I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 876: reward

Song Jian ’s Xuanyue Streaming Sword skill start has been made, but before the skill is released, Gasos has disappeared and the skill release has failed;

Even if it was one second later, Song Jian could leave Gasos, but unfortunately, the other party was too determined, as if he had practiced it in his heart hundreds of times.

Song Jian shook his head, but he is just an NPC professional. He may never meet again in the future, even if he stays, it does n’t make much sense;

After killing the Guardian BOSS, it did not burst any items, but Song Jian's points sharply increased by 500 points to 530;

No matter from the final score or points, Song Jian is now the well-deserved first person;

Standing in the middle of the island, Song Jian knew that he had obtained the qualification for the only profession, but there was no sound around him, and there were no visions or system prompts;

The virulent halo around is still shrinking fast, and the shrinking speed at this time is more than ten times faster than when entering the game.

Soon, the poisonous halo had already spread over the lake. Monsters at the bottom of the lake all floated to the surface, struggling with pain and pain, but soon all these monsters were killed by the poisonous halo;

Song Jian felt a little frightened. At this time, the whole city was afraid that only living creatures were left.

When the aura of aura spread to the edge of the island, the contraction speed suddenly began to slow down. When the aura of aura was less than ten meters away from Song Jian, it finally stopped;

At this moment, the ever-changing weapon light and shadow over the island turned into a sword and fell towards Song Jian;

At this time, the delayed system prompt finally sounded in Song Jian's ear;

System: Player Song Jian wins the final victory and has the only professional sword fairy to qualify!

The moment the system prompt sounded, the descending speed of Jianxian Feijian above his head suddenly increased a lot. When it was less than ten meters away from Song Jian, it suddenly turned into a bright golden light spot, which was crowded into Song Jian's heart

Suddenly, Song Jian's system prompt bar was beating continuously like a waterfall;

System: You have been recognized as the only professional sword fairy, and you have the qualification to obtain the sword fairy profession;

System: The only professional qualification assessment reward is about to be issued. It will be detected that the player has the sword fairy qualification. The reward will be randomly distributed to the sword fairy core professional skills!

System: It is detected that the player already possesses the core skill of the sword fairy "Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue", so the reward excludes the skill "Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue"!

System: It is detected that the player already has the sword fairy core skill "Imperial Sword Art (Incomplete)". Will the random reward be changed to "Imperial Sword Art"? Please make a decision within ten seconds;

System: ten, nine, eight, seven, ...

"Incomplete Imperial Sword Technique?" Song Jian froze for a moment, remembering the previously acquired skill "Lunch of Imperial Sword Technique"!

This skill has improved Song Jian's sword strength. Otherwise, Song Jian's upper limit of sword strength is still only one hundred points.

"Choose Royal Sword Technique!" Song Jian immediately made a choice;

A golden light flashed, and the "Lunch of the Sword Technique" in Song Jian's skill bar slowly disappeared and replaced by three words "Sword of the Sword Technique" emitting purple light.

Royal Sword Skill (Passive), Level 1, Skill Effect: Sword Qi +500, Royal Sword +3, when using other skills of the sword fairy profession, the power is increased by 30%, and the Royal Sword can fly!

Royal sword skill turned out to be a passive skill, and it directly increased the sword energy value by 500 points. Now Song Jian ’s sword energy value limit has exceeded 800 points. In line with the speed of sword energy recovery, Song Jian will perform the five elements sword array , I am afraid that the trapped target will be difficult to break out of the sword array;

As for the effect of "Royal Sword + 3", Song Jian did not know what effect it had, and could only realize it in future battles;

Use the other skills of the sword fairy profession to increase the power by 30%. For Song Jian, he can only increase the power of the Wan Jian Fei Xian decisive skill. After all, he only has this sword sword skill;

This enhancement of Wan Jianjue is very huge, almost equivalent to a three-level upgrade of Wan Jianjue. At this time, Wan Jianjue ’s damage to each sword has exceeded 1,800 points. If Song Jian had previously Having mastered the sword skill, then facing the last forty-level lord BOSS, I am afraid that a million sword tactics will be able to break the opponent into residual blood or even kill it directly;

At this time, Song Jian has deeply felt that skills do not need to be much, as long as there is a skill that can play a decisive voice. Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue is such a skill. Once it is displayed, it will completely make the other party nothing Fight back

As for Royal Sword Flying ...

Song Jian glanced at the Heavenly Sword in his hand and glanced at the poisonous aura less than ten meters away, shook his head, or waited until he left to try again. He didn't want to plunge directly into the poisoned aura. ;

After choosing Yujian, Song Jian thought it was over, but soon he was prompted again by a system;

System: You have acquired the legendary mission, Sword of the Immortal. Task description: Follow the footsteps of the ancient sword fairy, inherit the inheritance of the sword fairy profession, and defend the glory of the sword fairy profession with your sword Requirement: Hunt and kill 10 bosses above the forty level. You can only kill them by yourself. You cannot get help from anyone else! Mission reward: Sword immortal professional skills are immediately improved by one level;

"Dominant BOSS? Is it a boss higher than the lord level?" Song Jian frowned slightly. So far, he has never encountered a Dominant BOSS. It seems that this task The difficulty is not hunting alone, but first finding such a boss.

The difficulty of hunting the master-level bosses will definitely be much greater than that of the boss-level bosses. You must know that most boss-level bosses do not appear alone. They are often surrounded by a surprising number of ordinary monsters and elite bosses. People saw that the boss-level bosses were detours and were afraid to approach.

The dominance level ~ www.novelhall.com ~ is a more terrifying BOSS than the lord level. If ordinary people receive this task, I am afraid they will give up the first time.

"Huh, I want to say, is it really the only professional task?" Song Jian exhaled, without showing any hopeless look, his eyes were full of strong challenges;

When he took on the legendary mission of Jianxian Road, he was immediately teleported out of the assessment space. Song Jian felt only a flower in front of him and was teleported into a starry sky;

At this time, there was a vending machine less than ten meters in front of him. More than a dozen players were waiting around the vending machine, constantly picking them. From time to time, players would turn into a white light and leave. The effort was less than five players left before the vending machine;

Song Jian stepped towards the vending machine. It seems that this is the place to redeem points.



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