I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 854: Magician

I saw the player who exuded the abyss, Song Jian frowned slightly. This player did not have the obvious features of the abyss player, such as purple scales, weird moire or horns on his head.

They look exactly like ordinary humans, perhaps because they have special camouflage after entering the real world, or because their characteristics can't be revealed in the real world at all.

"Two distinguished guests, for your sake, I suggest that you stay away from that beautiful lady." Zhao Guoming said nervously, "There are many powerful people here, especially the one just now. Called 'beauty witch', anyone who has a relationship with her will end badly. "

Song Jian smiled slightly and said to Zhao Guoming, "Tell me something interesting here. We are not here for pleasure."

Wu Songjian found that although there are a lot of entertainment facilities here, there is still no way to compare with the metropolis, which is equivalent to the entertainment level of a second-tier or third-tier city at most.

But it is obviously special because it can attract so many people;

"Of course, it ’s better for two distinguished guests to go to the magic tower here, where there is a qualification appraisal, and for a small amount of money, you can test whether they have the qualifications to become magicians. If the two have If the magician is qualified, then you can learn those cool magics from the magic tower! "Zhao Guoming laughed with a smile on his face;

"Magic Tower? Detecting magic qualifications?" Hao Dong said with a surprised expression on his face, and whispered, "There is no such place in the game. There is such a place in the real world. I can't quite figure out where it is now. Where is the game! "

"How do you know that there is no magic tower in the game world?" Song Jian glanced at Hao Dong, nodded to Zhao Gaoming, motioned him to lead the way;

Magical towers are found in the city of Hope. When the city was upgraded from a sixth-level manor, the magic tower was a building that had to be built.

Now the City of Hope's Magic Tower has been upgraded to Level 3, but there are not many magic books in it, and the wizard who hosts the Magic Tower every month will freely test the magic qualification for children under the age of twelve. If you have it, you will be accepted as a magic apprentice.

But it is very difficult for ordinary npc to become a magician. There are no qualified people. The magic tower of the city of hope has only three magic apprentices.

The reason why Song Jian wants to take a look at the magic tower of "Sailor Paradise" is to understand what is the difference between the magic tower here and the magic tower of the city of hope;

Soon, the three came to the edge of the three-story underground area. Song Jian could even see the unpainted black rock exterior wall. Here, a stone tower with only three floors appeared in front of several people.

"Is this too crude?" Hao Dong said with a frown;

"Guike, have you never heard a word, mountains are not high, but dragons are spirits?" Zhao Guoming laughed;

"If there is a fairy, then a name, right?" Hao Dong said with a scornful look at Zhao Guoming;

"Same, all the same, hey, two distinguished guests, should you try it in the past?" Zhao Guoming said;

"Go, take a look." Song Jian glanced at the humble stone tower, and indeed could feel a surging magic flowing in the stone tower. It seems that this is indeed a magic tower, just to build this magic tower People, the construction skills must not be high, otherwise it would not be done.

Entering the stone tower, Song Jian saw that the ground floor of Nuoda's stone tower had only a desk and a chair, a man in a gray mage robe with his legs tilted on the table, his eyes closed, The staff radiates blue-quality light, and it is placed on the table beside the leg as it is;

"Master, these two distinguished guests want to test their magical qualifications!" Zhao Guoming said with a flattering smile to the man lying down;

Song Jian looked at him. This man is only a 25th-level magician profession. This level is too low for players, but in the eyes of ordinary people in the real world, he has mastered the 25th level of magic. The player is very mysterious and powerful. From Zhao Guoming's attitude towards him, he can see that there is a trace of fear in respect and a look of envy in his eyes.

"One person, five thousand dollars, put their hands on the crystal ball, one by one. If there is a flash of light in the crystal ball, it means that you have magical qualifications. If not, it is a Muggle one!" The magician company His eyes did not open, he said lazily.

"Five thousand? Still US dollars, mist grass, magician career so good to make money, I knew I would choose the magician career." Hao Dong muttered quietly.

恩 "Huh?" The lying magician suddenly opened his eyes and looked at several people: "Player?"

The magician asked tentatively, and saw Song Jian and Hao Dong both staring at him with a smile. The magician immediately understood, and his face became a little ugly: "Should you two come to hit the scene? Classes are fixed, what magical qualifications are you going to test? "

"We're just here for the first time, and we don't know that it's not open to players!" Song Jian laughed, and at the same time he took out a thousand dollars and sent Zhao Gaoming away, and said to the magician: "Maybe you can tell We, what is going on here, and why are there buildings that only exist in the game? "

"It's called Sailor's Paradise ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but it's actually run for players like you and me!" Said the magician. "Welcome you to come here. In fact, you can call this place Players' Paradise. This is actually equivalent to a place where all players on the planet gather and exchange. "

"Oh, what does that player conference in the Philippines do?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, he always felt that the so-called player conference has always been inextricably related to this player park;

实际上 "Actually, that player conference, the final destination is also here!" Said the magician: "Since you are here for the first time, these two badges, you are holding!"

Speaking, the magician found two silver-quality badges from his arms and handed them to Song Jian and Hao Dong, saying, "Silver badges can go to areas below the nineth floor, except for the tenth deepest point. Three floors, other areas are free to come and go! "

"Where is this thirteenth floor?" Song Jian asked curiously;

"That is the place where only members with golden badges can enter. As long as you have enough contributions, you can redeem the golden badges!" The magician laughed. "Like me, guarding this magic tower, there will be ten contributions every day. Value, as long as you make up 10,000 points to contribute, you can get a golden badge! "

"It's exactly the same as in the game ..." Song Jian played with this silver badge, and a playful smile appeared on his face;

Uh ...