I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 860: Street address

Song Jian followed Meng Tiantian into a seemingly humble stone house. As soon as he entered the stone house, Song Jian was shot into the eyes by a dazzling light, and he couldn't help blocking it with his hands;

When he got used to the light in the room, he suddenly realized that he actually came to an island, with warm sunlight over his head, and slightly wavy sea water around him. Even the air exuded a faint salty smell. taste;

This is an underground space. Although all the lights are hanging around, it is still a bit dim compared to the outside world. However, the scene in front of it makes Song Jian feel like he has reached another place through the portal;

Looking back, a wooden door erected behind him, out of step with the surrounding scene;

At this moment, he and Meng Tiantian were standing on a white beach. An old man wearing Hawaiian-style beach shorts was lying lazily on a chair, drinking juice, basking in the sun, and around him, still There are two seagulls flying in the air, and they still fall down from time to time, stealing dried fruit snacks beside the lounge chairs;

Obviously Meng Tiantian has been here many times without any surprise, but instead ran to the old man, took the glass of juice that didn't seem to move, took a big mouthful, and then refreshed. Exhaled, grabbed the dried fruit snack next to it and stuffed it into his mouth;

"I said sweet, every time you find an excuse to come here to steal food, and then go on like this, be careful I will never let you in." The old man with closed eyes and sigh next sighed and slowly opened his eyes;

Song Jian looked at these eyes full of vicissitudes of time, and seemed to see a universe erupt in his eyes and then disappear instantly. When he returned to God, he looked at him, but he didn't see anything strange. Everything before him was like an illusion. The old man in front of him, and the old man in the real world who bent down and hump back when the wind blows. It doesn't seem to make any difference.

"It's different this time. I'm here to introduce players to settle here!" Meng Tiantian said with some difficulty, looking at his cheeks.

"Player?" The old man looked towards Song Jian with a smile on his face, but a strange light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, Song Jian felt a sense of being seen through by the other party, which made him feel uncomfortable and couldn't help wrinkling. Frowned

"Well, the perception is very strong, young people, your spiritual attributes should have broken a hundred, right?" A strange color appeared on the old man's face, and nodded, "You can call me Mu Xianzhi, Lao Mu, or directly Like a girl, you can call me an old man! "

Mu Xianzhi stood up, clutching a wooden crutch near the chair, and tremblingly walked towards the beach. Behind a huge rock, he touched it a few times and took out a piece of gold. The badge of light, walked back and handed it to Song Jiandao: "Drop a drop of blood on it, it belongs to you, and you can freely enter any area from the first floor to the thirteenth floor!"

"Golden badge, old man, are you sure he has this qualification?" Meng Tiantian was surprised.

You know, ordinary players who come here can only get silver-quality badges at most. They can only enter the first twelfth floor. It is impossible to reach the thirteenth floor. Without a certain contribution value, it is impossible to exchange for golden quality badges;

The previous magician who checked the qualifications was struggling with qualifications, earning contribution values, and wanted to improve the quality of his badge, and if Hao Dong wants to settle here, he can only use silver badges at most, but he will Just add some permissions.

"His strength is enough to be the guardian of this island. Don't you believe the old man's vision?" Mu Xianzhi said with a sweet look.

"Well, since the old man thinks he can, then he must." Meng Tian rubbed his nose and said.

"Guardian, what is that?" Song Jian asked, playing with the badge in his hand;

This is a badge made in the real world, without any attributes, but Song Jian discovered that there is a small electronic chip inside the badge.

"That's just an identity. With it, you can have a place on this island, you can open a shop like me, or you can build it into a villa, as you like, and you can freely enter and exit the 13th floor. In fact, only players who can enter the thirteenth floor are considered real islanders! "Meng Tiantian explained, while lighting up her badge, saying," If I am not an alchemist, there is no way to get this. A badge! "

The sweet badge, which is also a golden badge, was displayed and then put into her arms;

"Okay, things are done!" Mu Xianzhi lay down on his chair lazily again and said to Song Jian: "Go to the 13th floor and take a look. If you want, you can change the identity and activities in the game. Report it in the area, maybe you can get some help, of course, you can also help others, you can get the contribution value. For the real residents on the island, the contribution value is comparable to the existence of doomsday currency, and will never be It will be too much. Sweet, take him to choose a place to live, I don't mind that you just stole my drinks and snacks. "

After leaving the stone house of Mu Xianzhi, Song Jian and Meng Tiantian returned to the dark street;

"Need me to take you to the thirteenth floor, and the guide fee only needs ten points to contribute!" Meng Tiantian said with a smile;

"I just got this badge, how could there be contribution value? Could it be that you can owe money here?" Song Jian said;

"Every newcomer's badge ~ www.novelhall.com ~ will have ten points of contribution!" Meng Tiantian laughed, her eyes were a bit sly.

Song Jian hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, go to the residence first, it is about to enter the game time."

"It's stingy!" Meng Tiantian rolled her eyes and said, "How many floors are you going to live on? The lower you go, the smaller the living area will be, and the bigger the area will be, the larger the area will be. You can have a residence of 300 square meters! "

Most of the three underground floors are ordinary people. It does n’t make sense to live there. It ’s better to go down. Although the environment is worse, most of them are surrounded by players, which is more convenient for communication.

"Just at this level, more players are better!" Song Jian said;

"Well, by the way, the small building next to me seems to be empty. It is better for you to live there. It will be more convenient for me to send materials later." Meng Tiantian said, "but that place was previously a necromancer. Yes, there seems to be a ghost staying inside, you go to live and just destroy it! "
