I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 888: Advanced Black Dragon

The double-headed poison cricket is a dominating BOSS, and its corpse is also of high value. Unfortunately, regardless of anatomy or collection, Song Jian's level is too low to collect any material from the BOSS corpse. Otherwise, the light The materials collected from BOSS corpses are all worth a thousand dollars;

Just when Song Jian was sighing, next to the dead body of the two-headed poison sturgeon, a plant emitting purple-golden light quickly broke through the ground, just like the grass of heart.

Soon this plant grew to over a foot tall, almost the same as Xinyucao, except that the surface color was more noble purple-gold;

At this point, the body of the two-headed poisonous boss BOSS began to shrink rapidly. It seemed that the flesh and bones were absorbed by the purple-gold plant in front of it, and it soon became a dry corpse, which was burned into a pile by the transparent flame. ash;

"Xinyucao, this turned out to be Xinyucao ..." Song Jian's fingers touched this plant, and suddenly he was speechless. The plant in front of him was also Xinyucao, but both the name and the rank were normal. There is a big difference in the words of heart;

Xinjian Cao Song Jian has collected thirty-one plants. These plants that have absorbed the flesh of BOSS exist only for a quarter of an hour. Once the time has expired and they have not been collected, they will quickly wither. I know how many heart-speaking grasses he saw, but at that time he couldn't fly down to collect them. As a result, many heart-speaking grasses were directly recovered by the system just like other items popped out by monsters;

However, it only takes ten Xinyucao to complete the task. Song Jian has already completed the task in excess. Now he only knows that Xinyucao is a material for making petrochemicals. The others are ignorant and remain in his hands. usefulness;

Song Jian intends to sell all the extra hearts and grasses to the old dwarves to see if they can exchange for some other items;

As for the strain in front of him, Song Jian hesitated for a moment, and began to collect it like other heart words and grass;

You know, with the level of Song Jian's medicinal technique, it is difficult to collect ordinary heart language grass. These plants are quite high grade, and only if they have the level of primary medicinal technique, can they be collected, but because this is a task given by the old dwarves, so The collection difficulty has been reduced a lot;

The plant in front of him is called "Xinyuwangcao", which has a higher grade. If it is normal, Song Jian doesn't want to collect the complete one, but now it is an opportunity;

"Even if it's called Wang Cao, you should belong to Xinyu Cao!" Song Jian secretly began to collect.

Sure enough, the speed of collecting this Kinggrass was only one-tenth of the speed of ordinary heart language grasses. The speed was so slow that Song Jian thought he could not collect it, and the collection progress bar moved for a long time.

For almost three minutes, Song Jiancai collected the "Heart Wing King Grass" into the parcel box.

Looking at it, the full parcel column, and sure enough, this King of Whispering Sage can't be superimposed with other ordinary Wingsweed, occupying a parcel grid by itself.

Looking at the properties, there is nothing special, just that it is a refining material, and it can increase the refining power by 10%, and at the same time increase the mutation rate by 5%. As for the refining material, there is no mention in the description. and;

After picking up all the items, Song Jian's eyes fell on the strange tree in the middle of the poisonous lake. At first, the strange tree produced three red fruits, which were eaten by two-headed poison stings. There is still a red fruit on the tree;

This dragon-headed monster tree looks very weird. The fruit can make all the monsters in the swamp become riotous, and it is also guarded by a dominated boss like a two-headed poison stinger.

Song Jian flew to the strange tree and collected the last fruit;

"Dragon scale fruit, strange treasure, use effect: can be used on creatures with dragon blood veins, has the effect of improving blood rank and level, there is a certain chance of mutation; this fruit can only swallow three in a hundred years! For other creatures Use it, it will definitely make it different! "

"It turned out to be used by war pets!" Song Jian was a little disappointed. This fruit can be used naturally as a human being, but it will trigger mutation. Song Jian does not want to become a monster with two heads;

For ordinary creatures, mutation will definitely increase their strength, but for Song Jian, such items are harmful and useless;

I am afraid that the double-headed poisonous owl has become the current picture because of eating too much dragon scale fruit, and other creatures may also pay attention to the mutation and increase their attention and want to obtain dragon scale fruit;

Looking at the two pets sleeping in the pet space, Song Jian tried it. The two pets can be used. The black dragon can use this dragon scale fruit in Song Jian's expectations, even the stone man mumbled. Song's elemental creatures could even use dragon scale fruit, which surprised Song Jian;

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian still decided to let the black dragon use this dragon scale fruit. After all, this fruit improved the creatures with dragon bloodlines a bit. Song Jian even had some vague expectations. If the black dragon could mutate into a two-headed black dragon Enough;

Holding the dragon scale fruit in his hand, and starting to use the black dragon who was sleeping in the battle pet space, the dragon scale fruit disappeared from the hand and appeared in the battle pet space;

The sleeping black dragon seemed to smell something. The nose flap was constantly flapping, and after a while, he opened the golden pupil, staring at the dragon-scale fruit floating in front of him.

An excited Long Yin sounded in Song Jian's mind. As a master, Song Jian could also feel the joy of the black dragon.

The black dragon swallowed the dragon scale fruit into the belly with one bite, not even chewing, as if the pig Bajie swallowed the ginseng fruit.

After a while, the surface of the black dragon's body appeared red blood, which was like a burning flame, wrapping the whole black dragon;

Song Jian found that the black dragon's body began to swell, and it was already a majestic and strong body, and it had begun to move towards the realm of terror;

The original height of more than three meters has now exceeded five meters, and the body length has also extended from six meters to more than ten meters. The slate-black scales on the body have also become football-sized and much thicker;

The horns on the top of the head are also more than three inches long, and the teeth and claws have become sharper, especially the pair of meat wings behind them, which have been extended by five or six meters. At the top of the meat wings, there is also a black The lacquered bone-like claws look very scary;

Level 35, Level 36, Level 37 ~ www.novelhall.com ~ As the body grows, the level of the Black Dragon continues to rise, from Level 35 to Level 45. Stopped, all attributes began to grow crazy, far exceeding ordinary elite BOSS.

Finally, a golden light bloomed from the top of the black dragon's head, and turned into a little bit of light, and the black dragon's grade was directly elevated to the lord level;

Forty-fifth Lord Boss!

Song Jian's eyes showed a joyful look, let alone, such a war pet in front of him is enough for Song Jian to walk across the doomsday city!

A high-pitched dragon groan sounded, and the black dragon seemed to be unable to stand in the pet space of the battle, and seemed a little irritable, constantly scratching the surrounding space;

Song Jian's thoughts released the black dragon from the space of the war pet, and immediately, Song Jian was enveloped by a large shadow;


PS: Thank you for the "100 Ghost Eyes" reward!