I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 875: Final sneak attack

If the Xuanyue Streaming Sword does not resist the first attack, the probability of subsequent attacks will be very low, because in the first attack, the target being attacked will lose control of the body.

Uh ~

Skybreaker swords go in and out like guarding the boss's body like lightning. Blood arrows shoot out from the boss's body. Each hit can cause thousands of points of damage to it, until it falls from the floating state to When he was on the ground, his blood value had lost more than 10,000 points;

The boss who fell to the ground didn't want to fight back at the first time, but rushed towards the lake frantically. Song Jian's injuries let him know at this time. At this time, his blood value was too dangerous. It was easy It will be spiked by Song Jian, so it needs to return to the lake to recover.

Song Jian threw the long sword into the air, and the sky-breaking sword rushed towards the BOSS. During the flight, the sky-breaking sword was divided into five, and the boss was firmly enclosed, like a cage. The gray sword mist was diffused. Open it, completely covering the huge body of BOSS;

The roar continued to sound from the sword fog, and Song Jian could also feel that his mental value and sword energy value passed quickly like the flood that had leaked the gate, and the sword energy value recovered very quickly, and he could persist for a long time. Time, but Song Jian ’s mental value ca n’t last long;

Song Jian has taken out all the spiritual power-supplying items found in the space. You must know that the items in this assessment space are of very high grade. This is also considered to be a player entering the assessment space. Hidden benefits, can see high-quality items and skills in advance;

A bottle of beverage was poured into the mouth, and the original mental value had fallen to one tenth, and it was fully restored instantly, which made Song Jian feel a little regret. This bottle of medicine can restore more than a thousand points of mental value, but Song Jian's current spirit The value is only 850, and a small part is wasted;

It doesn't take much effort to maintain the space of the Five Elements Sword Formation. Song Jian took the opportunity to lose several surgical treatment skills to the Black Dragon. After eliminating its fractures and continuous bleeding, he was included in the battle pet space;

In fact, in the battle pet space, the injury on the black dragon can be recovered, but that speed is too slow. Watching the black dragon fall into a deep sleep as soon as it enters the battle pet space, Song Jian is slightly relieved;

The potential of the black dragon is huge, but it has not yet fully grown up, and Song Jian needs to be carefully trained. If he is often seriously injured in this way, I am afraid it will affect its growth;

At this time, the poisonous halo began to shrink again. Most of the lake water had been shrouded in the poisonous halo. Song Jian glanced towards the lake and spread out the sensation. He found that the NPC professional who had previously felt disappeared. It seems that the other side's concealment technology is too clever, and even Song Jian's spiritual perception beyond 150 points cannot find his trace;

The space of the Five Elements Sword Formation trembled slightly. The damage of the BOSS was too high. The lower the blood value, the more crazy it became. Although there was only one Warhammer, its damage was not reduced at all;

Song Jian has drank three bottles of spirit-recovery drinks in succession. Although the sword energy value recovers very fast, it also gradually decreases under the powerful attack of the boss. Once the sword gas value recovery speed cannot keep up with the maintenance of the sword array space Consume speed, then the five elements sword array will be directly broken;

Attacking the sword array space desperately, this is the only way for people trapped in the sword array space to escape, and the reckless guard BOSS will not move its crocodile head, think more, it will only send out Wielding the warhammer in a frenzy, attacking the surrounding sword fog, but this also made him crooked and found the only weakness of the Five Elements Sword Formation;

"According to the speed of the sword's energy consumption, there will be a maximum of fifteen seconds, and the BOSS will be out of sleep. At that time, its blood value should be less than 20,000!" Song Jian calmly analyzed.

In the space of the Five Elements Sword Array, BOSS is equivalent to fighting five untiring swordsmen. Each hit can cause it to lose more than 800 points of blood value, and each sword has its own characteristics. These characteristics It makes the guarding BOSS feel miserable.

Fifteen seconds later, the sword fog broke up, and the crazy roar of BOSS pierced through the sword fog. Five long swords with different colors merged into the Five Elements Sky Sword, and returned to Song Jian's hands;

The moment Jian Jian was held by Song Jian, Wan Jianjue cast it out directly, and the goal was to guard the boss slowly appearing from the sword fog.

This time, Song Jian summoned more than forty swords and flew towards the BOSS;

After a violent explosion, BOSS fell to the ground, and its body was even cut in pieces. It looked as if it had been divided.

The moment Song Jian killed the Guardian BOSS, a black lightning burst from the lake towards him. The lightning speed was extremely fast and full of rampant killing power;

"This is my only chance, as long as I can hit him, I can kill him directly!" Gasos, lurking underwater on the shore of the island, beat his heart violently. Victory or death, it will be divided in an instant. When he came out, he firmly believed that as long as Song Jian did not notice his existence, then this time, he had a great chance to kill Song Jian and become the final winner;

"Is the finger of death really a familiar magic!" A strange smile emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth. Facing the black lightning behind him, he did not turn around, but moved his mind, the figure gradually became transparent;

Mind and lightning, who is faster? Obviously, the well-prepared Song Jian is still one step faster in developing his skills;

Song Jian had already noticed the existence of Gasos before. When thinking about it from another perspective, when will it launch a fatal blow to Song Jian? Obviously, it must be the moment after Song Jian and BOSS scored;

After killing the BOSS, Song Jian seemed relaxed, in fact, his mind had already collapsed like a spring, and he was aware of all the wind and grass moving around;

As soon as Gasos released his skills, Song Jian had locked his position. Originally, Song Jian was going to use the Lunar Streamer, but he dared to shoot at this time ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Then the opponent's skills are Very high chance to have a lethal effect with one hit;

Therefore, Song Jian finally chose the life-saving soul walk first. Sure enough, the skills shown by the other party turned out to be the finger of death that Song Jian had seen before;

The finger of death has a high lethal effect. As long as the algorithm resistance is high, it is impossible to be immune to this kind of damage.

The black lightning passed through Song Jian's transparent body and slowly dissipated in the void;

Seeing that Black Lightning hit Song Jian, Gasos's face suddenly appeared a surprise look, but after seeing Song Jian immune to the finger of death, Gasoston became desperate. At this time, the mood was like sitting. Roller coaster in general.

"No!" Gasos screamed a despair under the water, his figure slowly disappeared. Obviously, it is impossible for him to win the assessment, and he will continue to stay, I am afraid that even his life will be lost here, so After the attack failed, Gasos left the assessment space without hesitation.


PS: There is one more chapter to make up for yesterday, it is estimated that it will be later ~!