I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 893: Mobs

After entering the copy light gate, Song Jian stunned his eyes and couldn't help closing his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to an underground cave;

The cave is surrounded by thick rock walls. Under the rock walls are hot magma flowing constantly. The temperature in the air is at least 60 degrees. If the flame resistance is lower than 50, it will automatically lose blood when entering the copy. , Not to mention dabbling, not even being able to stand;

Song Jian's location is a cave with only a dozen square meters. At the entrance of the aisle, an abyss demon with a height of more than three meters is sleeping and holding a iron pestle, his voice is shaking;

This is a gatekeeper mob. To really start the copy, you must kill the mob. However, the forty mob in front of him has a blood value of more than 130,000 points, which is more than four. Ten-level elite BOSS is even higher;

This little monster named Abyss Pioneer is also very good. Compared with the elite boss, it has almost no difference except for a few skills. A swipe of the iron pestle can cause hundreds or even thousands of points. Damage, you can drop a crispy professional in a couple of times;

This is the quality of the copy inspection entering the copy team. If you can't even beat it, then you still obediently leave, so as not to lose your life here;

When Song Jian waved the sky sword with his right hand, dozens of radiant spirit swords, like Ruyan returning home, crossed the arc of the aisle in the air and flew towards the abyss pioneer;

Boom, boom, boom ~

Each Spirit Sword can cause more than 1,800 points of damage, and some can even jump out of more than 3,000 critical hits. After more than ten Spirit Swords have been bombarded, this little monster's status bar is hung " The effect of "deepening the damage", and the subsequent damage of the spirit sword suddenly increased to more than 2,000 points;

Wan Jian Fei Xian was completely released, and the abyss pioneer with more than 100,000 points of blood value suddenly became residual blood, with less than 10,000 points of blood value;

After the qi and blood value is lower than 5%, all the attributes of the Abyss Pioneer are greatly reduced, and the movement speed is also reduced to 40%. Seeing Song Jian, he growls and waves his iron pestle, and wants to pounce on Song Jian;

However, its movement seemed to slow down three times. Song Jian held the Sky Sword, and stood up, the figure flipped, and Sky Sword continued to chop on the Abyss Pioneer, and this attack speed decreased by one. The big mobs, without even touching the corner of Song Jian's clothes, were cut to the ground;

The huge body collapsed, the iron pestle in his hand smashed the hard lava ground into a large pit, and several blue, green-quality loot burst out;

Song Jianshun picked it up and found that most of it was some forged materials, but one of the blue-quality items had excellent attributes;

"Lava crystal nucleus, forged material, use effect 1: forging one of the materials of high-quality equipment, can increase the power of forging! Use effect 2: can be used on elemental creatures, improve the level and grade of the creature! Use requirements: Junior Blacksmith / Elemental Creature "

Song Jian smiled slightly and threw it directly to the elemental grunt who slept loudly in the space of battle pets, and the grunt who slept loudly seemed to feel something delicious, but it did not move. The thick mud of the fingers rolled like a tentacle, wrapping the lava nuclei thrown into the pet space of the war, and slowly retracted it back;

Gao, Gao ~

A grunt with two eyes closed, his mouth squirming slightly, and subconsciously chewing, he quickly crushed this blue-quality lava crystal nuclei like a snack and swallowed it into his stomach;

A thick breath emanated from Guru, which originally had only 35 levels of Guru, and the level jumped three times in succession to reach 38.

"This thing should be like the dragon scale fruit, it is a treasure that can raise the pet of war!" Song Jian secretly said, after closing the space of the pet of war, he continued to move forward;

The soil element Guru is different from the black dragon. The black dragon will fall asleep only when it is seriously injured. It is usually unwilling to stay in the pet space. If it stays for a long time, it will also drop intimacy. , Let the black dragon breathe out, but the elemental grunt will not be so, whether it is seriously injured or not, its favorite thing to do is to lie in the battle pet space and sleep!

After killing the "watch dog", Song Jian walked towards the passage. At this time, the whole picture of the entire lava cave was displayed in front of Song Jian.

The black pyramid is equivalent to a projection converter of the abyss hell, and after the abyss channel is opened, the black pyramid is a fortress that attacks the human world;

Song Jian has been to the abyss hell. At this time, the lava cave is almost exactly the same as the terrain in the abyss hell. Even the monsters wandering in the lava cave are the demons in the abyss hell.

Song Jian stepped up a stone bridge located on the magma river, and a three **** dog came slowly to this side.

The three **** dogs are covered with cracks, and the magma is rolling inside, which looks like blood. The surface of the **** dog's body is also covered with a thick layer of lava, and a bone spur is from the joint. It came out as if it were a sharp blade, and looked at it suddenly, thinking that it was not a living creature, but a war puppet made by a dwarf;

This huge monster that is more than three meters tall is just one of the mobs in the copy of the Abyss Shadow. Forty-two, it has a blood value of 150,000, and can also spit flames, and a wide range of flames spit. The attack range is extremely large, and everyone within a dozen meters will be attacked ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and a burning effect of thirty seconds will be added;

Don't talk about flame spitting. The burning effect is only 30 seconds. If no one can release or add blood to it, a **** crispy profession can die in despair.

When Song Jian was twenty meters away, he was discovered by the three **** dogs and snarled and rushed towards Song Jian. The mouth of the three heads was filled with a shocking flame of fire;

Huh ~

Before approaching, the cone-shaped flame spewed out from the three heads, and the temperature in the air immediately increased by more than ten degrees, and a breath of abyss was flowing freely in the air;

Although Song Jian's flame was very high, he didn't want to endure such hot burning. With his heart moving, the ice shield of the jewelry deformation orb appeared on the surface of his body.

The ice shield of 3,000 defenses persisted for five seconds in the flames of flames before it broke. At this time, Song Jian's Wan Jian Jue had been released, and dozens of magic swords were in the flames. Walking through, fiercely bombarded the three **** dogs.
