I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 889: Primary pharmacy

The black dragon, which has become larger in size, is like the overlord of the entire swamp, flying in the air, constantly making a sound of deterrent dragons.

After cruising in the air for a while, the black dragon slowly fell towards the highly toxic lake, with strong corrosive damage in the lake. Even the dragon's scale defense could not be broken. The black dragon slowly landed into the lake. Walked towards the dragon head strange tree in the middle of the lake;

Walking to the middle of the lake, the black dragon even started to tear up the leaves of the strange tree with a big mouth, swallowed it into the stomach, and finally stopped the black dragon until it ate almost half of the leaves of the dragon's strange tree.

Boom ~

From the surface of the black dragon's body, a fierce flame ignited, and soon the flame began to spread along the lake surface. Within a short time, the entire lake surface was burning with a raging fire;

Song Jian frowned slightly. After taking the dragon scale fruit, the strength of the black dragon increased greatly. Before, it did not have the ability to burn the entire lake, but Song Jian did not understand why the black dragon now does this;

It didn't take long for the lake to boil, and the thick poisonous mist rose from the burning lake. Song Jian could not help but take a few steps back. The poisonous mist's damage was slightly weaker than that of the two-headed poison sting, but it was also weakly limited. , Once ordinary creatures approach, they will be directly poisoned to death;

The flames were rising, and the water level in the poisonous lake was slowly falling. It seemed that the black dragon wanted to dry up the entire lake.

The poisonous mist in the sky slowly spread out in all directions. The water in the poisonous lake was quickly dried up under the continuous burning of the flames;

A large pit appeared in front of Song Jian, and the flame at the bottom of the pit was still not extinguished, the flames were burning, and the black dragon's huge body was lying under the dragon head strange tree, motionless;

Song Jian sank in his heart. It seemed that the black dragon wanted to stay under the dragon-headed monster tree, and he did not want to leave, as if he was to act as the guardian of the dragon-headed monster tree, like the two-headed poison owl;

Opening the battle pet interface and glancing at it, the black dragon is still his own pet, but even so, it did not reassure Song Jian. When the knight of the dawn of the dawn was still his follower, he was Cecilia. Fudged to the Temple of Dawn, and then directly separated from Song Jian's follower status and became a true knight of Dawn;

The current black dragon may not be the case. After guarding the dragon head strange tree for a while, it will become a dominance BOSS like the two-headed poison owl, and then keep guarding it, and it will no longer be Song Jian's pet.

Song Jian wanted to take the Black Dragon back into the battle pet space, but as soon as he moved this idea, he saw that the Black Dragon opened his eyes, a pair of golden eyes, looked at him coldly, and his intimacy began to drop madly, scared. Song Jian quickly dispelled this idea;

In less than three seconds, the intimacy of the Black Dragon has dropped from eighty-nine to sixty-three. If Song Jian's hand is slower, I am afraid that it will directly fall below the beloved line of war pets;

"Damn, what's so good about this broken tree, is it worth your protection?" Song Jian cursed in his heart: "I should have cut this tree directly if I knew it!"

Song Jian had been waiting for more than half an hour. The black dragon showed no signs of leaving the dragon head strange tree at all, it seemed as if he had fallen asleep.

The entire poisonous lake has turned into a sea of ​​fire. Under the blazing fire, the dragon head monster didn't even show any signs of roasting, it looks very magical.

Song Jian had no choice but to leave here and run towards the location of the old dwarf;

After Song Jian mastered the Wan Jian Fei Xian decision, the role of the black dragon has become smaller and smaller, in most cases it is to attract the attention of the monsters, or use the dragon power to drive out the surrounding low-level monsters;

However, the potential of the Black Dragon is huge. Once it grows up, its strength will definitely not be much worse than that of Song Jian. However, Song Jian has no time and energy to cultivate at all. The growth of the Black Dragon is almost completely random;

But if the Black Dragon left like this, Song Jian always felt a bit empty;

At the edge of the swamp, the old dwarf had disappeared. When Song Jian arrived, the old dwarf slowly crawled out of a mud pit;

The monsters around were almost invisible, most of them were devoured by the poisonous lake, and the remaining part has become Song Jian's combat experience. At this time, Song Jian's combat experience has reached the level of forty-89%. If it wasn't for the last outbreak of the double-headed drug lord, Song Jian could be promoted to two consecutive ranks in one day;

At this time, he didn't know that the whole doomsday city was a sensation because of his upgrade speed, and his heart still had some resentment against the black dragon.

Seeing the old dwarf covered with mud, Song Jian directly took out ten hearts and handed them;

"Look at you, don't you seem happy?" The old dwarf took the heart whistle, glanced at Song Jian, and said, "The monsters in the swamp were all rioted, didn't you do it?"

Song Jian shook his head and said, "There is a lake in the center of the swamp, and there is a dominance BOSS there. It is made by it!"

"What, you went deep into the center of the swamp, and you saw the dominion boss?" The old dwarf shuddered, and almost fell the heart of his hands into the mud.

"You are still alive, it's really fatal!" The old dwarf shook his head, an incredible expression on his face, and then found a notebook out of his arms, and handed it to Song Jian: "This is my first contact with alchemy I take notes from time to time, I believe it will help you! "

Song Jian took over this notebook with blue light;

"Beginner's notes (blue), consumables, effects of use: can improve the user's experience in refining medicine. Use requirements: level one refining medicine;"

Taking a photo with both hands, this blue-quality notebook turned into a white light and embraced Song Jian's eyebrows. Soon, Song Jian's mind emerged a lot of knowledge about refining medicine ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and his skill bar The level of refining medicine also began to increase rapidly;

After a short while, the level of refining medicine broke through to ten, and he was awarded the title of junior refiner.

Junior Pharmacist Level 1, Junior Pharmacist Level 2 and Junior Pharmacist Level 3, ...

Song Jian's pharmaceutical technique has been upgraded to the sixth level of junior level, and then stopped slowly;

At this time, Song Jian felt that his head was hooped with an iron ring, Le's head was hurting, and the countless messages of refining medicine were like sparks. They kept flashing in his mind, a spark of sparks, Eventually it turned into a blazing flame, and Song Jian felt like his head was burned to ashes by the flame.

Do not know how long, Song Jian gave a painful moan, slowly opened his eyes, at this time, he found himself lying on the edge of the poisonous swamp, and the old dwarf pharmacist had disappeared;


PS: Thank you for "Book Friends 20191127234229646" for the 2000 starting coin. I wish you a Happy New Year and Happy Laba!