. They look like steel. What's going on?"

"Huh, that's the steel wings. In the city of Doom, only one person has such wings!" Said the man with a look of contempt in his eyes. "Song Jian, Lord of the City of Hope, do you know?"
