I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 892: Abyss Shadow

Song Jian looked at the back of the black dragon's disappearance, and frowned. It seemed that he planned to stay in front of that weird dragon head tree during this time.

"Does it mean that dragon scale fruit is helpful to it, so that it wants to keep guarding it in front of the dragon head tree?" Song Jian secretly said, "And just now it still faintly made me not to say its position, could it say In order to keep the secret of the dragon head monster tree from the red dragon Igunia? "

Song Jian did not know the effectiveness of the dragon head tree, but he felt that the effect of the dragon head tree on the dragon family should be much larger than he thought;

Hunted a dominating boss, and Song Jian ’s “Sword of the Immortal” mission was one-tenth completed. The dominating boss was not so easy to find. The emergence of a dominating boss, It means that its tens of kilometers are its territory. Within this range, there will not be another dominant monster;

The low-level sparring areas have been explored, and high-level monster areas, ordinary players do not dare to go too far, so if you want to find a master-level BOSS, you can only do it yourself.

The City of Hope is being built step by step. Song Jian doesn't need to worry about everything. The presence of the seal of the city allows him to control all situations at any time.

A few days later, it is time for the territorial expansion battle. This time, the territory of the City of Hope Alliance will be expanded again. According to the previous expansion speed, after this expansion, the huge black pyramid in the center of the city, To be included in the city of hope.

The mystery, which is the copy in the player's mouth, cannot be automatically part of the territory during the territorial expansion battle. If you want to include the copy as part of the territory, you must challenge the copy when the territory expands to the location of the copy. The real difficulty, after the clearance, the copy will become a part of the territory. At that time, the player will have two options to destroy the copy and include the copy;

Destroying a copy completely destroys this copy, and it will never appear again. After the abyss demon shadow expansion film was opened, some of the abyss copies when the territory of the city of hope expanded, all were destroyed. This is a death order issued by Song Jian, although This caused some players to be dissatisfied, but Song Jian's will was resolute and suppressed all opposition voices.

You know, in the abyss demon shadow expansion film, these abyss copies of the black pyramids are all the channels from the future abyss **** to the main plane of the game. At that time, these copies will be transformed into military camps connecting the abyss hell, for the invading army Provide continuous logistics support;

This information is unavailable to ordinary players. Song Jian also obtained this information after entering the abyss hell; therefore, no copy of the abyss exists in the city of hope. Once the black pyramid is cleared on the real difficulty, it will be directly destroyed. Already.

This is actually a player in the city of hope. To get a copy of the equipment, you need to go deeper outside the city of hope;

This huge black pyramid in front of me is the largest copy of the entire city of doomsday. The maximum number of people allowed to enter is forty, and there are also four difficulties, simple, ordinary, difficult and true;

The first two difficulties have been attacked by the players of the city of hope, but the difficulty has not yet been cleared, and they have failed a dozen times or even killed a few people, resulting in a long time. A copy of the shadow of the abyss, fearing a tiger;

"Citylord, if we can't clear the real difficulty, our territorial expansion campaign will be very difficult!" Wang Qi said in a dilemma;

Now all the other alliances in the city of Doom have retreated. Even the temples have wisely withdrew from the city of Doom and went to other regions for development. Other alliances have either directly merged into the cities of hope. Or, like the temples of the gods, left the city of the doomsday, hoping that the city of hope unified the entire city of the doomsday, it is only a matter of time;

The copy of the abyss in front of me is the biggest obstacle to the unification of the city of hope;

After a few days of rest, Song Jian felt that his bones were a bit itchy. Looking at the huge black pyramid in the distance, Song Jian nodded and said, "I'll go and explore again, and if I can, I'll clear it directly. ! "

As soon as Wang Qi heard it, his face suddenly showed a surprised look: "City Master, there are forty copies, there are only six bosses. We have so far not even the youngest in difficulty ..."

"I know, just go in and investigate, if it doesn't work, I will quit, and then everyone will try again!" Song Jian waved his hand and said;

With his current strength, forty players in the 30s and 30s are not his combined enemy. Once Wan Jianjue is put on display, it is even more terrifying than missiles;

And it's too difficult to kill Song Jian now. Even if he can sneak attack Song Jian, but after the enemy of death triggers, he can directly hide into the broken kingdom of God, which is almost as unsolvable as the Paladin's Hearthstone return to the city;

After clearing up, Song Jian came to the abyss demon shadow copy in the center of the city. This is a fifth-level copy. The entire pyramid, which is as high as 100 meters, stands in the center of the city, and Song Jian came close to find this huge Pyramid, which is more than one foot above the ground, floats on the ground, and the entire surface of the pyramid is mirror-like, without a gap, or even the portal.

The weight of such a huge pyramid is probably more than 10 million tons, but in Song Jian's eyes, it feels like a phantom, which is not very real;

In fact, these copies of the black pyramid that suddenly appeared after the expansion was opened are actually all projections of the abyss hell. Only when the abyss channel is opened will these projections become real;

Song Jian walked towards the Black Pyramid. As soon as he approached, several options appeared before him;

System: Do you enter the abyss (5th level) mystery? To enter ~ www.novelhall.com ~, please choose the challenge level, simple, normal, difficult and true;

System: This copy can only be challenged once in seven days. Once entered, the next entry time after coming out is seven days later;

In Song Jian's eyes, of the four challenge levels, only the first three are lit, the real difficulty is gray, and the real difficulty will only be opened if the difficulty difficulty copy is cleared;

This is a game setting, which is the same no matter what mystery;

Song Jian directly chose the difficulty and was ready to enter the copy;

After the selection, from the corner of the Black Pyramid, a section of metal steps was slowly extended out to the ground. This is the only way to enter the copy. It will only appear after the difficulty is selected;

Song Jian stepped up the steps and walked towards the inside of the pyramid step by step. At the end of the steps was a light gate that was constantly rolling with black breath. Quickly, Song Jian's figure disappeared into the light gate;
