I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 896: Castle in the Sky

Seeing the BOSS rushing towards himself, Song Jian turned around and chopped a sword at it. Wan Jianjue's damage instantly made it lose more than 70,000 points of blood value;

The blood value of 320 thousand, for other players, is like a big mountain. Forty people, it will take more than five minutes. This is still the BOSS does not erupt, and melee professions can live.

But a large-scale vigorous tornado like just now is almost equivalent to a full-screen attack, and the powerful suction, ordinary cloth armor occupations have no way to resist.

The elite team of the City of Hope, the Raiders of the Abyss who had previously made it difficult and difficult, had at least seven or eight group defeats before the first BOSS, before all the characteristics of this BOSS were clarified.

Fortunately, everyone has a copy out of the scroll. At the last moment, he left the copy directly. Otherwise, the BOSS in front of him will destroy all the elites of the city of hope several times;

BOSS moves very fast. Although Wan Jianjue has a strong attack, he does not have the ability to restrict his movement. Skadar almost resists the bombardment of the spirit sword and strides toward Song Jian in stride;

Sgardar looked huge and belonged to a powerful BOSS, but his movement speed was not slow. He caught up with Song Jian in a few steps, hit a battle axe in his hand, and slammed his head against Song Jian severely;

Song Jian wields a broken sword, a bang, a sting coming from his wrist, and a surge of force, almost letting the sword out of hand;

Although Song Jian's main attributes have also changed after being upgraded to the Imperial Sword, Song Jian's power attributes are not inferior to other melee professions, even more than most melee professions.

Song Jian's strength attribute has now reached 136 points, which can be said to have crushed more than half of the melee professions, but in the presence of Sigdar, there is no force to fight it;

"The strength of this guy is at least two hundred points!" Song Jian sank in his heart, his mind moved, and the figure suddenly became transparent, straight through Sgadar's body, and rushing towards the other end of the square;

If the strength reaches 200 points, it means that even if Sgardar fists bare-handed, he can deal at least 200 points of damage. At the time of the fight, Song Jian, despite taking off some strength, still suffered more than 500 points of damage. ;

Soul Walk is unfolded. The first four seconds are invincible, and can pass through any obstacles without collision. At the same time, the movement speed is increased by 200%, and it is immune to all other injuries except soul damage;

This skill not only speeds up, is invincible, but also lasts a long time, nine seconds. After the show, it is enough for Song Jian to release the sword shadow avatar and Wan Jianjue again;

No matter how fast the BOSS is, there is no Song Jian fast after the acceleration skills have been cast, and the soul walk ability will become a soul state after the release, which has some hidden effects in itself, which makes the BOSS want to catch up with Song Jian, change Made it more difficult

When the soul-walking skills disappeared, Song Jian once again cast the sword shadow clone, two Song Jian, running left and right towards both sides;

This time, BOSS chose to chase the avatar, which also made Song Jian relieved. It seems that the correct choice last time was just BOSS's luck, not its ability to see the avatar.

Seeing the boss chasing the avatar, Song Jian released Wan Jianjue towards his back, and dozens of swords were attacking the BOSS. The blood value of 320 thousand suddenly dropped below 100,000, which made BOSS Becoming a bit flustered, turning around and chasing Song Jian himself;

Rushing to Song Jian, when the boss waved his tomahawk to attack Song Jian, the clone behind him released Wan Jianjue again. This time, the damage caused by the clone to BOSS was lower, only more than 2,000 points, but it was also successful. Attracted the attention of BOSS, BOSS put away the battle axe, turned his head and rushed towards the sword shadow clone;

The sword shadow avatar began to perform royal swordsmanship, tried his best to dodge the BOSS attack, and persisted for another five or six seconds, and was smashed by a black energy of the BOSS. At this time, the cooling time of Song Jian's Wan Jianjue was again .

In this way, the first boss of the abyss shadow fell to Song Jian, which took less than three minutes, and other players in the city of hope previously attacked this boss. The most successful one was that it took more than half an hour. Before beheading it;

The boss in the copy of the Abyss is much harder to fight than the boss in the wild. After all, it is a difficult and difficult copy, but its explosion rate is much more pleasant than the boss in the wild;

After Sgardar's death, only two pieces of dark gold-quality equipment were dropped, but they were all forty-level dark gold-quality equipment.

The skill book has been dropped for three years, two silver quality axe warrior skill books, and a gold quality assassin skill book. These are all valuable things.

Song Jian directly chose to devour, letting the five-level Wan Jianjue proficiency increase by a small grid. The higher the level, the more high-quality skill books that need to be swallowed. Three skill books, even one-tenth proficiency The degree has not been raised, but if it is sold, it can sell at least hundreds of thousands of yen.

In addition to these, the BOSS also burst three lava crystal nuclei, and Song Jianjian threw it to the elemental grunt, which raised the level of the elemental grunt to 42.

At this time, the grunt, the whole body has the texture of granite, it looks like it won't be long before it can be upgraded to the stone element BOSS.

After packing the loot dropped by BOSS, Song Jian continued to walk towards the location of the second BOSS;

Just as Song Jian cleared the copy of the abyss ghost, Wang Qi suddenly received a message. In the sky more than 20 kilometers southwest of Doom City, a cloud-like city appeared in the sky, looming in the air, like a mirage. general.

"Xiao Yong, isn't the place where you were born the cloud city?" Wang Qi closed the communication channel and turned to ask a fat doll angel holding a fruit and constantly eating;

This angel is the angel egg that Song Jian gave him to hatch out of ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Unfortunately, the angel just hatched has no fighting ability and must be brought to the tenth level before he can assist in the battle;

The only thing that comforts Wang Qi is that this fighting angel can be trained in orientation. At the tenth level, the development direction can be determined, whether it is a melee physics profession, a long-range physics profession, or a mage profession.

Wang Qi has not been finalized, so he is not in a hurry to bring it to the tenth level;

"The place where I was born was in the city of the sky, but many people also like to call it the city of clouds. In fact, the city of the sky and the city of the clouds are two places. The city of the sky is a city similar to the city of hope, and the cloud Midtown is just an iconic building in the city of the sky! There are specially trained combat angels! "Angel Xiaoyong said to Wang Qi after chopping up an apple;

"City in the sky? In this world, are there many cities in the sky?" Wang Qi asked curiously;

"It shouldn't be much!" Said the angel with a frown. "My memory is a bit lacking. Generally, the sky city that appears out of thin air like this should be an abandoned city. It's dangerous inside."
