I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 898: interest

In the end, this BOSS dropped more than a dozen pieces of equipment, including one piece of equipment, which emits a fuchsia light. This is an epic piece of equipment, and there are two pieces of dark gold and one piece of dark gold. Scroll of skills

Song Jian first picked up this epic piece of equipment, took a look, and found that it was an item he could equip, a peculiarly shaped shoulder pad;

"Drake Dragon Pauldrons: Leather Shoulders, Item Level 50, Epic Quality, Equipment Effects: Defense +217, Resistance +198, Strength +21, Dexterity +25, Constitution +28, Spirit +30, Lifesteal + 15%, Special Effect 1: Dragon Roar (Passive). When being damaged, the attacked person will trigger Dragon Roar, taking 1000 points of damage and trembling for 3 seconds. During the trembling, it cannot move and cannot attack. This effect is 120. Can only be triggered once every second; Special Effect 2: Dragon Guard (Passive), protected by the breath of the Dragon, weakening 15% of any damage taken, +3 critical strike resistance; Special Effect 3: Increases your chance to hit the target by 3% , There is a certain chance to trigger a certain effect; equipment requirements: level 40; whether the item can bring out the game: No "

This item of equipment has increased attributes. The top Song Jian now has four pieces of the ancestor ancestor's suit. Even after replacing one, the set attributes are reduced by one. The shoulder armor of the dragon will improve Song Jian's strength than eight. The Emperor Ant suit is much more powerful, so replace the shoulder armor without hesitation;

The remaining two pieces of dark gold equipment, one is the mage's cloth helmet, and the other is a boxer's gloves. Although Song Jian cannot use it, they can be thrown into the Alliance warehouse, and other players can use the contribution value to redeem it. ;

As for the dark gold skill scroll, even if Song Jian looks a little stunned, this is a transformation scroll that can make the player become an abyssal magic dragon;

Unfortunately, this skill scroll is designated for use by the abyss druid. Other professions cannot be used. This should be considered as the top-level skills of the abyss druid in the first-order combat power. If sold to abyss players, there are no millions of doomsday coins. Don't even think about taking it away;

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian finally sighed and chose to let Wan Jianjue devour;

In fact, Song Jian's most correct approach is to sell this skill book and then exchange it for seven or eight gold-quality skill books. With so many gold-quality skill books, Wan Jianjue's proficiency is definitely better than A dark gold quality skill book has been improved a lot;

But if Song Jian sells this book, it will provide players in the independent camp with a strategic reversal skill, and the threat to the human camp is too great.

After struggling for a long time, Song Jian flashed a white light in his hands, the skill scroll disappeared, and Wan Jianjue's proficiency improved by a fifth.

Song Jian just glanced at the rest of the loot randomly and threw them all into the parcel box. At this moment, the system prompts came along;

System: Congratulations to player Song Jian, who has difficulty in clearing the abyss of the abyss (level 5 mystery), rewards humans with 1,000 points of reputation, 10,000 points of doomsday coins, and 5 million battle experience!

A golden light flashed, Song Jian's level directly increased by one level;

The original Song Jian ’s experience value has been increased to more than 80%. After one person has cleared a copy of the Abyss ’Shadow of Difficulty and Difficulty, Song Jian ’s experience value is already on the verge of upgrading. This rewards 5 million battle experience. , As if it was the last straw, which directly raised Song Jian to another level;

At this time, Song Jian has forty-one level, and added a newly acquired skill point to the sword proficient who is full of proficiency, and the sword proficient of level 2 has a lot of attributes;

The inherited attribute of the clone has been increased from 30% to 40%, but the skill can only use level 1 skills, and can not use the special effects and skills that come with the equipment;

After finishing everything, Song Jian suddenly found that there were constant call requests in his communication channel. Opening it up, Wang Qi actually sent a dozen call requests;

"Wang Qi, what is it?" Song Jian asked after accepting it.

"City Lord, you, do you really clear the copy of the abyss of the abyss of difficulty?" In the call channel, Wang Qi's incredible voice came.

"Why, haven't you received the system prompt, haha!" Song Jian laughed;

In normal times, Song Jian rarely participates in war league activities, so no one has an exact understanding of his strength. Everyone knows that Song Jian's strength is very powerful, but no one knows how powerful it is;

"That's a copy of forty people, forty people!" Wang Qi was about to cry: "Our elite group has been attacking for more than a month, and only hit the third child! You, you alone for half a day, will be six All the bosses have been killed. This, how is this possible! "

Everyone in the elite group was recruited by Wang Qi himself. Regarding their strength, Wang Qi knows better than anyone. Forty members of the elite group can only continue to reach the third BOSS and cannot continue. , It is conceivable how difficult is the copy of the abyss of the abyss on difficult difficulty;

Song Jian said he was going to take a look. Wang Qigang really thought he was going to take a look. Unexpectedly, Song Jian passed the entire difficult and difficult copy by himself.

Just then, Wang Qi suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly: "Boss, shouldn't you want someone to clear the copy of the abyss shadow of real difficulty?"

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian shook his head and said in the call channel: "With my own strength, I'm afraid it's difficult to clear the true difficulty copy!"

If the first three difficulties of the copy are rising in steps, then the real and difficult difficulties are rising in geometric multiples, which is simply a nightmare and hell-level difficulty;

Song Jian's copy of the difficulty and difficulty of the customs clearance has already been exhausted. He has survived six BOSS by himself. If the difficulty is true, it is difficult for him to clear the customs with his own strength.

Hearing Song Jian's words, Wang Qi felt so sad that the elite group of the City of Hope could not even pass the third BOSS of difficult difficulty, let alone the real difficulty. Even if I go with Song Jian, I am afraid that Can drag Song Jian's hind legs;

"If you say so, push the territorial expansion campaign back." Wang Qi said with a sigh.

If this Level 5 copy cannot be completely destroyed, there is no way to completely occupy the entire city of Doomsday, and the territorial expansion can only be postponed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Oh, yes, the city owner, more than 20 kilometers from the city of Doomsday A city of sky appeared in the place, and many people got treasures from it. Would you like to see it? Wang Qi said suddenly, "I have collected a lot of information about the city of the sky, you can come back and take a look. "

"City in the sky?" Song Jian froze, thinking of the four-winged angel who had fought alongside him in the abyss **** before, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Did Xiaoyong regain memory?" After the angel eggs hatched out, Wang Qi told Song Jian the first time, but Song Jian also knew that the battle angel just born did not have the memory of previous Korker. It would take a long time to restore the previous memory.

"Not yet, but Xiao Yong said, there are very powerful monsters in the city of the sky, it is very dangerous!" Wang Qi said;

Song Jian nodded. The risks and gains in the game are directly proportional. The stronger the monster inside, the more benefits he will get. Thinking of this, he immediately became very interested in this new sky city. ;


PS: Thank you for "100% Coins" for the reward!