I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 878: Broken Kingdom

"You're Hao Da?" Song Jian directly interrupted Ha Da, who was still analyzing these items, and said, "Which city is your birthplace?"

"Huh? Birth place? What are you going to do?" Haoda asked with a look of caution in his eyes.

"Nothing, do you know where the Doomsday City is?" Song Jian asked with a smile;

The geographic scope in this game is too large. Even people in a city in the real world may be thousands of miles apart, and it is too difficult to get together.

"City of Doom? It seems to have been heard that it seems to be a place that was only opened recently, but the cost of going there is too high, I have never been there!" Hao Da frowned slightly, shaking his head after thinking for a moment;

"Fortunately, since the teleportation circle can communicate, it looks like it should not be far from the doomsday city!" Song Jian nodded and said, "If you are interested in joining the city of hope, it is now the largest one in the city of doomsday. ! "

"City of Hope?" Hao Da froze, seeming to think of something, quickly pulled out a notebook from the parcel bar, flipped it up, and said, "Wait a minute, the City of Hope, I Remember the name ... "

Song Jian saw that a lot of information was recorded in the notebook he looked at;

"I found it, City of Hope, Mistweed. This is the league in which the nearby players established the first city. It is the first difficulty to join!" Hao Da could not help but screamed, looked up at Song Jian, A look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"The core members of the City of Hope Alliance are only 302. Can you let me join this alliance?" Hao Da doubted;

"Don't think about the core members. Are the outside members interested?" Song Jian said directly: "As long as you join, after a period of evaluation, you may not be able to become a core member. Think about it?"

"Really have the chance to become a core member? Don't lie to me!" Song Jian hesitated;

"Haha, no problem, you only need to come to the main city of the Doomsday City, and say that Song Jian asked you to come, and someone will bring you to join!" Song Jian patted Hao Da's shoulder and laughed;

"Song Jian, Song Jian ..., you, you are the leader of the City of Hope, you are the city owner of Hope?" Hao Da looked surprised, with an expression of disbelief.

"Yes, I'm waiting for you!" Song Jian said, buying a golden skill point from the vending machine and directly adding it to Wanjian Shengxianjue!

Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue (active), Level 5 (0%), Skill Effect: Summon 5-60 Spirit Swords, causing (quantity * 160% weapon damage) damage to the target, and each Spirit Sword has Chance of causing damage to the target to deepen the effect; Attack range: 1000 meters; Skill consumption: 140 invisible sword air; Skill cooldown: 10 seconds; Skill description: This skill is one of the core skills of the sword fairy profession, condenses the thousand swords, Converge thousands of swordsmanship, stern gas across the world, the direction of the sword, wanjianjian, landslides and seas, the world is turned! This skill cannot be improved by proficiency, it can only be upgraded by consuming other skills / skill books!

The fifth-level Wan Jian Fei Xian decided, and his power increased a lot. Hao Da glanced at the vending machine and suddenly hesitated, a little puzzled, but he didn't say much, and nodded toward Song Jian. Exited the assessment space directly;

Song Jian closed his eyes slightly, perceiving that it was spreading in all directions like mercury, and after not finding any abnormalities, he directly chose to exchange for the "broken kingdom of God."

A fingernail-sized seed exuding purple-gold light appeared in the void, and after it appeared, it instantly turned into a ray of light and embraced Song Jian's eyebrows;

Soon, Song Jian felt that he seemed to have an inexplicable connection with a weird area. It seemed that he could enter this area as long as his faith moved.

And this area, which does not know where to hide, faintly called to him, as if he was urgently needed to enter.

Song Jian hesitated for a moment, and instead of directly entering the broken kingdom of God in this space, he retreated from the assessment space and returned to the manor castle of the City of Hope;

Just after Song Jian left the starry sky, a figure appeared more than ten meters away from the vending machine. A figure slowly emerged. This person was not a player, but remained until the end, and even launched a finger of death to Song Jian. NPC professional Gasos.

Looking at where Song Jian left, Gasos showed a look of hatred. His stealth technique has not only been promoted to the full level, but also changed at the full level and advanced to another level, so even if Even with Song Jian's powerful mental perception, he could not detect his existence;

Looking at the starry space where only he was left, a smile appeared on Gasos's face. He knew that Song Jian was the last one to win. With his powerful attack, the guarding boss would surely have died in the end. In the hands.

Gasos believes that killing the boss will definitely earn points, but he doesn't know how much.

Soon Gasos came to the vending machine, and a few minutes later, his face looked surprised. On the interface of the vending machine, the sales volume of "Broken God Kingdom" became zero;

Gasos finally knew what Song Jian bought here, but that was the best thing he could buy in the entire star space;

"A city of doom, haha!" A wicked smile appeared on Gasos's face, the figure slowly disappeared;

Back at the manor castle in the city of hope, Song Jian immediately relaxed, everything in the assessment space was too weird, so that Song Jian's mind was always very tight. Only when he returned to the manor castle, he could truly relax;

After returning to the manor castle ~ www.novelhall.com ~ the voice in his head that urgently called him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. With a thought, Song Jian suddenly disappeared into the manor castle room;

At this time, the housekeeper George knocked on the door gently. After a long time, after no sound was heard, George slowly opened the door. Every time Song Jian returned to the manor castle, the housekeeper came over to ask Song Jian if he needed anything. But today, George obviously felt Song Jian's return, but after entering the room, he could not find his trace at all;

"Master, this is ..." George frowned, and after looking carefully, he found nothing, and slowly backed out, closing the door;

At this time, Song Jian has come to a strange place. It looks a bit like a half plane. The sky above him and the distant land have huge space-time gaps. Around these time-space gaps, there is a mountain range. There are lakes in the plain, but the mountains are full of gullies, huge gaps spread around the mountains, and the plain is deserted. In some places, there are even burning flames. As for the lake, it is like a The smelly ditch is generally dry, most of which have dried up. There is only a small turbid pool with a large number of mosquitoes and flies flying on it.
