I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 877: exchange

This vending machine is almost the same as the vending machine on the street in the real world. If Song Jian is not in a starry sky, I'm afraid I won't pay attention to this thing at all;

Most players do n’t have much points. Soon they redeemed the items that they could exchange for and left here. Only a few players with more points still hesitated before the vending machine.

"I only have 32 points to exchange for a dark gold weapon, but unfortunately, if only a few more points are enough, I can exchange for an epic weapon!" A rogue professional player, watching He said with envy at the variety of goods on the vending machine;

"Weapons? None of these weapons can bring out the real world. It ’s better to buy more attribute fruits, one point can be redeemed for one attribute fruit, how cheap, think about it, if you have thirty-two more agility attributes than others Point, what kind of situation will it be, completely crushed! "The companion next to him advised;

"Unfortunately, if you have more points, you can redeem those epic and even legendary skills. That is the thing to quickly improve your strength!"

Watching a few players next to the vending machine discussing, Song Jian suddenly understood that the function of the vending machine in front of him should be similar to that of entering the game and seeing the doomsday supermarket, but it should be regarded as a simplified version of the doomsday supermarket.

Song Jian saw that this vending machine can display fifty items at a time, all of which are not easily available to the player, and the fifty items will refresh every ten seconds, and another fifty items will appear. Song Jian stood here for five or six minutes before seeing the cargo interface for the first time before;

"There are at least a thousand kinds of goods here!" Song Jian murmured in his heart;

In addition to the items sold by this vending machine, there are some precious professional heritages, including epic and even legendary professional heritages, but the prices of these professional heritages are very high, and the lowest requires 100 points.

"Unfortunately, I just heard a player say that someone had previously redeemed an epic career lineup. It is said to be very powerful and really enviable!"

"It seems that many people know the content of this trial. They even know the price of items sold in this vending machine. They are not directed at the last one, but at a certain item in the vending machine! "

"Everything here is unique. If you don't have it, you can't buy it!"

"Unfortunately, have you seen that item, it is probably the most precious one here, but the price is too high, I am afraid no one can buy it at all!"

"Well, five hundred points, it is necessary to kill everyone who enters the space. How is this possible? I guess it will be put there and let us take a look!"

"A broken one is so expensive, you say, how much would it cost if it was complete?"

"It is impossible to have completeness, but that is what the gods can have. We prisoners are not qualified to obtain it. Even if it is obtained, it is also the source of trouble. Haven't you heard of your husband's wall?"

"Yeah, yeah, even if this is broken, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of people's greedy eyes ..."

"Well, would anyone who can exchange this item care about this?"

"It's also like, five hundred points, this can't be traded. It's impossible to eliminate five hundred people. How is this possible ..."

Song Jian pretended to be a passerby and stood aside to listen to the discussions of these players. In the assessment space, they were competitors, but leaving the assessment space, they were able to share information together like companions;

Song Jian naturally knows what items they are talking about. Here, the most precious item is to count a legendary item, "Broken Kingdom", which sells for 500 points;

This is a kingdom of gods that has fallen. With less than a third of the area remaining, it is the most expensive item in it.

Song Jian now has 530 points. Not only can he get this item, the remaining 30 points can also be purchased for a golden skill point.

However, Song Jian is not in a hurry right now. Almost all players are paying attention to this item. If he buys this "broken kingdom" now, he can be guessed by several other players immediately;

I have been waiting for more than half an hour. These players have not left yet. It seems that they want to record all the items in this vending machine. One player even took out a camera-like item and kept shooting. Item interface of the vending machine.

After waiting another ten minutes, the remaining few people also left the space one by one. In the end, only Song Jian and the player holding the camera to take pictures were left;

After he had photographed everything, he grinned at Song Jian and asked, "Brother, what good thing do you see? Do you need to keep it so secret?"

Song Jian was startled, but he didn't show anything on his face, but just smiled and said, "There are too many good things, but I haven't chosen them yet. Which one do I want to exchange?"

"Oh, so many brothers have a lot of points?" The man put the camera away and pointed at the vending machine and started to talk about it: "My name is Hao Da. How many points do the brothers have, can you tell me easily? Something, I also remembered it, I can refer it to my brother! "

"If you only have a few points or dozens of points, anyway, if you are below 30, you might as well buy all the attribute fruits, and add a little points to a few attributes, which is the most cost-effective product. You know, now there is an attribute outside How much is the fruit? 500,000 yen, and there is still no price, it is the best deal to buy this! "

"If you have thirty points, the most cost-effective ones are those dark gold-quality skills that will definitely increase your strength to a huge level ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Also, if your points can exceed five Ten o'clock, you see, it's the most cost-effective of all fifty to eighty points ... "

Song Jian just didn't care at first, just listened casually, but soon, his face showed a surprised look. The person in front of him really analyzed the thousands of goods on the vending machine. Although there are several places that are not suitable for Song Jian, what he said is to meet the needs of most players;

"Thirty points is still this golden skill point, which is best for me. After all, Wan Jianjue's promotion is really too difficult!" Song Jian secretly said.

Wan Jianjue has been upgraded to the fourth level, and now wanting to upgrade one level, at least a dozen dark gold skills, a little gold skill point, here is equivalent to a dozen dark gold skills, and thirty points Redeem here, you can only redeem a dark gold quality skill;

Song Jian turned his head to look at Hao Da, and said secretly in his heart: "This person is a personal talent, he is just the material of natural intelligence analysis!"


PS: Thanks to "keepo" for the 1000 starting coins.