I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 894: Flame essence

Song Jian's damage is already horrible. No one can survive under Wan Jianjue. Except these systems have given elite templates, lord template monsters, high blood value, so that they can carry Song Jian's attack. This monster, which originally required forty cooperative players to have a chance to kill, is now in front of Song Jian, but can't hold it for half a minute at all;

Wan Jianju ’s damage is extremely high, and the cooling time is very short. However, during the cooling period of ten seconds, Song Jian is still in a weak attack stage. He can only use ordinary swordsmanship and monster maneuvers. At this time, the damage to the monster, Just ordinary attacks, Song Jian has not yet been able to connect into a set of continuous attack skills.

"There is only one Wan Jianjue, it is too simple!" Song Jian glanced at the skill bar and shook his head slightly.

Because Wan Jianjue's attack range is very large, Song Jian rarely uses the Xuanyue Streaming Sword as a starting point. Otherwise, the Xuanyue Streaming Sword should be the most commonly used sword skill of Song Jian, just like the charge skills of ordinary soldiers same;

The three **** dogs that were hit hard kept making a roar, and three huge heads were constantly biting towards Song Jian, but the huge body always hindered its attack. If it dealt with the besiege of a group of people, the huge body It will be very cheap. If you move, you can cause damage to a group of people, but when the target becomes one person, the three **** dogs can only attack at close range to cause damage to Song Jian;

Song Jian ’s level cut damage is also extremely high. Although the Skybreaker is only an epic weapon, its power is not weaker than the legendary weapon. The base damage of five or six hundred determines that it can easily break the defense of any monster. , The damage deepens, blood sucks, these two special effects alone can make three **** dogs feel very uncomfortable, crit, armor, five elements damage, but also the blood value of three **** dogs, such as venting the brakes The flood is constant and flows continuously;

In less than ten seconds, the three **** dogs fell to the ground, and the hot lava in the gaps on the surface of the body began to flow slowly, and soon covered the huge bodies of the three **** dogs;

"Sure enough, it is a forty-level copy. Any mob in it has the strength of an elite BOSS if it is placed in the wild!" Song Jian shook his head and sighed.

The monsters in the abyss are at least one-third more powerful than the elite elite bosses of the same level in the wild, and the blood value of more than 100,000 is only qualified by the boss of the same level;

"If these monsters break out of the barriers of time and space and appear in the human world, it will be a huge catastrophe!" Song Jian secretly said, and also decided to speed up the pace of the territorial expansion campaign, and strive for the end of the war before the outbreak of the final war. All copies of the abyss in the city are cleared and then destroyed;

Three **** dogs burst with several white-quality materials and one blue-quality flame essence. The flame essence is also a forging material, but its nature is an additive. Forging any item, you can add it. If forged If it is a weapon, it can add weapon flame damage, and if it is a defensive equipment, it can increase the flame.

If you want to clear the abyss, you can't do without the super high fire breech. The fire bream potion and all the additional fire breech equipment in the auction house have increased the price by more than one third.

The essence of the flame in your hand is only an ordinary material if it is usually placed, but now it is worth at least a forty-level silver-quality equipment;

In addition to being used for forging, the essence of flame can also be used for war pets, but it can only be used for war pets with fire attributes to increase the fire elemental damage of war pets;

Song Jian thought about it and tried to throw it into the space of the pet of pets. However, he did not expect it to be thrown in smoothly. If the pet could not use this item, there would be no way to enter the space of the pet of pets;

After entering the battle pet space, the flames, which were originally spar-like, suddenly burned a layer of flame on the surface, which looked like a small flame.

Perceived that another item appeared in the space of the battle pet, and the elemental grunt gave out a mud of finger thickness, and wanted to repeat the previous action, wrapped in the essence of the flame, and then pulled into his body;

As soon as the mud tentacles came into contact with the essence of the flame, the water inside it evaporated directly, turning into a crispy soil, and the essence of the flame also fell directly to the ground.

The earth element slowly opened his eyes and stared at the flame on the ground. After staring for a moment, the whole person rushed up and pressed the flame under him;

Grunt ~

The body of the element grunted by the earth elements was constantly undulating and squirming, and a series of fine cracks appeared on the surface of the body. Song Jian suddenly trembled in his heart. It seemed that it was a wrong way to throw the essence of the flame to the earth element. Gollum is killed directly, after all, this is a 42-level monster bursting out, and Gollum is only a level 35, no, level 38 pets;

When Song Jian was worried, the surface of the soil element grunt suddenly became red, as if something was roasting in it, but soon, the red color slowly disappeared, and the grumble regained its original appearance. .

But now the grunt, the body seems to have become harder, the body seems to have grown taller, in addition to the body becoming stronger, the lines have become smoother, and it seems to be transforming into a human body;

Grumpy confused, with a murmur of "Guru Guru" in his mouth, and looked at his two palms;


A group of flames burst out from Guru's right palm ~ www.novelhall.com ~ wrapped its entire palm, Guru was startled, and immediately started to shake his right hand subconsciously, trying to shake the flame. Fall, but no matter how it flutters, the flame that wraps the palm cannot escape its body;

Glancing at the attributes, the level has been increased by one level to reach 39. Other attributes have been slightly improved, but they have not reached the level of qualitative change. They are still only a 39-level elite BOSS.

It seems that the consumption of a flame essence has not caused any harm to Guru, Song Jian calmed down, closed the pet interface, and continued to move forward;

Along the way, Song Jian encountered a lot of mobs. These monsters are the demons often seen in the abyss hell. Some of them are in groups of three or five, and some are alone. They live in this maze-like cave;

The increase in the difficulty of the copy will not affect the terrain. The topographic map of the copy of the abyss shadow has been painted by others, so Song Jian is familiar with it. After more than half an hour, Song Jian came to the first BOSS guardian. The place.
