I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 869: Scramble

Boom, boom ~

There was a violent explosion, accompanied by the sky-high fire at the end of the bridge. The bodies of five abyss demons were torn into pieces by more than ten high-explosive mines;

Seeing this scene, the summoner who had just summoned the abyss demons showed a relaxed look in his eyes. At this moment, he had already smelled the taste of death, and he had begun to distance himself from death;

"Is that guy crazy? He buried so many high-explosive mines in the bridgehead?" Some players looked surprised.

"He is here to guard against armored vehicles. Before, I saw someone driving an armored vehicle towards this side. Although its speed is not fast, its defense is amazing ..." Another player said;

"The road has been leveled. We took the opportunity to rush forward. In addition, I think we should say hello to the player in the villa. What do you think?" A player wearing a heavy two-handed sword and wearing a heavy armor, his face was exposed. With a sloppy smile, he stared at the villa with fighting noises erupting in front of him;

More than twenty players stared at each other, rushed across the bridge without a word, and were suppressed like a gopher for so long. They all felt a anger in their hearts and wanted to vent on the sniper's Body.

Song Jian hid in the shadow of a bridge pier and watched as players rushed across the bridge and rushed towards the villa not far away;

Soon, the battle started around that villa. The twenty or more people who originally formed the temporary alliance seemed to have their own ghosts. Players who had fought in the villa before also realized that there were other people around. The outbreak, the remaining number of people in the corner of Song Jian, beating constantly, one person will be eliminated every second;

The end of the bridge was already safe. Song Jian crossed the bridge while he was sneaking and looked at the map. The poisonous aura was not far from here, and it would shrink to the bridge in more than 20 minutes at most.

By then, if players have not yet crossed the river, I am afraid they will be eliminated by the poisonous aura and leave the trial space empty-handed;

Boom ~

The aftermath of dozens of players directly destroyed that villa and the surrounding half-street building. More than ten players held weapons and faced each other around the villa. Among them, purple gold was emitted from one of them. Light sniper rifle, lying quietly on the ground;

"Well, the legendary sniper rifle? Is this the weapon used by the person who blocked the bridge before?" Song Jian brightened his eyes, staring at the sniper rifle in the crowd, secretly in his heart.

In such an environment, having a weapon with such a mighty power will greatly improve the odds, and almost all players are unwilling to give up this advantage;

However, this weapon is of no use to Song Jian. Even if it is a legendary weapon, after the power is weakened by 80%, the real combat effect is not comparable to a blue one-handed sword;

现在 But now, in the eyes of Song Jian, this legendary weapon looks like an attractive bait, and the dozen or so players around it are coveted fish. Song Jian intends to wipe them all out;

"I killed the NPC pro, this weapon is my trophy!" A player holding a dagger and exuding a cold atmosphere staring at the people around him, said in a low voice;

"You killed? That guy was clearly dead under my gun, and you, an assassin professional player, what do you want this sniper rifle, in your hands, isn't it a pearl that has been cast in secret? Let me compare it to a remote class. OK! "A player holding a dark gold quality rifle smiled evilly and retorted.

"The poisonous halo is about to shrink. I suggest that we discuss a solution as soon as possible and don't stand dead here. After all, the players here are not just us. Once others are attracted, it is not good for us all. "A player in heavy armor said coldly;

"This weapon should not appear. I recommend destroying it directly!" A player wearing cloth armor glanced at the sniper rifle, saying that this weapon is the nemesis of all cloth armor professions, and the cloth armor profession is fragile. Defense, it is vulnerable in front of it, the ultra-long range, so that those who own this weapon can directly kill them out of the cloth armor professional sight;

"Agree, destroy it directly. I think the people present are not willing to let it fall into the hands of any player!"

"Agree, destroy it. This weapon is too powerful. I don't want to aim it at the head at the last minute!"

Uh ...

余 More than ten players who have survived the battle, at least more than half of them suggest that this weapon be destroyed. Those remote professional players have a helpless look on their faces.

在 At this moment, an alert player suddenly looked towards the bridge, a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Damn, enemy attack!" This player growled and immediately fled away, but how could his speed be comparable to the speed of the spirit sword.

In less than a second, thirty spirit swords enveloped an area of ​​more than ten meters, and the sound of explosions came one after another. All the spirit swords were chopped towards the players around the sniper rifle;

Song Jian's figure slowly emerged from behind the bridge pier ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The number of reputation players in the corner of his eye suddenly jumped a few times in a row. After these players had a scuffle, most of their blood values ​​were not satisfied. Some are even close to half the position;

Level 3 Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, each Spirit Sword can erupt 140% of the power and damage more than 1,200 points. If the damage is deepened and the crit is triggered, it is enough to kill any player present;

Thirty-handed Swords, against dozens of players, on average, each player must be locked by two Swords, without even the chance to escape;

Wu Songjian was still a bit uneasy. He broke the sky-sword in the air, and the sky-sword flew into the air, as if it had been controlled by an invisible arm, and rushed towards the crowd;

After a while, the gray sword fog covered everyone, the sharp sword howling sounded in the sword fog, a puff of blood spewed out as the invisible sword array unfolded, just ten seconds Time, sword fog began to dissipate, all players present were eliminated by Song Jian, this time, Song Jian won thirteen points;

At this time, in this standings list, Song Jian's name jumped forward more than a dozen times to enter the top five.

This standings list has no practical meaning. Its existence, on the contrary, makes players have a strong fear of the first few places in the list. In addition, it has no use for it. Even if it is the first place in the list, once it is eliminated, he accumulates before. All of the points do n’t make any sense.

Uh ...