I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 887: Kill

Boom, boom, boom ~

More than a dozen swords slammed on the two-headed poisonous boss BOSS, Song Jian whispered, "Continue calling!"

Feeling the threat of Song Jian, the two-headed drug lord hesitated for a moment, finally raised his head in humiliation, roared loudly, and after a while, thousands of monsters flocked towards the poisonous lake;

Song Jian began to repeat the previous steps. At this time, a thick layer of monster corpses has been laid on the ground. Around these monster corpses, there are many items of various colors scattered. Many explosive loot slowly disappear due to time. No, this makes Song Jian very distressed to see. You must know that these items are all forty or higher. Even if they are sold to the system store, they can also sell a lot of doomsday coins, and the first echelon player level in the doomsday city. It is almost approaching the forty level, and many people will compete for it when it is thrown to the auction house.

At this time, the double-headed drug lord looks a bit sluggish, but Song Jian's vigilance on it is not slackened. Once seized by this dominant BOSS, it is likely that he will fight back against Song Jian at a critical moment. Song Jian, the enemy of death and the broken hand of the kingdom of God, was unwilling to be overturned at the last moment;

All ordinary monsters face Song Jian who can fly freely in the air. There is no way at all. If this is the case in normal times, the monsters have already scattered, but under the control of the dominating BOSS, these The monster will not even raise the idea of ​​escaping, and his life is no longer under his control.

The two-headed drug lord watched Song Jian's wanton killing of monsters on the ground escalate. His four eyes showed humiliation and hatred. The two heads looked at each other and slowly retreated toward the poisonous lake;

At this time, Song Jian, although he was constantly killing monsters and upgrading, but at least half of his attention was monitoring the every move of the double-headed drug lord, and when he saw the unicorn wanted to return to the poisonous lake, Song Jian parceled In the bar, a high-explosive grenade was found, and it was thrown towards the back of the two-headed drug lord;


With a violent explosion, the muddy swamp was suddenly blasted out of a large pit, and the action of the two-headed poisonous stinger was suddenly delayed;

The wisdom of the boss-level boss is not weaker than that of human beings. The two-headed poison boss of the dominion-level boss naturally understands what Song Jian means, and he never dares to move again. He looks desperate in his eyes. It understands that Song Jian remains Its life is to let him summon monsters in the swamp and let him slaughter, and the moment when all the monsters in the swamp are killed, then it is time to kill himself;

The cunning double-headed drug lord won't sit back and wait to see Song Jian kill all thousands of monsters again, and looks over again. The double-headed drug **** doesn't need to be threatened, he consciously raises his head and starts to summon other monsters. ;

The double-headed drug lord does not summon all the monsters in the poisonous swamp at once, only summoning a few thousand monsters each time, it is delaying time, but Song Jian does not care.

After summoning the monster, seeing that Song Jian started to brush, the two-headed drug lord began to lie on the ground, motionless, and seemed to have given up resistance.

But in fact, the two-headed drug lord dug in the dirt under him, and after a while, he dug a big hole, holding his head up, and the two-headed drug lord made a scream of sorrow, The clear white egg with mucus was secretly pulled into the large hole underneath, and then covered it with mud, no trace was visible;

Song Jian's roar attracted the attention of Song Jian. He turned his head and looked at it. He found that the surface of the poisoned head of the two-headed drug lord actually started to ignite a black flame, and his blood value dropped by hundreds or hundreds. Its current state, if it continues, I am afraid that Song Jian does not need to do anything, it will burn its own blood value;

There is something strange about BOSS, and Song Jian immediately became vigilant. At this time, the blood value of BOSS has risen to more than 50,000. When it was hit to more than 20,000 before, such an abnormality will not appear. Why is it so now? What great moves are waiting for you?

Song Jian is very concerned about his little life, and this is the first time to hunt down a master BOSS.

Seeing the BOSS rushing towards his own side, Song Jian controlled the sky-breaking sword under his feet and swept across the air to distance him from the BOSS;

Seeing Song Jian flying away, a look of ridicule appeared in the eyes of the poisonous twin heads, and he growled and roared loudly at him. It began to dance continuously and set off a lot of mud on the ground, and then it began to actively attack the surrounding monsters. I saw two dragon heads constantly biting these ordinary monsters lying on the ground and dare not move. After biting them to death, they shook their heads fiercely and threw the corpses behind them without looking at them. A glance.

After a while, dozens of monsters were killed by the two-headed poison stinger. The corpses were thrown everywhere. Song Jian frowned in the air. The action of the two-headed sting poison was really weird. I wanted to keep it more For a while, but now it seems better to kill it as soon as possible;

Wan Jianjue!

Countless spirit swords fell, and the two-headed poisonous maggots that had not had much blood had been harvested. The last blood value was harvested. The body fell suddenly, and the two unicorn dragon heads fell to the ground fiercely. Closed his eyes.

The power of the transparent soul was immediately pulled out of the body and merged into the void. Song Jian could feel that in his broken God's country, the mountains that were already full of gullies began to heal slowly.

The power of the soul of the governing BOSS is too strong. It is stronger than the strength of the soul of the ten or 100 lord-level bosses. This is not a powerful number, but a qualitative leap;

At the side of the double-headed poison urn, there are five or six items of different colors, including two pieces of dark gold quality, three pieces of silver quality, and one item that emits purple-red light;

"Epic equipment?" Song Jian's eyes brightened. You must know that the boss-level boss has a chance to drop the epic gear, but the chance is too small, and the master-level boss has a chance to drop the legend. Level items, but unfortunately, Song Jian's luck is not very good this time, he did not drop the legendary level items, only one epic level item was dropped;

Song Jian slowly fell from the air and lost the dominance of BOSS. All the monsters fled madly and escaped ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian could not upgrade the monsters as before;

On the ground, there were items dropped by monsters. Song Jian first picked up the BOSS items, and then began to select other monster items with higher levels;

After a busy period, Song Jian filled the parcel box with a large number of items left. Song Jian threw them all into the broken kingdom of God;

Good items were put away, and the rest of the gray and white items were really inconspicuous. The value of these items was too low to even earn the consumption of opening the kingdom of God. Song Jian could only make them all Lost in place

Looking at the corpse of a small-headed poisonous maggot, Song Jian secretly had a pity, and couldn't help sighing.


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