I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 886: Royal Sword Flight

Song Jian fell from the air. While he was falling, he held the Heavenly Sword and used Wanjian Jue, and then immediately used Royal Sword Technique to fly the Royal Sword again. This set was very thrilling. You know, he In the process of free fall, there is no way to control the body, which is almost equivalent to a moving target;

Fortunately, Yujian's flying speed is very fast, and it can easily avoid the poison ball attack of the two-headed poisonous sting, but it consumes too much sword gas. Every second of the sword's flight, it consumes the sword gas value. And because Skybreaking Sword is not a flying sword, it consumes twice as much sword energy as an ordinary flying sword;

Fortunately, Song Jian learned the sword after surgery, and the sword value increased by 500 points. Otherwise, it would be a bit stretched.

Song Jian flying with the sword, the monsters on the ground can no longer threaten him, and the explosive venom ball that was originally difficult to avoid using steel wings can also easily escape, which makes Song Jian even more Relax

Wan Jianjue!

In another free fall, Wan Jianjue was deployed. The blood and blood value of BOSS fell slashed. For Song Jian, whose flight speed suddenly increased, it had no choice but to bear the damage of the spirit sword again and again;

100,000, 80,000, 50,000, 30,000, ...

The two-headed poison sting was covered with tragic wounds, and there was no more arrogance like before. The neck of the dragon head on the left was broken in half, and it became difficult to lift it. .

Glancing at the already debilitating double-headed drug lord, Song Jian was preparing to harvest its last 20,000 blood values, but suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on the dense monsters around him.

These monsters were all summoned by the two-headed drug lord, even if Song Jian Yujian flew into the air, the two-headed drug lord did not disperse them.

"At this time, isn't it really suitable to harvest these monsters and increase experience?" Song Jian's mind emerged, and he immediately focused on these dense monsters around the poisonous lake;

Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue!

Dozens of spirit swords fell from mid-air, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters in a circle. After a roar, more than twenty monsters over forty turned into a corpse and burst colorful items on the ground;

A beautiful arc was drawn in the air, and Song Jian surrounded the two-headed drug lord and did not stay away. Even though the two-headed drug lord kept spraying bursting venom balls, waiting for the cooling time of Wan Jianjue;

After ten seconds, Song Jian cast Wan Jian Jue towards a crowd of monsters. The damage of the Spirit Sword was extremely high. The damage figures cascaded from the top of these monsters in the swamp. All the monsters shrouded in swords gave out a helpless roar, and they fell to the ground and turned into a corpse;

Song Jian's experience value has also begun to increase rapidly. He is still killing monsters with a level of experience bonus. The monsters below are dense and tens of thousands. There is no need to attract strange aiming, just wait for the cooldown time of Wan Jianjue. As soon as Song Jian arrives, he will just show his face towards the ground;

For one minute, two minutes, and three minutes, the blood value of the two-headed poison sting was slowly recovering. It kept chasing Song Jian in the direction of firing the venom ball, but the royal sword was flying very fast and it could be in a blink of an eye. Flying out of the poisonous mist range after the venom ball exploded, the two-headed poison sting now can't do any harm to Song Jian;

The other monsters on the ground fell to the ground piece by piece, the bodies were crisscrossed, and the explosive items were scattered on the ground. Song Jian even saw that several hearts and grasses grew from the ground and swayed in the wind. It seems that while killing the monsters, he killed a lot of elite bosses. In this way, even the old dwarf's task has been successfully completed. Just wait until the end to continue collecting.

The monsters on the ground fell like wheat, and after a while, Song Jian heard a "ding" system prompt, and after looking at the level, it really reached 40.

For the extra skill point, Song Jian directly added to the sword skill, and raised the sword skill to level 2;

Royal Sword Skill (Passive), Level 2 Skill effects: Sword Qi +600, Royal Sword +3, when using other skills of the sword fairy profession, the power is increased by 35%, the Royal Sword can fly and the flight speed is +1;

Upgraded to Level 2 of Royal Sword Art, the sword Qi value increased by 100 points, the power of Wan Jianjue increased by 5%, and at the same time an additional "flying speed +1" attribute;

Song Jian felt that flying speed +1 was equivalent to a 10% increase in flying speed, which made Song Jian's Royal Sword flying faster, but it also became more difficult to control;

Brushing is still going on. The higher the level, the more combat experience you need, and the more difficult it is to improve. However, at this time, most monsters on the ground are higher than Song Jian. At least they are two or three levels, some even It's five or six levels higher than Song Jian, and the experience of killing monsters is also very rich. With the addition of almost brainless output now, Song Jian is now brushing up, which is safe and comfortable, but it only needs to pay attention to the double-headed poison sting Nothing more

At this point, the blood value of the double-headed poison sting has recovered to more than 50,000 points, and many wounds on his body have begun to solidify and heal slowly. The monster of the master class has extremely strong vitality and the wound healing speed is extremely fast. For a period of time, it will be restored as soon as possible;

Seeing Song Jian killing the monsters it summoned, the eyes of the two-headed poison owl showed a sly look. He lay on the ground and did not continue to attack Song Jian. Instead, he continued to restore his injuries to the surrounding monsters. The screams turned a deaf ear, it seemed that it was the intention to use the lives of these ordinary monsters in exchange for recovery time;

The poisonous swamp center that has never appeared from the player, there is a constant roar of explosions. The monster's body is paved on the ground and looks around. The poisonous lake is surrounded by monsters' bodies. Endless, shocking.

No matter how many monsters there are, there will always be a time to finish them. After more than two hours, Song Jian has felt a little tired, and thousands of monsters have been brushed by Song Jian. I can't see a living monster.

At this point, Song Jian's level has also been upgraded to a forty-level 78%. If it is usual, with so much experience, Song Jian must continuously brush for at least one month. I did not expect that it only took more than two hours now. It's finished ~ www.novelhall.com ~ At this time, the blood value of the double-headed poisonous maggot has recovered to more than 100,000 points. I saw that all the surrounding monsters have been wiped out by Song Jian. The drug lord also became a little flustered;

Song Jian glanced at it, and used Wan Jianjue to attack it. The injured two-headed poisonous **** suddenly became angry and raised his head to spit out a venom ball, but Song Jian easily avoided it.

Song Jian, who had shown his ten thousand swords, stepped on the sky-breaking sword and flew to a place dozens of meters away from the poison sting, using his eyes to signal it to continue to summon monsters;

The two-headed drug lord seemed to understand the meaning of Song Jian, and there was a smell of humiliation in his eyes, and he yelled at Song Jian, a gray poisonous smoke, sprayed towards Song Jian;

Song Jian's eyes flashed a flash of color, controlling the sky-breaking sword to fly into the air, a little under his foot, rising into the air, holding the sky-breaking sword, continued to perform Wan Jianjue, and killed the past toward the BOSS;


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor ~