I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 895: Abyss Lord

"I smell fresh human flesh!"

A portable demon tomahawk, wearing an abyss demon with heavy armor on his body, wandering back and forth in a vast underground cave square, suddenly raised his head, sniffed twice in the air, his eyes burst into excitement.

This is the first boss of the abyss, but Song Jian can't see its race. There are thousands of demons in the abyss hell, from the lowest bad demon to the highest demon king. Demons have their own unique skills and characteristics;

The BOSS serving as the first level guard, although it is a 45-level elite BOSS, its blood value has exceeded 300,000, which is more than double that of the lord monster of the same level. ;

"Abyss Lord Skadaar, Elite Boss, Health: 320000/320000"

A thick, dark scent emanates from the Abyss Lord Sgardar, and the strands are swaying in the air like evil tentacles;

Upon detecting the arrival of Song Jian, Sgardar clenched the tomahawk in his hand and waved forward fiercely. The fierce wind was like a sharp blade, and a deep stroke was drawn on the nearby rock wall. trace;

The blood value of 320 thousand, Song Jian frowned slightly, the former dominance BOSS, the blood value is only 500,000, the blood value of this BOSS has now reached 320 thousand This is just difficult. If it is real difficulty, then the blood value of such a BOSS may be comparable to the dominance of a two-headed drug lord.

However, if you want to attack the real difficulty copy, you must first clear the hard copy, that is, Song Jian must kill all six bosses of the current difficulty copy;

In theory, the BOSS in the copy does not have the difference in strength. It is just that the characteristics and skills of each BOSS are different, which causes the difficulty of players to deal with these BOSS.

Song Jian first displayed his sword shadow avatar skills, then quickly moved left and right to the sides. The boss who had rushed over with the tomahawk was obviously frightened, but soon he chased over to Song Jian's body;

There is a 50% chance that it is not difficult to choose the right one. Song Jian guessed that the BOSS in front of him should not have the ability to see through his avatar;

Seeing the BOSS chasing towards himself, Song Jian twisted his waist, and the sky-sword in his hand waved towards the BOSS. Suddenly more than fifty swords flew towards the BOSS;

After a roar, Sgadar lost nearly 80,000 Qi and blood values ​​directly, and his powerful damage caused a look of fear in Sgadar's eyes. You must know that so many Qi and blood values ​​are even a forty A human team may have to resist Sgardar ’s attack for nearly five minutes before it can cause so much damage;

"You can't escape, little mouse!" Sigdar waved a three-meter-long tomahawk with both hands and split forward fiercely. A fierce black energy suddenly rushed forward, turning the hard On the lava ground, a deep trench was cut;

"Dammit, obviously a melee professional boss, why do you still attack skills from a long range?" Song Jian was hit **** the back by the black energy, and was suddenly hit and flew out, with more than a thousand points of damage, floating from the top of his head. Got up

At this moment, the sword shadow on the other side also waved the long sword, releasing Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, countless spiritual swords bloomed with brilliant light, and severely bombarded Sgardar;

The sword shadow clone only inherited 30% of Song Jian's attributes, and the master Wan Wan Fei Xian had only one level, so it only caused less than 5,000 damage to Skadar, but successfully attracted Skadar's note;

"Small reptile!" Scargard roared angrily, turned and rushed towards the shadow of the sword;

The sword shadow clone and Song Jian share the hatred. No matter who causes damage to the BOSS, they will immediately attract the BOSS hatred. Seeing the BOSS chasing the avatar, Song Jian directs the clone to perform the sword technique and begin to dodge the BOSS attack;

The area of ​​the underground cave square is not small, there is enough space to perform the sword technique, but the height is limited; seeing the shadow of the sword flying flexibly in the air, a smile appeared in the corner of Song Jian's mouth.

Even if he is himself, he has spent a lot of time and energy to contact him. Flying with the sword is not just about flying in the air with a single sword, which is much more difficult than using steel wings to fly in the air;

However, when Jianying used the Royal Sword to fly, he felt very skilled, not inferior to Song Jian, and Song Jian did not need to control at all. All this seemed to be completely managed by the system.

When Song Jian thought that the sword shadow clone could be delayed for at least ten seconds, and could end up with the end of his Wan Jianju cooldown, Sigdarang held his sword shadow clone in the air above his head, suddenly yelling and holding The two arms of the Tomahawk suddenly swelled;


After a roar, Sgadar waved his hands, and his body turned with it, and with his fierce rotation, his energy began to rotate around his body;

After a while, a twisted tornado appeared, and continued to extend high until it reached the cave wall above the head;

After a while, the energy tornado that emanated from Sgardar slowly divided into countless branches. On the entire underground cave square, more than ten meters of energy tornadoes appeared slowly. Spreading in all directions;

Song Jian was shocked. Even him, in such a difficult environment, it was a very difficult thing to perform the Royal Sword flight to avoid these vigorous tornadoes, not to mention the sword shadow clone!

And among these tornadoes ~ www.novelhall.com ~ there is a faint suction, which attracts the surrounding objects towards itself, even Song Jian himself, it is very difficult to stand in place;

Looking up at the sword shadow and looking at it, as expected, its flight trajectory has begun to become distorted. A few powerful tornadoes around it still surround it, just five or six seconds, a few energy. The tornado pulled the shadow of the sword into the air and tore it into pieces;

"This strength, in addition to the blood value is less than that of the control-level monsters, no matter whether it is damage or skills, it is not weaker than the control-level BOSS!" Song Jian secretly said.

Soon, these energetic tornadoes approached Song Jian again, but their speed was too slow, Song Jian turned and retreated in the direction of entering the copy, the tornado could not catch up with him at all;

It didn't take long for the tornado to slowly dissipate, and Sgardar strode toward Song Jian;



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