I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 866: Venomous Aura

The space of the Five Elements Sword Formation is gray and grey, as if the world was chaotic at the beginning of chaos. In this space, five long swords of various colors draw various mysterious trajectories in the air, and continuously face any space in the space. Creatures attack, never ending, until the opponent loses his life;

The NPC professional ambushing Song Jian has always locked his eyes on the five-handed sword, thinking that as long as the sword is destroyed, this space can be broken, but the five-handed sword is between the spirit body and the strength, and the ambush When the dagger in his hand collided, the damage was really minimal;

In just three minutes, the ambusher in the space has lost more than ten thousand points of blood value. Song Jian is now sure that the other party is an NPC professional, and only the elite BOSS template is loaded. NPC professionals will have so many blood values;

Song Jian's spirit value and sword energy value are constantly being consumed. Maintaining the Five Elements Sword Formation is also a huge drain on him. He originally thought that he was only a player, but did not expect that he was stuck with an elite boss, and this elite boss It is much more powerful than other elite bosses of the same level, at least the blood value is several times that of other elite bosses of the same level;

"It's almost like a large sandbag of human flesh. Now it's the exhaustion of fighting. It depends on whether your blood value is consumed first or my spirit value is consumed first!" Song Jian secretly said.

In the sword array space, the blood value of the ambusher decreased at a rate of nearly one thousand points per second. Although he struggled, before doing the principle of the sword array space, all he did was useless. With his own blood and blood values ​​dropping rapidly, there is no way at all.

As death drew nearer and closer, the ambush finally couldn't bear the fear and began to cry out for mercy. At the same time, he verified Song Jian's speculation that he was indeed an NPC professional;

"Forgive me, I am willing to be your follower, I am an assassin, I am willing to give up this assessment, and I can assist you to be the final winner!" The ambush yelled in the space, his face was full of A look of fear.

Song Jian found a bottle of the searched drink and poured it into his mouth. He pulled up the spirit value that was about to reach the bottom, and raised it up. Song Jian was unmoved by the beggar's begging. .

Don't say that even if you become a follower, there is the possibility of betrayal. The qualification of the only profession can make anyone pay the price of life, let alone just betrayal?

Song Jian continued to output the sword qi and spirit value without expression. The golden sword qi has a damage bonus to the Five Elements Sword Formation. Over time, the Sword Formation's power is getting stronger and stronger, and finally surpasses the ambush Withstand the limit, his speed can no longer keep up with the attack speed of the five-handed sword. The screams sounded in the sword array. After a while, the ambusher was full of sword marks lying on his back. On the ground, it turned into a corpse;

At this moment, the grey fog of the sword slowly dissipated, and the five long swords became a handle again, flying towards Song Jian;

"咦?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the corpse of the ambush, feeling a little strange, wouldn't this assessment space die? Why was the ambush killed by himself?

"Does it mean that NPC professionals will not be protected during the trial?" Song Jian secretly said.

I glanced at the body of the ambush. Around his body, there were dozens of items emitting various colors. Among them, the lowest quality were dark gold, most of them were epic, even legendary. article;

"These are all the items he found in the assessment space. Once they die, they will all burst out?" Song Jian said to himself.

Picking out these explosive items, Song Jian obtained three epic gears, replaced the golden quality equipment on his body, and then collected all the explosive supplies and set his sights on seven or eight books. Skill book.

The grades of these skill books are very high. Song Jian's brains have all been swallowed by Wan Jianjue, which has improved his proficiency by a small grid. The skill book in this space feels a lot of water. If it is outside the space, so many high-quality skill books are enough to raise Wan Jianjue by two or three levels. Now, Wan Jianjue ’s level is only increased by one third. about;

"These NPC professionals are actually not in the remaining number." Song Jian looked at the remaining number without change, and suddenly hesitated. If this is the case, the number of people performing assessments in this assessment space may well exceed four. Hundreds of people;

At this moment, fighting sounds were heard in the city again. This time, fighting broke out in several places at the same time. The poisonous halo only shrank by a third of the entire city. Song Jian looked at the map. At this moment, the toxic halo behind him was less than ten kilometers away. It seemed that he was about to speed up.

在 At this moment, Song Jian received another system prompt;

System: Charlie Ritz, the player, fell to the public area and was eliminated by the poisonous halo, and all points were cleared;

"What, will you lose all your points if you are killed by the poisonous aura?" Song Jian shook his head, shook his head, and continued to run towards the center of the city. At this time, those players who were fighting around seemed to be scared by this system. Arrived, and soon, almost all the fighting stopped and everyone ran towards the central area of ​​the city;

After another ten minutes, Song Jian suddenly realized that he turned back and saw a thick green light curtain ~ www.novelhall.com ~ After all, it seems that its shrinking speed has increased a lot;

Song Jian stared and observed for a while, then immediately turned around and ran. At this time, the contraction speed of the poisonous aura has exceeded the running speed of ordinary players. If this continues, wait until it shrinks to half of the entire city. At the moment, I am afraid that all players without acceleration skills will be shrouded in a poisonous halo;

Being overtaken by the poisonous halo will not only be eliminated and disqualified, but also all points will be lost, which will make many people unwilling. Of course, those players who have not eliminated one by now are indifferent, but it is easy to obtain With the only professional assessment qualification, being eliminated because of the highly toxic aura is always a bit uncomfortable;

Rumble ~

On the road in the distance, there was a sound like a roar of a wild beast. Almost all nearby players looked towards the road. At this time, a six-wheeled armored vehicle on the road was spitting smoke and was crazy on the road. On board, all the obstacles in front were hit by the armored vehicle;

交通工具 "Transportation, there must be transportation in this space!" A player suddenly realized that he immediately searched for a garage-like place and wanted to find a car that could be started;

Song Jian stared at the armored car for a while and patted his head, but he also had a mount. If it was not the reminder of this armored car, Song Jian would probably remember it for a long time.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the "100 Deadly Countdown" reward!