I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 862: Start

Song Jian looked around. Only about a third of the people were still standing. These people, like him, were players who passed the first-level combat assessment.

Looking at the red light emerging from his body, Song Jian suddenly felt a very bad feeling, because the light was too much like the flowing blood, and Song Jian's nose even smelled a bit of blood;

It didn't take long for Song Jian and other people present to see a system prompt again after all the players who had entered the trial disappeared.

System: Please be prepared. You will enter the trial space in ten seconds. The way to enter the trial space is random; ten, nine, eight, seven ...

There was a countdown in front of Song Jian's eyes. At the end of the time, everyone turned into a red light, and the scene looked spectacular;

But for Song Jian and the rest of the players, it didn't feel very good. The feeling of being thrown into the washing machine again floated up, and after a while turning, it was as if someone was smashing into Song Jian's stomach. One punch gave Song Jian a feeling of wanting to vomit;

When he got back to his feet, he couldn't help but retching under a broken wall; this feeling was stronger than the dizziness when he first entered the game.

At this time, the system prompt appears again;

System: You enter the trial space "post-nuclear city". The number of players entering the trial space is: 385;

System: Please find protective clothing within ten minutes, otherwise, you will continue to lose Qi and Blood value, and the loss of Qi and Blood value will increase with time, until it enters the dying state;

System: The trial mode is survival mode. When the number of players in the trial space is 1, the trial ends.

System: A virulent aura appears at the edge of the trial space. Every ten minutes, the virulent aura will shrink randomly within a kilometer range. Players in the virulent aura will continue to lose blood and blood, and protective clothing will not start. To any effect

System: In this trial space, players will not really die. Once the damage is beyond their own tolerance range, the invincible aura will be triggered. The player who triggered the invincible aura will be teleported out of the trial space. This trial Failure; the loser will receive a bonus of 1 point for all attributes;

System: Thirty minutes later, the winners of the trials will gradually come to each trial space, please be careful with these competitors!


A waterfall-like system prompt appeared in front of Song Jian, and at the same time, a ten-minute countdown also appeared in front of Song Jian.

At the same time, Song Jian also felt that the dew on the skin appeared acupuncture-like pain, Qi and blood values ​​began to appear inexplicable loss, and a number of "-1" points of injuries were floating above his head. ;

Such a loss, for Song Jian, can be fully tolerated, and his speed of blood value recovery can guarantee to survive in such an environment;

However, Song Jian started actively looking for so-called protective clothing. You should know that such blood loss will gradually intensify over time. There are always times when Song Jian can't resist;

This city is very similar to the previous city of Doomsday. It seems to have been abandoned for hundreds of years. A lot of green plants have crawled all the buildings. Even on the wide road, there are cracks and various plants. , Spread out from the gap.

The only difference from the Doomsday City is that the city is dead and there is no sign of any living beings, not even monsters;

Song Jian rushed into a shop at will, and he found that there was a bottle of drink on the counter of this shop. The bottle was out of place with the surrounding environment, and there was no trace of dust, as if someone had just put it on. In this place.

When Song Jian picked up the beverage, he discovered that it was a bottle of spirit supplement, and this bottle of beverage could only be used in this assessment space. Once he left the assessment space, the bottle would disappear directly;

As soon as Song Jian picked up this bottle of beverage, all the recovered items in the parcel column, whether it was to restore blood or spirit value, whether used in combat or must be used in a non-combat state, all Turned gray.

From this moment, these recovered items cannot be removed from the parcel box, and they have become sealed;

When Song Jian realized it was wrong and threw away the drink in his hand, the seal status of the recovered item in the parcel box did not disappear. After watching it, he had to wait until Song Jian left the seal space to disappear;

"Damn!" Song Jian's face turned blue, and he picked up the bottle again;

"As long as it comes into contact with medicines, similar items brought with it will be sealed. If I pick up equipment or weapons, will my equipment and weapons be sealed and cannot be used?" Song Jian was immediately vigilant.

There are more than 300 people, and only one can be left in the end, saying that it is a survival test, but once players encounter each other, then fighting is their only choice;

There are a lot of supplies in Song Jian ’s parcel box. Now all of them are sealed, which means that Song Jian ’s logistical advantages have disappeared, and he must collect more beverage-like items;

After searching the entire store, Song Jian found two more pills that supplemented the qi and blood value;

At this time, the tingling sensation on the skin became stronger and stronger, Song Jian dared not to delay, and rushed towards the next room. The first problem now is not these supplies, but to find protective clothing within ten minutes;

After searching three rooms in a row, Song Jian finally found protective clothing in a shop where he bought clothes. This is a piece of clothing made of plastic film, which is light and fluttering on his body without any weight;

After wearing this protective clothing, the tingling sensation on the skin immediately disappeared, and the blood value began to slowly recover, but what made Song Jian feel depressed was that after picking up this protective clothing With the exception of necklaces, jewelry and rings, all the equipment on his body was automatically taken off and entered into the parcel box and sealed;

This also means that Song Jian at this time, as if leaving the game ~ www.novelhall.com ~ to return to the real world, lost all the equipment bonuses;

"It's almost impossible to defend, but all players who enter here should have lost their equipment bonus, otherwise, they will be kicked out automatically after ten minutes!" Song Jian secretly said;

Song Jian's equipment can be said to exceed the vast majority of players, sealing supplies and equipment. The gap between him and other players has gradually narrowed;

"Can't continue to pick up the items in this space, otherwise, these jewelry, rings and necklaces will probably be sealed off!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart;

But at this moment, an item with a purplish red light suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes, making Song Jian's mouth open suddenly, and his face showed an incredible look.


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins for "Hope is tomorrow" ~


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