I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 865: NPC Professional

Without those high-quality items in the trial space, Song Jian may have rushed out to kill the Quartet at this time. With his current equipment and skills, ordinary players have completely crushed strength;

But this trial space is obviously not created for him alone. Even those high-quality equipment and skills are dazzled by Song Jian. It is conceivable that ordinary players who have these items will find them after they find them. How crazy.

This time of the melee, there are probably no players who have skyrocketed in strength. They want to experience the factors of being a strong player. After all, none of the players who can enter this trial space are fools and can get trial tokens. Are considered elite characters in the player;

The sudden attack made the melee players suddenly awake. At this time, they also noticed that many people who wanted to pick up the bargain have been around them. They immediately lost their interest in continuing the fight and began to retreat to each other completely. Then turned and fled;

However, since they have been exposed, they will inevitably be watched. After a while, the sound of fighting has begun in the distance, but this time the two sides of the battle seemed to be restrained and did not cause much sensation. Keep in a small area and make quick decisions.

"It's not the time to fight yet ..." Song Jian secretly said, only when the aura of poison further narrowed down and brought everyone together, then the fierce fighting broke out;

Tong Songjian looked at the electronic map. At this time, the highly toxic halo has shrunk by less than one-fifth of the city area. It may take more than ten hours to cover the entire city;

But when Song Jian was preparing to close the map and headed to the central area of ​​the city, he suddenly discovered that the dark green poisonous aura had shrunk a lot faster;

"How is this happening?" Song Jian frowned, the poisonous aura at the edge of the city, the contraction speed increased, and the final battle was probably several hours in advance, and in the poisonous aura, protective clothing was up If it has no effect, each time the contraction, the damage of the poisonous aura will increase several times. In the end, the power of the poisonous aura will probably have a spike effect on the player;

"You must get to the central area of ​​the city as soon as possible!" Song Jian secretly said, speeding up a bit more.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a faint airflow blowing from behind his head. The alarm bell suddenly became a masterpiece. At this time, Song Jian was not left without a chance to dodge. He subconsciously performed a soul walk. Skills, the entire body becomes transparent.

The next moment, a dark green poisonous dagger emerged from a blade, piercing the back of Song Jian fiercely, an "immunity" word floated from the top of Song Jian;

With a fierce spin, Jian Song's body-building sword broke severely behind him, and a figure slowly emerged from the void;

"Interesting!" A shadowy smile appeared from the corner of this figure, staring at Song Jian's eyes, like a lone wolf. He retracted his dagger and faced Song Jian, but his body seemed to be pulled by an invisible rope, fast. Back down

"Want to run?" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and his foot slammed, his figure chasing after him like an electric power;

"You can't catch up with me, I'm the wind, can you catch up with the wind, hahahaha!" The man laughed proudly, looking at Song Jian's eyes full of jokes: "Don't worry, you have been taken by me We'll keep our eyes on and we will meet again, and wait until the next time ... "

人 The speed of this person is getting faster and faster, even faster than Song Jian's soul walk;

Xi Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Ying Song's fitness video turned into a streamer, and the sky-sword in his hand stabbed in the direction of the opponent fiercely;

The man only felt a flower in front of him. By the time he saw Song Jian, his chest had been stabbed in the sky with a sword, and more than nine hundred points of injury floated from the top of his head;

"How is this possible?" An amazement appeared in the eyes of the ambush. His escape skill, obtained in the assessment space, is an epic escape skill. Once the target is locked, the distance between himself and the target will follow Over time, it grows bigger or smaller;

However, whether it is expanding or shrinking, the moment you lock the target, you must determine that it is a skill that is very suitable for escape and pursuit;

And this skill is especially targeted at people with acceleration skills. The faster the opponent is, the faster he can improve;

But his speed increase, after all, it takes a process. Skills like Charge, Xuanyue Streaming Sword can perfectly restrain him.

Before ambush, he also specially observed Song Jian, only to confirm that the opponent was not a soldier, then moved his hand, but he did not expect that the opponent had even more terrifying skills than the charge;

After Xun hit the first sword, the ambusher lost control of his body and immediately left his feet off the ground in a floating state. The subsequent eight swords poked him directly into a funnel.

If it is an ordinary player, the damage of Xuanyue Streaming Sword is enough to kill the opponent, but Song Jian still does not have an invincible halo after the Nine Swords are cut out, which makes him feel strange;

Such a thick blood value exceeds the average player too much, it is comparable to an elite boss of more than 30 levels ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Since the opponent does not appear invincible aura, Song Jian's attack will not stop , Broken Sword came with its invisible sword formation, and was released immediately. The gray sword fog immediately enveloped the person;

At this time, there are too many players nearby. If you use Wanjian Feixian, the movement will be too quiet. It is better to use the Five Elements Sword Array silently, the sword fog is diffuse, and any movement inside will not be transmitted to the outside. Would think it was ordinary mist;

In the fog of the sword, the ambusher looked crazy and desperate, while desperately screaming, he tried to stop the five-handed sword that attacked him. ;

"Thirty points of blood value?" Song Jian watched the ambush struggling frantically in the sword fog, his eyebrows frowned involuntarily. At this time, the blood value of the ambush lost more than 30,000 points, but still no Signs of a fall, which is simply impossible for a player.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly thought that it was not only the players who were fighting for the token at that time. Those NPCs knew the existence of the token, and they all jumped up like crazy dogs. Some even used some special methods just for the sake of Enter the doomed city that shelters the black mist.

"Does it mean that in this assessment, in addition to players, there are NPC professionals in the game?" Song Jian stared at the struggling ambush in the sword fog, secretly guessing;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you "Bread84" for the reward.