I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 861: Assessment

Instead of returning to his residence, Song Jian came to Meng Tiantian's shop, and handed all the Cuibao bamboo leaves in the parcel box to Meng Tiantian, and then went directly to the game;

Back to the game, this is the early morning in the game. Although there are clouds in the sky, it is already very thin. The morning sun is scattered through the clouds and shines on the surrounding green trees. Everything looks so peaceful. Of course, Song Jian would feel better if there were no players playing around with trees bare-handed.

There are still new players coming to this world. The city of hope is now like other cities. New players do not need to face those monsters directly. They have enough time for them to adapt to this new world.

However, when new players arrive, the first thing is always to save the tree, accumulate the first batch of funds, and then buy one or two general skill books, and then leave the city to go outside and upgrade.

In this way, compared to Song Jian, when they just came to the game, they would have to fight a monster with their bare hands and fight a hundred times stronger. The mortality rate plummeted. As long as they did not die, they generally grew up smoothly;

"It's really happy!" Song Jian looked at the castle and tried to slay the trees.

Just then, a few lines of system prompts suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian;

System: The 138th only vocational assessment is about to begin, will it begin?

System: You still have two chances of rejection. If you continue to reject the next time, the qualification token you obtained will disappear forever;

System: Detect that your combat power has reached the first level. You will pass the preliminary trials directly and enter the competition directly.


The only occupational assessment?

Song Jian hesitated, he remembered Cecilia said that such qualification matches were selected for preparatory qualifications, that is, equivalent to the only professional reserve team, and sometimes, the only professional candidate, and Not necessarily from these reserve teams ...

"Forget it, just check it out, maybe you can get more information about Jianxian's career!" Song Jian secretly chose "Start".

In the parcel column, the black token that had been put on all of a sudden turned into a black light, wrapping Song Jian as if it were a black light cocoon;

Next, Song Jian said that there was a dark space-time gap in the standing position, and the light cocoon that wrapped Song Jian planted into this space-time gap. After a while, this space-time gap also slowly disappeared. Seems like it never happened.

Song Jian felt a whirlwind, as if thrown into a washing machine, but soon, he felt that he stepped on the ground under his feet, and the black light cocoons surrounding him also gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.

At this time, Song Jian found that he was standing in a wide square, and many people had already appeared here, and there were constant black light cocoons falling from the sky like meteors on the square, and the scene looked very magnificent;

"Here, there are at least a thousand people, right?" Song Jian was able to catch sight of him. There was one every few meters, and he couldn't see the end. A dense black light cocoon on his head kept falling, and new people kept appearing in the square. on;

"Well, Zhang Hong?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and saw a bald monk not far from him. He was lowering his head, his eyes were drooping, and he held a staff in his hand, looking like a man. There is a monk in general.

This is the monk Zhang Hong he had met before, and he is also a monk in the real world. His name is Hongyi. Looking at his level, he has risen to forty, which is higher than Song Jian.

And Song Jian can feel that Zhang Hong's side seems to linger in a cold atmosphere, as if there are many ghosts around him.

At this time, Zhang Hong looked motionless and bowed his head, but in fact, he had been using the light from the corner of his eyes to observe the surrounding scenes carefully, but because of the angle, he did not find Song Jian.

But when Song Jian's eyes fell on him, Zhang Hong seemed to feel a bit, and the left ear moved slightly twice, and it seemed that he wanted to feel who his eyes were on him;

Seeing Zhang Hong's actions, Song Jian smiled slightly and did not care, but looked away casually and observed the situation of the players around him;

Before long, there was a look of surprise on Song Jian's face. None of the players standing on the square had a level lower than 35, but they didn't have much first-level combat power.

You know, in order to pass the first-level combat assessment of the world, in addition to strong strength, luck also occupies a large part, so many people fail the first assessment, and can only wait for the second time in a month, or even More;

However, the first-level combat performance assessment can not always be tried. If the number of times exceeds five, or the level exceeds forty levels, the opportunity to pass the first-level combat performance assessment is permanently lost, which is equivalent to a permanent loss. Dozens of attribute points;

However, this does not prevent them from passing the second-tier combat capability assessment. Once the level reaches 50, they can look at the second-tier combat capability with a look. After passing, they will also have attribute points;

It ’s just that players who have n’t passed the first-level combat ability assessment have no more than a dozen points or even dozens of points of attribute bonuses. If they want to pass the second-level combat ability assessment, the difficulty will increase several times, and few players will complete it;

After Song Jian waited for half an hour, there were fewer and fewer black light cocoons in the sky until there was no one. At this time, players standing on the square, Song Jian slightly estimated that more than 3,000 people, of course , This number may be more, after all, many people have exceeded the scope of Song Jian's vision;

At this moment, the entire square suddenly shook slightly, and an altar of several hundred square meters slowly rose from the center of the square;

When the altar stabilized, and its height exceeded thirty meters, everyone's eyes were attracted by this altar. At this time, the top of the altar lighted the portal of light one by one.

By the time it stabilizes, the number of light gates has reached ten;

At this point, everyone received a system prompt at the same time;

System: Players participating in the trial ~ www.novelhall.com ~ please enter the light gate within 30 seconds, otherwise it will be considered as a waiver;


Seeing this system prompt, many players issued an angry scream and hurried towards the square altar.

The positions occupied by players are determined according to the time they choose to agree. The earlier the person who chooses, the farther the station is from the altar, the later the station is chosen, the farther the station is from the altar, and the positions of those stations are beyond If players outside Song Jian's field of vision do not have similar teleport or acceleration skills, I am afraid that this trial will directly fail;

After a while, the number of people in the square was reduced by two-thirds, and a layer of red light appeared on the surface of everyone else.

Ten seconds later, those who were still standing were also prompted by a system;



Set a small goal, such as 1 second Remember: book guest