I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 853: Abyss player

壮 Several strong men who are playing poker, when they hear the water ghost talking about a shark that is more than ten meters long, they have a mocking look on their faces. They do not believe that there are more than ten meters of sharks in this area

All of these people were crew members before, at least ten years. No legend has been heard in the ocean, but most of them are bragging among the crew, and none of them is true.

The sham ghost looked thoughtfully, staring at the backyard where several people entered. For a long time, he threw the playing cards in his hand onto the table and said, "I'll go and see!"

After speaking, the water ghost walked towards the backyard without turning back.

"What's wrong with the water ghost? Hasn't the hatred between him and the sea wolves been resolved?" A strong man stared at the back of the water ghost and asked in a low voice.

"If the family ’s lives are resolved, how can it be resolved? How is it possible!" A strong man next to him grabbed the playing cards and shuffled a few times, and then began sending them to several people.

"But does it mean that the jazz has acted as a middleman and persuaded them?" One person took the card in his hand and glanced at it, throwing it on the table in dismay.

"Of course, that's for sure, as long as the jazz is still a day, I believe they are resolved, but don't forget, the jazz is already over seventy, you say, what would the water ghost do if the jazz died one day?" The people who dealt the cards slowly rubbed the cards in their hands, with a smile on their faces.

"Bring a gun to the sea wolf's house?" A strong man shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently;

"This is why I don't plan to get married!" A strong man put the card in his hand gently and said, "Three hundred dollars, do you follow me?"

"If you want to get married, you must first have a girl to see you. Five hundred, follow me!" The person who first issued the card laughed and threw a few banknotes at the table.

Uh ...

Tong Songjian and Hao Dong followed the crew to the backyard. The backyard was empty and there were only a few elevator rooms juxtaposed. One of the crew members took out a card with excitement, swiped at the door of the first elevator room, the door of the elevator room opened, and several people entered.

"It only takes 10,000 yuan to apply for a card like this, but this card is the lowest white card and can only go down to the third floor. There are green cards, blue cards and silver cards at the back, which can go deeper. It ’s said that the more you go down, the more fun things there are. As for the immortal things that you said, it is estimated that you have to go to the place where the silver card is at least to get a chance to buy them! ”The crew member laughed;

也就是说 "That is to say, in fact, you don't know what is going on here?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and asked;

"Some things we did not see with our own eyes, but you can't doubt its authenticity, believe me, as long as you come here, you can have everything!" Said the crew member with a serious face;

Taking the elevator, several people went down to the third basement all the way. The elevator had not stopped yet. Song Jian heard a loud noise and passed in through the gaps of the elevator. Looking at a few crew members, he looked eager to wait. Already.

As soon as the ladder door opened, several people greeted Song Jian and Hao Dong, and rushed straight out;

Song Jian and Hao Dong got out of the elevator somehow, and the scene in front of them was exactly the same as a nightclub in an ordinary metropolis. Noisy dj dance music, the smell of perfume and alcohol permeated in the air, and the silhouette under the dim laser light , Several ragged young ladies twisted their bodies crazy on the stage.

所以 "So we spent 50,000 yuan to get here as a stowaway just for the last night club?" Hao Dong said with an incredible expression on his face.

"Don't say that, did the captain give you 50,000 yuan?" Song Jian glanced at Hao Dong and said;

At this moment, a young man in a suit slowly leaned over and shouted, "Are they two here for the first time, do you need a guide?"

"Oh, how do you charge?" Song Jian stared at the boy and asked with a smile;

"It's cheap, only a thousand dollars a day!" The boy shouted with a finger raised;

"Look down ..." Hao Dong was a little angry, feeling that the other party was extorting.

Tong Song Jian raised his hand, stopped Hao Dong from getting angry, and nodded, "Okay, one thousand! What's your name?"

"Hey, my name is Zhao Guoming, just call me Mingzi."

Song Jian has realized that the three underground floors are not just a place like a nightclub in front of him. Outside, it is almost a small town. He even found a lot of people who are suspected of gamers, and strolling around the town. ;

"Go, go out first, it's too noisy here," Song Jian said;

Zhao Guoming nodded and was about to take the two of them out, but suddenly he found out that in this noisy music, even he had to pull his neck and shout to let the other party hear what he said But the person in front of him looked exactly like he was talking, but his voice was clearly transmitted to his ears;

"Two people, please here!" Zhao Guoming suddenly became much more respectful, leading Song Jian and Hao Dong to go outside;

I walked through another corridor and several people walked to the outside street. Zhao Guoming took a deep breath, and the whole person immediately relaxed;

"To be honest, it is really not suitable for the occasion just before." Zhao Guoming touched his nose, said a little awkwardly;

Song Jian and Hao Dong ignored him and looked around ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The streets here are narrow, but the shops on either side are not much worse than those shops in the metropolis. I think it is because of the area After all, what they say now is just the location of the third basement, and the area is only about one third larger than the small island above;

"Two distinguished guests, I don't know why you came here?" Zhao Guoming asked respectfully: "Is it for the pursuit of strength, or for a transaction, or just to relax and entertain?"

"Oh? Is there so much attention here?" Song Jian asked with a smile, couldn't help looking at a girl who passed him by;

This is a young girl with Eastern European descent. She has red chestnut hair, like a flame. As the girl moves, she continues to beat, her body is also very good, eye-catching.

"Hi, baby!" The beauty noticed Song Jian's gaze and didn't care, instead she gave him a kiss and smiled and passed Song Jian;

"Hot!" Hao Dong stared at the young girl's back and couldn't help but swallow. Two eyes could not wait to leave with the young girl;

"She is also a player, very strong!" Song Jian slightly bowed his head and said in his ear with a voice that only he and Hao Dong could hear.

Song Jian felt the smell of the abyss from this girl, this is an abyss professional player!

Uh ...