I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 868: call

Looking at the white smoke pit at the end of the bridge, Song Jian narrowed his eyes and observed carefully. There must be more than one mine there. The sniper hiding in the villa opposite the bridge did not want anyone to pass here;

At this time, the strength of the player has greatly increased. If it is an ordinary mine, it is impossible to spike the sneaking player. This must be a powerful high-explosive mine, or even a more powerful tactical mine.

The bridgehead was blocked and Song Jian looked towards the river under the bridge.

This river is very wide, with concrete embankments on both sides. The river surface is at least ten meters high from the embankment. Therefore, people who want to reach the other side of the river must either pass through the bridge, or pass through the bridge downstream, and then from the bridge At the end of the bridge the **** went up.

"If there is a flying mount, you can also fly directly over this bridge!" Song Jian secretly said, at this moment, a hissing came from the distance, a huge vulture carrying a player is quickly moving towards Fly towards the center of the city;

At this time, there was an hovercraft on the river, looking for a place to go ashore along the river bank, and further away, several players were using ropes to climb the **** of ten meters high. If no one sniped, they You will soon be able to cross the river and enter the opposite side.

"It is obviously impossible to become the ultimate victor by holding on to a bridge. I don't know if he will give up here and go to the center of the city first to seize some favorable terrain?" Song Jian secretly said.

Uh ~

I was shot again, and the player in the river was eliminated again. Obviously, the sniper on the opposite side did not intend to give up favorable terrain.

"After all, every time you eliminate a person, you can get a little points. Although I don't know what the points can be exchanged for now, obviously this should also be considered a reward from competitors!" Song Jian secretly said.

The weapon of the sniper on the other side is obviously a high-quality sniper rifle, at least an epic, or even a legendary quality, otherwise, it is impossible to cause such a large amount of damage to the player.

Song Jian estimated that even if he encountered it, he would not be able to make three shots, unless he showed his soul walking skills.

At this moment, in the villa at the end of the bridge, I suddenly remembered the sound of fighting. Song Jian's eyes lighted up. It seemed that someone had sneaked into the villa and attacked the sniper;

He has been sniping at the bridge head, and his position has actually been exposed. As long as he can cross the bridge, it is easy to attack him, and the sniper rifle is usually a long-range professional. Once he is close, the weakness will be All burst out;

Not only did Song Jian feel the battle in front, many players behind him who had already rushed onto the bridge, but were blocked by a sniper rifle, also noticed the battle in front. They felt that the opportunity had come;

At this time, a player wearing a black robe and exuding the abyss stood up, waving the staff in his hand, and chanting the abyss in his mouth;

After a short while of work, the space was torn apart, and a demon with feet on his head and burning red flames was digging out of the gap in the space;

It violently pulled the edge of the space gap, making the space gap bigger. Its movement made the player who was performing the abyss magic look pale, and a little blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, he stared fiercely. The devil glanced at it, but it was simply a sufficient threat to manage to maintain the existence of a gap in the space;

Quickly, an abyss demon more than two meters high came out of the gap and growled in the sky. Their red eyes stared at the Summoner with an unpleasant look in his eyes.

Each abyss demon came out and summoned a total of five abyss demons. The gap in time and space finally could not bear it, and it was completely broken.

The abyssal summoner wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his expression became a bit distorted. This was the first time he had summoned so many abyssal demons, controlled them, and put a lot of pressure on his soul;

"Run over and destroy all the creatures in that villa!" This abyss summoner player pointed at the villa in front of which the battle was taking place and shouted;

"This is the first and last command you gave us. Once completed, we will restore our freedom. Now, let's run away, Summoner. After completing the task, we will kill you as soon as possible!" An abyss demon stared at the player with scarlet eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

语 The words of the abyss are a compulsory course for the abyss summoner. After listening to the demon, the abyss summoner's face suddenly became paler. He seemed to realize that he had made a huge mistake;

"No, no, **** it, my strength is growing too fast, how can I forget the ban on the abyss summoning!" A scared expression appeared on the player's face.

All creatures summoned from the abyss will only obey an order and complete a task. After that, the contract between them and the summoner is completed. As long as this task is completed, the abyss demons will be free ~ www.novelhall.com ~ No longer subject to any constraints;

这个 At this time, these summoned demons will often hunt them down as enemies;

Every time the summoner of the abyss summons, he will only summon those who can deal with them, or give them a death command directly.

But in this assessment space, the strength is rising too fast. With this abyss summoner working hard, the abyss demon summoned has exceeded his control, and most importantly, he has also issued a stupid The command of the villa, even if the strength is strong, it is not possible to be the opponent of five abyss demons. You must know that each of these abyss demons has the strength of the 38th-level elite BOSS.

When the Abyss Summoner was desperate, his companion pulled him sharply and whispered, "Did you forget the landmine at the end of the bridge, but that can kill a 38-level player in a second? High-explosive mines, these mines alone are enough for the big guys you summoned to drink a pot! "

不错 "Yes, we are following them, rushing across the bridge as soon as possible, they are now the best meat shields!" Another player whispered, while slowly moving his body, following five abyss demons.

At this time, there have been more than twenty players gathered on the bridge. During this period of stalemate, the speed of the venomous halo shrinking has continued to increase, leaving little time for them.

This also allows more than 20 players to form a temporary alliance. Even if the winner is to be divided, the bridge must be crossed.

Uh ...