I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 897: Clearance

The emergence of the city of the sky soon spread among the players. The city of hope also saw a large number of players, including many NPC adventurers. Their goals were more than twenty outside the city. Kilometers of city in the sky.

Because if you want to pass the shelter of the black mist, you must have the certificate of the city of hope. If you sell a one-time certification badge, the city of hope makes a lot of money; and Wang Qi arranges two thieves with the others, Enter the city of the sky, not for adventure, just to gather more intelligence.

In the main city of the city of hope, Wang Qi is sorting out the information of the city of the sky. These are the materials to be reported to Song Jian. At this moment, a group of core players of the City of Hope Alliance entered.

"Vice-owner, have you heard about the city of the sky?" When these people entered the office, they shouted loudly, with an excited expression on their faces;

"What's wrong, do you want to explore it?" Wang Qi looked up and looked at the excited faces and said, "It's very dangerous there, and the monsters there are all monsters above 40, none of them. Tier-combatants, if they go there, they will die! "

"Vice-owner, but I heard that someone in the city of the sky played angel wings, but it is exogenous equipment, does not occupy the equipment bar, and can fly freely, better than flying pets!" Someone whispered;

"Not only that, almost all the weapons falling out of it have demonic attributes. For those monsters with negative energy and dark attributes, they are simply crushing artifacts. With these weapons, we have difficulty clearing copies of the abyss ghost shadow. It is not A piece of cake! "

"And I also heard that ..."

Several people persuaded Wang Qi to pull the elite group to explore the city of the sky;

Wang Qi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, send the elite group first to see it, but be careful, it is very dangerous there."

"Hehe, those casual players can take risks in it, not to mention the elite group of the city of hope, where there are copies of the abyss shadows that are more difficult than seven or eight. It ’s simpler, even the copies of the abyss shadows. Hit the third child, not to mention the city of the sky! "A player said dismissively;

"Ah, speaking of the copy of the abyss, the city owner, are you going to clear the customs?" A player asked suddenly;

"Yeah, territorial expansion has already stuck here. If you can't clear the real difficulty, the city of hope can't continue to expand. The city owner said to explore it first!" Wang Qi said;

"That's a forty-level copy. Even if the city owner is more powerful, can he do it alone?" Someone hesitated;

"It's not really about customs clearance, it's just a search, what are you afraid of! When the next time our elite group opens up wasteland, we will add the city owner, a copy of the difficult level of customs clearance, isn't it right?"

"By the way, the city owner entered the copy, how long has it been, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"It's been four or five hours. Maybe the city owner wants to see the strength of the mobs inside, maybe he's upgrading."

"How is it possible that even the mobs inside have the strength of the wild elite BOSS, the blood value of more than 100,000, let alone one person, even if we are forty people, if we are not careful, we can destroy the group."

"Hey, as long as you want to compare with the city owner, you don't look at it ..."

Just as a few people were talking gossip, players throughout the city of Doom City received a system message at the same time;

System: Congratulations to player Song Jian, who has difficulty in clearing the abyss of the abyss (level 5 mystery), rewards humans with 1,000 points of reputation, 10,000 points of doomsday coins, and 5 million battle experience!

The few people who had had a very lively discussion suddenly stopped, and there was no sound in the room. Wang Qi couldn't even believe his eyes, and read this system prompt again and again.

"Pass, pass?" Wang Qi looked up at the others in confusion.

"No, it won't be a bug in the game, this, this is a forty copy, and it is still difficult!"

"Misty grass, deputy city lord, please contact the city lord quickly to see if he is really cleared!"

Wang Qi patted his head and started to open the communication channel in a hurry to contact Song Jian;

Song Jian was embarrassed, kneeling on one knee in front of the last BOSS, panting heavily, in front of him, a man in a black abyss robe, slowly falling down.

This is the last boss of the Abyss, named Nefalia, which has three forms of humanoid, abyss flame demon, and abyss dragon.

In the human form, Song Jian easily defeated the opponent. When the blood value dropped to 60%, Nefalia changed into the abyss flame demon form.

Nefalia, who turned into a fire demon form, completely transformed into a terrifying fire mage. Almost all the spells have the characteristics of sputtering and explosion, and the attack range is very wide. The blood and blood value will not last long. In the end, if it is not Wan Jianjue who has triggered several crit successively, I am afraid that Song Jian ’s enemy of death skills will be triggered.

When Song Jian hit the BOSS blood value to only 30%, Nefalia became an adult Abyss Demon Dragon. He was over ten meters tall and over thirty meters long. In front of him, Song Jian looks like a tiny bug.

The strength of the Abyss Demon Dragon is much higher than that of Song Jian's black dragon pet. Song Jian finally killed it once after destroying more than 300,000 qi and blood;

The enemy of Death was triggered, and Song Jian almost exhausted his means, and even hid in the broken kingdom several times in a row, before finally killing the BOSS in the form of an abyssal dragon;

Looking at the Elemental Grunt who was broken up at least three times, Song Jian touched his head and put it into the space of the pet of battle; if it was not the shadow of the sword, the Elemental Grunt attracted the attention of the last BOSS. I'm afraid that Song Jian wants to kill it, and the difficulty is more than doubled;

However, after completing the difficult and difficult copy ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian obtained enough lava nuclei to mumble the soil elements, successfully advanced to the stone element BOSS, and was a forty-five level boss boss. .

In addition to throwing rocks, violent hammering and other skills, Guru has mastered a skill called ground spur, which can be cast on any target within 20 meters, and a ground more than one meter long can be found from the foot of the target. Sting, causing an attack on the target;

The release of the spur is very concealed, and the release speed is very fast. When the enemy pays attention, it is too late to evade, and the power is also very strong. Hitting the target can cause more than 1,000 points of damage, and it has a disabling effect, which weakens the target's movement speed. 45 %;

"The abyss flames will eventually devour everything!"

When Nefalia finally died, he finally recovered his human appearance, stared at Song Jian and whispered, his body slowly fell to the ground;

Looking at a dozen items falling in Nefalia, Song Jian's face finally showed a smile;
