I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 781: Bold idea

Almost all players launched attacks against monsters in the lake. Even melee pros also figured out long-range attack weapons. They are not good at using long-range attack weapons, but it does not mean that they cannot be used. The sword makes this class not too many occupations with very limited weapons;

After some bombardment, many monsters were killed instantly. You know, these monsters are only 38 ordinary monsters, and they can't bear the siege of so many players at all;

"It's so cool, if I leave this assessment space, I still have this kind of strength!" A player's face looked excited.

Players present at the scene were the worst in dark gold quality. Everyone had at least one or two pieces of epic equipment. The skills they showed were also the top skills in this profession.

With their current strength, there is no problem even if they single out elite bosses of the same level, let alone these ordinary mobs? After a blast of roar, a layer of monster's body floated on the lake, and there were also many high-quality items floating on the lake;

A player can't wait to rush to the lake, pick up one of the items and take a look, his face suddenly showed disappointment.

"Can't bring this space out!" The player dropped the items in his hand and swam towards the shore;

Seeing his actions, those players who have similar ideas suddenly became disappointed. At this time, almost all players' equipment has been formed, and even the skills have mastered five or six dark gold or even epic skills. Now They have no shortage of equipment and skills, so they disdain items with various colors and lights on the lake. If they cannot bring out this assessment space, these items are worthless;

Song Jian's heart moved, there were more than a dozen skill books and skill scrolls floating on the lake. If all of them were devoured, Wan Jian Fei Xian will definitely be able to upgrade one level;

Thinking of this, Song Jian jumped directly into the water and swam towards those skill scrolls;

At this time, players were still attacking monsters in the lake. After entering the lake water, Song Jian discovered that there were still dense monsters at the bottom of the lake, constantly swimming.

The previous siege killed at least hundreds of monsters, but this caused the monsters behind to no longer dare to surface, all hiding in the deep bottom of the lake. It seemed that they were waiting for something.

The poisonous halo behind the player is getting closer and closer, looking back, the thick green light curtain exudes a faint mist, making people look shudder;

At this point, some players have begun to enter the lake and head up the island;

The noisy lake surface made the monsters hiding at the bottom of the lake start to move again and again, the dark shadows swimming on the bottom of the lake, faster and faster.

Suddenly, a monster like a crocodile came out from the bottom of the lake, biting a player who was struggling to swim on the lake and dragged him towards the bottom of the lake;

The player hasn't responded yet, and seven or eight monsters have emerged, constantly biting at him;

"Save me!" The player yelled for help, but no one was willing to look at him more, all treating him as a bait to attract monsters at the bottom of the lake.

After a while, an invincible aura flashed on the bottom of the lake, and the remaining number was one less;

Song Jian picked up all the skill books and scrolls by the lake. Sixteen skills were stored in the parcel box. In the eyes of others, Song Jian seemed to be a poor boy who had never seen the world before, and he could not wait for the good stuff. All in the parcel box.

"Hey, brother, you can only have an eye addiction like this, leave the assessment space, you can't take anything out!" Some players watched Song Jian toss on the lake, constantly picking up the skill book, screaming with sarcasm;

Song Jian was unmoved, until he picked up all the skill books and scrolls he saw, and slowly swam ashore.

Song Jian, who was ashore, seemed to be tired. He sat on the ground with his buttocks, and the poisonous halo behind him was getting closer. Most players have started to rush towards the island in the middle of the lake. Only Song Jian did not Moved, still sitting on the shore.

"Fool!" A player watched Song Jian sit leisurely on the shore, cursed in his mouth, and jumped into the lake.

Song Jian at this time is already the last person standing on the shore. After all, without special swimming skills, the speed in the water is much slower than on the shore;

There are killing scenes all over the lake, almost all the monsters have floated up, constantly attacking the players who are swimming.

If there is no poisonous halo behind them, the remaining people will definitely slowly clean up the monsters in the lake and then board the lake island, but think now that they are like a thunder whip behind them, constantly Drive them, even if they pay the price of their lives, they have to swim across the lake and board the small island in the heart of the lake;

Of the more than forty people remaining, only less than thirty were able to successfully board the island. These people almost had their own life-saving cards. At this time, the means were exhausted and they barely made it to the heart of the lake Small island

Once these players landed on the small island of the lake, the monsters in the lake stopped chasing. In fact, the monsters in the lake are not only able to survive in the water, they can also fight on land. If they If you swarm up, even if the remaining players are even more powerful, I am afraid it will only end in the end. After all, there are too many monsters in this lake.

The small island in the center of the lake seems to be a special area, so that these monsters dare not approach half a step. Once the player has landed on the island, the chasing monsters will stop and turn around without hesitation towards other players in the lake. Pounce

Song Jian swallowed all the skill books in the parcel, engulfed Wan Jianjue and improved its proficiency. Finally, after consuming all the more than ten high-quality skill books and skill scrolls in the parcel column, Wan Jianfeixian decided The level ~ www.novelhall.com ~ has finally been upgraded from the third level to the fourth level;

The fourth-level Wanjian Jue, the number of spirit swords summoned, has become 4-48 handles. At the same time, the power of each sword has been increased to 150 * weapon power. In this way, the damage of each sword has been reduced. Close to 1,500 points.

At present, the level of ordinary players is mostly around 35. If players in cloth armor and leather armor have not taken treasures with increased attributes, a magic sword will be enough to kill them;

Song Jian's current damage can already be called horror. If he can summon forty-eight swords at one time, the total damage value can exceed 70,000, even those forty-level lord BOSS. Under the attack of Jian, he may also be killed in one shot;

Looking at more than thirty players on the island in the middle of the lake at this time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth;

"I have a bold idea ..." Song Jian said softly;


PS: Thanks for the "Snake Snake" reward 500 starting coins ~