I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 870: Drive out

After killing these players, Song Jian picked up the sniper rifle. Although he couldn't use it, he couldn't let it fall into the hands of others.

Soon, he summoned the motorcycle and drove towards the center of the city;

Along the way, there are many players who block the players who have transportation. At the speed of the players, even if they sprint at full speed, the speed is much slower than the speed of the poisonous aura contraction;

Many players have realized that if they can't find transportation in the city, they will definitely be eliminated by the poisonous aura.

Therefore, players who do not find transportation will pay attention to those players who have transportation;

Song Jian didn't have too much entanglement with these players who blocked him. Even if the long-range professional player's attack hit Song Jian, it would be harmless for Song Jian, an epic equipment, which would not cause fatal harm at all;

For those melee professionals who are stuck in the middle of the road, Song Jian directly uses Wan Jianjue and turns them into his own points. In a short distance of less than ten kilometers, Song Jian spent more than 30 minutes, but the points also gained a dozen points;

At this point, Song Jian has reached the center of the city. Even if the highly toxic halo shrinks again, Song Jian has time to enter the safe area as the halo shrinks;

Put away the motorcycle, Song Jian walked forward, and after crossing a street, Song Jian found that a big lake appeared in front of him.

This large lake is filled with strong nuclear radiation. Numerous monsters roared and roared wildly on the water surface. These monsters have tumors the size of human heads, and they look a little disgusting. If people with dense phobia see them, they may even be near Have no courage

In the center of this big lake, there is an island less than one hundred square meters. Above the island, there is a long sword that emits purple gold light.

This sword is like a purple-gold sun, glowing hot rays around;

"How does this sword look like Jianxian's broken blade?" Song Jian frowned slightly, staring at the secret sword in midair. At this moment, the appearance of this sword was exactly the same as that of Jianxian obtained by Song Jian. The blade is almost exactly the same, except that only half of the blade of Jianxian's broken blade is left, but the long sword in front of it is complete;

Song Jian stared at the sword for a long time. At this moment, the sword suddenly trembled, and slowly changed shape. After a while, the sword became a brush with a length of over a foot. It seems that the pen tip is still dipped in thick ink;

"This, this is ..." Song Jian was startled. At this time, he realized that the weapon in mid-air seemed to be a phantom instead of a real existence;

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt that a player appeared more than 30 meters away from him on the left. He didn't seem to worry about someone ambushing him, so he grew up and stood in a building. On a half-tall building, overlooking the sky above the central island of the Great Lake;

"It's very courageous to be able to come here at this time!" Song Jian laughed and jumped up, he also jumped to the roof of a villa and sat down with his knees crossed;

The shadows on the island are constantly changing, and each is a weapon that only a professional can master. Looking at the ever-changing weapons in the air, all players have a glowing glow in their eyes. This is their closest opportunity to the only profession.

Soon, the crowd of players appeared around the Great Lake, and the remaining number of Song Jian's eyes continued to decrease, and the system's prompt information continued to flow like a waterfall;

Almost a third of the players are eliminated by the highly toxic halo. These players can't even keep the points they get, they can only get the lowest reward, and all attributes are improved a little;

Those who have been eliminated by other players can retain a part of the points and can redeem some favorite rewards after exiting.

These are just comforts for the losers, but in this trial space, only one person is the winner and the others will eventually be eliminated;

Therefore, many players have actually changed their goals to earn points. At this time, instead of rushing to the center of the city, they madly intercepted other players halfway to get points. When the poisonous aura was about to cover them , They will directly give up the assessment and withdraw from the assessment space.

At this time, the players who came around the big lake in the center of the city were all players who were eager to be the final winners and eager to get the qualification to become the only profession;

The top ten unique professions will all be born here, but in this assessment space, only one player will win!

Some players are eager to move, but more players are waiting patiently. This makes those foolish players also press down and dare not easily do anything that causes misunderstanding, otherwise it may cause siege by everyone present;

The time passed a little bit, and more than half an hour soon passed. At this time, the aura of poison had shrunk to the center of the city, and the number of remaining players was less than fifty. At this time, these people have all They were all around the big lake, staring intently at the ever-changing weapon over the island;

"Did we wait like this until the poisonous halo swallowed us all up?" Some players finally couldn't help but roared loudly;

"So do you have any good suggestions?" Someone asked with a sneer.

"Fight!" The player who seemed to be a crazy warrior professional yelled with two short axes in his hands and shouted, "We find each other, then we fight against each other, divide the victory and defeat, and then fight until we reach the final victory. By!"

"If you want to fight, I don't think anyone will stop you, you can find an opponent to fight at will!" Someone laughed. At this time, the battle ~ www.novelhall.com ~ is simply looking for death. Whether it is the knockout or the winner, they will be picked up by a third party while the winner is divided;

At this moment, the poisonous halo was slowly approaching these people, and the thick green poisonous mist, like the hand of death, was heading towards them;

All the players' faces changed greatly, and they began to move towards the big lake. The monsters in the big lake seemed to notice something, and became very excited. They kept jumping out of the water and gave out bloodthirsty growls towards the players around them.

"Damn it, kill these monsters first, or we'll fight them in the water!" Someone yelled, and attacked the monsters in the lake first.

The poisonous halo is shrinking constantly, there is no tendency to stop, it seems that in the end, all players must be driven to the lake by the poisonous halo, and even to the island in the middle of the lake.

"Do it!"

Soon, almost all players began to destroy these water monsters in the lake while the aura of halo had not come over them;
