I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 891: Confrontation

In the dragon family, the young dragon will always be accompanied by an adult dragon. Until adulthood, ordinary people cannot reach the young dragon at all, but in this special place in the city of Doom, the adult black dragon has been killed by the dragon-slayer. Song Jian picked up a bargain and signed a war pet contract with a newly hatched black dragon;

In fact, it is very difficult to sign a contract with the Dragons, but the power of the game system makes the Dragons have no power to fight back. Song Jian easily signed a pet contract with the young Black Dragon.

"The dragon's growth cycle is too long, and signing a contract with the baby dragon is not something a wise person would do!" Ms. Red Dragon grew more impatient and said, "Give up the black dragon cub, and let me bring it back Raising and growing up in the clan, if it is willing to come back and fight with you when it is an adult, the dragon will not stop! "

Song Jian suddenly discovered that the ancient Red Dragon in front of him seemed to have changed his attitude slightly. He had been anxious to kill Song Jian, but now he can explain to Song Jian with patience.

But in any case, his black dragon pet is untenable;

"Sorry, the Black Dragon is not with me now!" Song Jian sighed, and said, "It's now ..."

At that moment, a dragon's voice suddenly sounded in the sky. Song Jian turned his head and saw that the black dragon pet returned from the poisonous swamp. The dragon's voice interrupted Song Jian's words just now. It didn't seem to want Song. Jian revealed his affair in the poisonous swamp;

The speed of the black dragon is extremely fast. After a while, he has already fallen down, standing next to Song Fitness, a pair of golden eyes, staring at Ms. Red Dragon, revealing a bad look.

Ms. Red Dragon stared at the Black Dragon for a long time, with an incredible look on her face: "This, how is this possible, it, is it not a baby dragon, why, how can it grow to ..."

Forty-five lord level boss, this is not a strength that a young dragon can have. The current black dragon has already grown up, although it is still young, it is now a young dragon, and its current strength is already comparable to Those adult dragons who have lived for hundreds of years.

The Black Dragon has only a first-order combat power, and its strength is fundamentally different from that of Ms. Red Dragon Aigonia, but when the Black Dragon faces Aegonia, she does not back away at all, but growls loudly towards her;

Igunia stared at the black dragon and talked with it using the ancient dragon language. Almost all the inheritance of the dragons was hidden in the blood. As the age increased, the knowledge in the blood was developed step by step;

Dragon language is a skill that Dragons have been born with since birth. From the moment of birth, all pure blood dragons will use Dragon language; Black Dragon began to talk with Ms. Red Dragon in Dragon language.

Although Song Jian did not know what they were talking about, she could also guess that Ms. Red Dragon was apparently persuading Black Dragon to leave with her and return to the Dragon family.

If Ms. Red Dragon really insisted that the Black Dragon follow her to leave, Song Jian would have no choice but to cancel the pet contract with the Black Dragon. After all, compared to a pet, the city of hope is more important in his mind. some;

Ms. Red Dragon, who has the third-order peak combat power, wants to destroy a city, it is a breeze. Any incident that destroys the city in the game can almost be related to the dragon clan;

The two dragons talked for a long time in the language of the dragon, and Ms. Red Dragon seemed to be a little impatient, screamed aloud, lifted the human form, and returned to the appearance of a dragon.

The body of hundreds of meters exudes a horrifying power. The surrounding players and NPCs fled back. They couldn't resist Long Wei, and even more people even fell down on their knees, motionless;

Wang Qi also insisted on gritting his teeth, and the cold sweat kept flowing down, but he did not step back;

Comparatively speaking, Song Jian seemed much calmer. The figure stood straight, like a sharp sword, and a wisp of strong sword air, emanating from him. The terrifying Long Wei was like the waves coming at him , And he turned into a reef, smashing the waves coming on his face into pieces;

The Black Dragon did not flinch in the slightest in front of the huge red dragon, but instead snarled at her for a while, and it seemed that the two were not talking smoothly;

Soon, Red Dragon's eyes locked on Song Jian's body, and a low voice sounded in Song Jian's mind: "Human, do yourself a favor!"

After speaking, the red dragon spread its wings and set off a gust of wind. The huge body quickly flew up. After making a circle around the city of hope, it turned around and flew away;

But at this moment, a tender dragon yell suddenly sounded in the city of Doom, the red dragon that had been about to leave stopped, and looked doubtfully toward the area outside the territory of the city of hope;

A young dragon full of gray scales, less than two meters in length, fluttered with flapping wings and flew towards the red dragon;

"Again, another dragon? Or a young dragon?" Song Jian couldn't help but exclaim, if you did n’t kill an ancient black dragon here, this abandoned city would not There are dragons;

Song Jian remembered that there were three dragon eggs at the time, one of which was broken when he entered, and the other was turned into a stone ball and lost the ability to breed and hatch;

Looking at the dragon cub with soil properties in front of him, Song Jian suddenly felt that this should be the young dragon that had hatched after turning into a stone ball.

"At that time, I clearly felt that the dragon egg turned into a stone ball had no sign of life ..." Song Jian was full of doubts, and even planned to take another look at the building where the black dragon was used as a temporary nest.

The red dragon Aigonia also showed a surprised look. She did not expect to initially bring the black dragon back to the ethnic group, but was rejected by the black dragon directly. She originally thought that she would return empty-handed. There is still another baby dragon hidden.

In the midst, the black dragon seemed to feel that the dragon had blood links with himself, and his eyes looked toward the skinny dragon.

The dragon had a grey eye and a glance at the black dragon, and soon flew to the back of the red dragon, and fell down quietly.

After a while, the figure of the red dragon disappeared into the sky ~ www.novelhall.com ~ This made everyone relieved;

"Hoo ~" Wang Qi covered his face with cold sweat. After Red Dragon left, he sat on the ground with a big **** and panted heavily. Others were away when Red Dragon revealed Long Wei, only Wang Qi was unwilling to step back He doesn't have the strength of Song Jian, he can stand in place, relying on his tenacity to die, and almost urinate his pants;

After seeing the Red Dragon leave, the Black Dragon turned his head toward Song Jian and nodded, then spread his wings and flew towards the poisonous swamp;

Song Jian glanced at the pet interface, Black Dragon is still his own pet, and his intimacy has improved a bit, and now it has become 78 points;

"What is this guy thinking about?" Song Jian frowned slightly, and whispered to himself.


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