I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 863: Eliminate

"Damn, how could this be?" Song Jian frowned, and a look of shock appeared on his face. He looked at a weapon with a purplish red light appearing in front of him, and secretly cursed in his heart: "Epic weapons, **** it, epic weapons have become Chinese cabbage here, are they starting to rot the street?"

This is an epic dagger. In this trial space, are epic weapons thrown randomly on the street?

Song Jian's equipment was sealed, but the weapon was not sealed, but he was summoned at any time, but Song Jian's Skyscraper is just an epic one-handed sword, which he spent a lot It cost me time and time to get, but now, the weapon of the same quality as the Heavenly Sword is placed in front of the eyes, and the hard work before Song Jian seems to be a joke;

However, Song Jian can be sure that such weapons can only be used in the trial space and cannot be taken out, but in this way, the probability of other players acquiring epic weapons will also increase greatly, and the gap between him and other players , Further shrinking.

Song Jian glanced at this weapon, bit his teeth, turned his head and searched for the other places; now, except for a protective suit on Song Fitness, there is only a single shirt without any defensive power, which must be found again Some armor works only;

"If you have the ability, let me find some epic armor!" Song Jian secretly said.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw that in a corner of the street in the distance, a piece of equipment emitting dark gold light was placed on a trash can.

This made Song Jian feel depressed, but couldn't help running towards the trash can;

As soon as Song Jian was close to the trash can, he suddenly felt a creepy threat. It seemed that someone was holding a weapon that could threaten his life, pointing at his temple;

Song Jian swooped forward subconsciously, then rolled towards a low wall on the side;

Uh ~

With a light noise, a fist-sized hole appeared on the wall next to the trash can. Song Jian cold sweat DC, without the protection of the first emperor ant suit, with his current defense, he could not withstand such a terrible blow. It ’s not a powerful perception. Just a little hesitation just now, I ’m afraid that I have already been seriously injured, maybe I was kicked out of the assessment space directly.

Along the direction of the attack, Song Jian ’s sensations swarmed. Under his mind ’s observation, a player in protective clothing was hurriedly putting up a handle on a high-rise building less than a hundred meters away from here. The sniper rifle with dark golden light seemed to be withdrawing.

Song Jian's perception, within ten meters, can explore any details, even if hiding in the ground, there is no way to escape his perception, but beyond ten meters, the perception will be very blurred, the distance of one hundred meters is already The limit of his perception, beyond a hundred meters, he can no longer perceive the player.

After a while, the player had exceeded the limit of Song Jian's perception and soon disappeared.

"I didn't expect to meet the law enforcement of fishing right after entering the game?" Song Jian snorted coldly, without looking at the dark gold-quality equipment on the trash can, directly following the corner, chasing in the direction that the player just left go with;

Only a distance of more than one hundred meters, even though some roads were detoured, Song Jian quickly rushed past, a shadow disappeared on the corner, and a strong expression appeared on Song Jian's face, a movement of his mind, a soul walk skill Immediately after the show, the speed suddenly increased to the limit.

The transparent figure appeared like a ghost, behind the player, watching the other person hurried away towards the distance, Song Jian summoned the sky-breaking sword, and beheaded severely towards the player;

Suddenly, around his transparent figure, nearly twenty spirit swords appeared, and he was chopped towards the player like a heavy rain;

Level 3 Wan Jian Fei Xian is now able to kill almost any elite BOSS of the same level. For a player who has lost all equipment defense and has less than 1500 blood points, use Wan Jian Fei Xian Definitely attack, there is a feeling of cannons hitting mosquitoes.

The player only felt a pain in his heart, and a bright golden light curtain rose directly;

"What, how is that possible? It killed me right away?" The player was terrified in his heart. At this time, the remaining spirit sword was still like a rain hitting a banana, severely chopped on the invincible light curtain;

The turbulent energy made the player tremble, watching the ripples on the light curtain, and he had a fear of being broken in the next moment;

"Damn, what luck am I to have encountered such a horrible player!" Just as he turned around and prepared to take a look at himself in the end, he suddenly burst into a flower, and the whole person turned into a white light. Flew into the air;

At this moment, the remaining number of people in the trial space's eyes suddenly jumped, reducing one person, which left the remaining players with a sense of urgency immediately;

"Fortunately, in terms of skill power, I still maintain my advantage!" Song Jian played a sword flower, smiled, and put the sword into Dantian;

System: You have eliminated the trial player Jiang Dayun, the trial points are +1, and the points can be redeemed for trial rewards after the trial ends;

Eliminating competitors, there are even points and rewards, which makes Song Jian feel a bit happy, but unfortunately, he does not know what these points can be exchanged, but the more these points, the better;

After eliminating one person, Song Jian continued to search forward. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that a book with a dark golden light was appearing in front of his eyes beside a telephone pole lying across the road.

"Mistweed!" Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look, and slowly walked to the front of the book, he suddenly found that on the cover of the book, the words "Chaos Blade" were written;

"Even even high-level skill books can be picked up here?" Song Jian felt some urgency immediately, and his strength and other players ~ www.novelhall.com ~ is further shrinking, and over time, other players Will get more high-quality equipment and skills, then Song Jian will have a headache.

"Fight fast?" Song Jian frowned, staring at this skill book in front of his eyes, thinking about a solution: "This city is too big, it is impossible to find all players in a short time, although the edge of the poisonous aura , Driving people to the center of the city without stopping, but shrinking one kilometer in ten minutes, waiting to shrink to the center of the city, at least a whole day ... "

Song Jian glanced at the "Chaos" skill book near him, couldn't help sighing, and was about to turn away. He would not give up Wan Jianjue and soul for such a quiet quality skill book stroll.

When he was about to turn away, he suddenly received a system prompt;

System: You have discovered the "Chaos" in the skill book. Have you devoured it and improved the proficiency of "Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue"?

"What, this skill book in the assessment space can actually improve the proficiency of Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue?" Song Jian shuddered, an incredible look appeared on his face: "How is this possible?"
