I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 890: Ancient Red Dragon

Killed a dominance boss, refining his refining skills to level six, level 40, and stuffing all kinds of forty items in the parcel box, but the pet, the black dragon, remained in the show Poisonous swamp, Song Jian does not know whether he has made a profit or lost.

Back at the Manor Castle, all the items that Song Jian will get are thrown into the League of Alliances warehouse. You know, there are not many players who can hunt monsters above the forty level now;

Seeing that there were so many more than forty-level equipment in the Battle League warehouse, Wang Qi knew that Song Jian was back and hurried to the manor castle.

"City Lord, how did you raise your rank to the next level in less than a day?" Wang Qi asked directly.

You must know that upgrading from level 39 to level 40 requires more combat experience than level 30 to level 39. Ordinary players need to stay at level 39 for at least one or two months before they have Chance to rise to level 40;

"Nothing, just sweep all the monsters in the poisonous swamp." Song Jian laughed;

"The monster of the entire poisonous swamp ..." Wang Qi was a little speechless. You must know that the poisonous swamp is tens of kilometers in area, let alone the monster, or the poisonous mist that pervades the entire swamp. Yes, so few people are willing to go to the poisonous swamp to upgrade the monsters;

Wang Qike didn't believe that the monsters in the poisonous swamp would let Song Jian hunt and kill without resistance, and Song Jian's speed could walk through every inch of the entire poisonous swamp in less than a day;

Song Jian smiled, and began to talk about his passing in the poisonous swamp. Hearing that the poisonous swamp really had the control-level boss, Wang Qi couldn't help but exclaim.

When the two were chatting, there was a sudden burst of Long Yin over the city of hope. Song Jian was pleased, but soon he discovered that the Long Yin above his head was not issued by the Black Dragon.

The dragon yin was full of majesty, the voice was low and husky, but the dragon yin from the black dragon was much clearer.

Along with this dragon chant, a harsh alarm sounded in the city of hope, and almost all the magic crystal railguns aimed at the big guy in the air;

Song Jian and Wang Qi stared at each other, and they walked out of the manor castle and looked into the air;

In the sky, a huge black shadow covers the sky. This is a horrible beast that is more than 100 meters long, with wings spread, and more than 200 meters, covered with scarlet scales, under the sun. Glittering as if burning red flames all over the body.

"Third, third-tier combat power!" Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look. If it was only a dragon with second-tier combat power, he still had the confidence to deal with it. With the defense of the entire city of hope, maybe There is still a chance to kill it;

But third-order combat power, this has exceeded the limit that Song Jian can deal with!

Other players don't know what terrible power this dragon has over their heads, but they can't breathe because of the terrifying power it emits.

The red light flashed, and the horrible beast suddenly disappeared, replaced by a lady wearing a red robe with two dragon horns on her head.

The lady was so quietly floating in the air, and behind her, at least two cups of meat wings were larger than her body, spreading like a cape;

Watching a red dragon transform into a human form, Song Jian could not help but groaned: "Damn, the ancient red dragon!"

Seeing the red dragon changing into an adult form, Song Jian's last thought of confrontation was also eliminated. The existence of such a horror is not what Song Jian can deal with at all;

"Is it that you imprisoned one of my kins, and treated it as a humiliating fighting pet?" Ms. Red Dragon, as if going down the steps, stepped down in the air and stood in front of Song Fitness.

Her eyes were like a pair of bright rubies, staring at Song Jian tightly, exuding a savage killing;

"Small humans, noble dragons, are not something you can provoke. If you don't want to destroy the city, quickly summon the poor black dragon and let me take it away ..." Ms. Red Dragon said ;

At this point, the city defense forces of the City of Hope have begun to be convened. A NPC army of thousands of people appeared in front of everyone. Each NPC guardian has a level of 50 and has first-order combat power. .

At the same time, a magic crystal railgun also slowly turned around and aimed at Ms. Red Dragon. With a single order, the magic crystal railgun can level the surroundings;

For these threats, Ms. Red Dragon did not seem to care about it, and even a hint of irony appeared in the dark red eyes.

Song Jian frowned, and summoned the Lord of the City directly, issued an order to understand the scattered city defense forces, and then reset all the magic crystal railguns into a state of alert, not ready to fire;

Song Jian has 100% control of the entire city and can easily mobilize all resources in the city;

After seeing Song Jian's action, Ms. Red Dragon sneered and said, "Why, can't the defensive strength of this city make you feel at ease?"

"For a third-tier combat force and an ancient dragon who can transform into an adult form, this newly constructed city does not threaten your power at all!" Song Jian said to Ms. Red Dragon, "No Know if I can qualify for your name, dear lady! "

"My name is Igunia, an ancient red dragon who has lived for three thousand years!" Said the proudly red lady in a red-red robe;

"Dear Aigonia ~ www.novelhall.com ~ I'm Song Jian, the owner of this city!" Song Jian said, "I do have a black dragon pet, but this is not something I obtained by despicable means. Yes, when it was very small, we had already concluded a covenant to fight together! "

"As far as I know, even the ancient Dragons have once been fighting with humans. Some Dragons will even become human mounts, so humans will have a profession like Dragon Knight!" Song Jian said in a deep voice: " But why can't I have a black dragon as a combat partner? "

"The thing you said does exist. As long as you can get humans recognized by the Dragons, you can get the friendship of the Dragons and help them fight in the short life of humans!" Ms. Red Dragon frowned slightly, it seemed a little impatient, but she still explained Tao: "But this kind of thing can only happen between humans and adult dragons, and you have bewitched a young dragon and signed a combat covenant with it when it was young. This is not allowed by the dragons. , This will limit its growth! "

"Can't you sign a battle alliance contract with Youlong?" Song Jian said for a moment, he had never heard of such a thing.
