I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 864: fighting

All items in the trial space can only be used in this space, and cannot be taken out. Even if it is a skill, it will be deleted directly after leaving here.

Song Jian's Wan Jianjue is a legendary skill. He will not seal Wan Jianjue for a dark gold quality skill, but if he can use these skills to improve the proficiency of Wan Jianjue, even if he can only try this The space is valid, and it disappears when you go out. For Song Jian, it is also an improvement of strength;


Song Jian secretly said in his heart;

Suddenly, a purple-gold light shone in his skill bar, covering this "Chaos" skill book in front of him. After a while, the skill book disappeared, and Wan Jianfei in the skill bar disappeared. Xian Ju's proficiency has also increased by a small grid;

"Well, the increase in proficiency is not much!" Song Jian frowned slightly. You should know that a dark gold quality skill book can increase at least one fifth of the proficiency of Level 3 Wan Jianjue, but now, Only increased by one-fifth, the effect is equivalent to one-tenth of the ordinary dark gold quality skill book;

"Forget it anyway, it's Bai Yan, less is less." Song Jian shook his head, closed the skill bar, and turned away from here;

More than 300 players are scattered in an abandoned city, as if they were throwing a handful of sand into the desert. If it is not very good luck, it is difficult to meet in the early stage of the trial, so except Song Jian eliminated one Outside the player, the remaining number is not changed within 30 minutes;

However, this situation will not last long. When the toxic aura on the edge of the city further shrinks, a fierce conflict will erupt between the players who are trying out;

At this time, the players who passed the trials also gradually entered the trial space, and the remaining number directly exceeded 500. These players who passed the trials did not have first-order combat power, plus they were half an hour late. It is therefore in a disadvantaged position.

But these people can't be underestimated, they can stand out from thousands of people, they must have their own hole cards, and in this trial space, just be careful, as time goes by, they enter the players, and those who have a first order The gap between combat players will become smaller and smaller;

However, because the way to enter the trial space is random, some players who have passed the trials are randomized to those who have first-order combat power.

Players who have been searching for more than half an hour, at this time, almost none of the equipment on their body is below the quality of dark gold, and some have even found one or two dark gold, epic skills that are suitable for them, their strength, With the earth-shaking changes, the strength has increased dozens of times;

Seeing players who had just entered the game and had a look of ignorance, they directly sacrificed the butcher knife and eliminated all the people they saw. The number of remaining players soon dropped from 500 to less than 400;

Forty minutes later, Song Fitness already has a set of dark gold quality equipment, including two epic gears, one is the helmet of anger, and the other is the demon's handguard. Although these equipment are all loose parts, the overall effect It is slightly worse than Song Jian's ancestor ancestor suit, but the difference is also limited;

While searching for other players, Song Jian was adapting to the skills that came with the equipment. If these newly acquired skills are not mastered as soon as possible, they will likely make thousands of mistakes in battle;

As for the skill books, Song Jian has searched for five or six books, of which only three are suitable for him. Song Jian sacrificed all these skills, which improved Wan Jianfeixian's proficiency by nearly a fifth. Progress of one

Boom ~

In front of a high-rise building, a sudden explosion sounded. The high-rise building collapsed suddenly, setting off a burst of dust and smoke. In the dust and smoke, the magic energy continued to shine, and Song Jian's eyes brightened. It seemed that players were fighting in front of him;

When Song Jian approached, it turned out that a group of players were fighting in front of him. About a dozen players were attacking each other. They seemed to be fighting each other, and they were playing conservatively.

At this time, Song Jian also noticed that many players seemed to smell blood sharks and began to surround them; seeing the battle ahead, it was about 300 to 400 meters away from Song Jian's location. This is beyond Song Jian's perception, but Wan Jian Fei Xian's attack range is one thousand meters. Song Jian is hiding in a hidden corner, holding a broken sky sword and waving toward the front;

Suddenly there were more than thirty swords on his side. With more than thirty swords, Song Jian gave only the approximate position with his heart and mind and gave up control directly.

These spirit swords flew towards the front in a random manner. Among them, seven or eight handle swords flew out of range. Only about twenty handle swords exploded within the combat range of these players.

Bang Bang Bang ~

There was another violent explosion. After releasing Jian Jian Fei Xian, Song Jian immediately shifted his position and hid in another dark corner;

After a while, he received three system prompts in a row;

System: You eliminated the trial player Zhao Haitao, the trial points +1, the points can be redeemed for trial rewards after the trial ends;

System: You have eliminated the trial player Wang Zufa, and the trial points are +1. After the trial ends, the points can be exchanged for trial rewards;

System: You eliminated the trial player Sun Hai, and the trial points are +1. After the trial ends, the points can be redeemed for trial rewards;


"Did you kill only three players? It's a pity." Song Jian glanced at the increased points. You know, the power of Wan Jian Fei Xian is not something that these players can resist at all. Each sword can now cause more than a thousand points of damage ~ www.novelhall.com ~ If the damage deepening effect is triggered, or Triggered a critical strike, even a shielded warrior, can strike in a single shot;

The total damage of that blow just now can completely kill more than ten players who are fighting, but now there are only three system prompts. Obviously, most of the damage is wasted.

This has a lot to do with Song Jian's perception range. Now Song Jian's limit perception range is only one hundred meters, while the control level perception range is only ten meters. Beyond one hundred meters, Song Jian cannot completely sense the other party. Existence, there is no way to lock each other.

If previous battles are within Song Jian's perception, Song Jian can even make each Lingjian aim at an enemy to achieve precise strike;

It's just that besides those fighting players, they are surrounded by wolves and hurriedly approaching. Even if they can destroy these fighting players, they will expose their positions and be caught by the crowds of onlookers.

"This is a trial for survival, not more than who killed, who has a high score!" Song Jian secretly gazed at the tall building not far away;
