I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 852: 小 喽 ?? / a>

As the captain described the interesting place on the island, Hao Dong's face showed a scornful look.

"Well, there's nothing fun here, it's just something that is not allowed by law. I want to play gambling. I won't go to Macau or Las Vegas? Want to play girls ..." Hao Dong suddenly hesitated, Glancing at Song Jian, he swallowed the words and said, "It's boring, you still have to repair the ship as soon as possible, don't delay our brother's affairs."

"Relax, rest assured, there is absolutely no delay, just a little repair, my boat is absolutely reliable!" The captain patted his chest to ensure, but glanced at the island, a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

"Why, is there anything else different on this island?" Song Jian glanced at the captain and asked with a smile.

"Yes, of course, there are not only the arena where people fight with people, but also the colosseum where people fight with beasts!" The captain said excitedly, "In addition, there is also the world's largest black market transaction, no matter if you You can buy anything here! "

"You can buy anything you want? Exaggerated." Hao Dong laughed. "If I want to buy elixir, can I buy it?"

"As long as you can afford it, even if you are not old, you can achieve it here!" Said the captain with a firm face;

"Oh, so, I'm really interested in seeing this black market." Song Jian laughed;

"Haha, no problem, I'll send someone to take you to the island. At that time, you just need to say that it was my sea wolf who introduced you, and you can waive the tickets!" Captain Haha laughed;

Soon, the two crew members dragged a lifeboat over, then several people sat up and slowly put them into the sea. The sound of the motor rang and the lifeboat went to the island "dudu";

"This island doesn't look very big. The captain said that it looks like a metropolis here!" Hao Dong glanced at the tattered wooden houses on the island and couldn't help saying it;

"You're wrong," said a nearby crew member who couldn't help but said, "The houses on this island are all eye-catching. The really interesting places are all below."

"Under? Undersea?" Hao Dong was surprised.

"It's not the bottom of the sea." The crewman shook his head and said, "Don't look at the small island, but the area below the sea level is larger and larger. The entire island has actually been hollowed out. The area is what we see. Many times! "

"Who is it?" Hao Dong was surprised. Hollowing out such an island irrespective of manpower and material resources, Hao Dong thinks that this is an incredible idea. In his opinion, only neuropathy has such a thought.

"Who knows, but it is very interesting. Some people call it Sailor's Paradise, but in fact, most of the people who come here are not real sailors!" The crew next to him introduced;

"When will it be built here, at least a few years or even a dozen years." Song Jian laughed;

"Huh, I'm convinced of such a project for 20 or 30 years!" Hao Dong Lengheng said with a loud voice;

"It's strange to say that this sailor park seems to have only appeared in the past few months. I have never heard of it before, and it is not on any fairway at all. Few people come here," the crew explained.

Song Jian and Hao Dong shook at the same time and looked at each other at the same time. The game time and the real world time are slowly changing. An hour in the real world was equivalent to a few months in the game time, but now slowly The gap between game time and real world time is slowly narrowing;

If it is a few months, it is almost exactly the day when this game appeared;

"Looks like we really need to meet here." Song Jian smiled at Hao Dong.

Hao Dong also nodded solemnly;

Several people quickly took the lifeboat near the pier on the shore. After landing, several crew members diligently guided Song Jian and Hao Dong to a shabby wooden house;

Several strong men with tattoos were sitting around playing poker. They saw a few people coming in and didn't care. Only one person looked up and glanced. The others did not even raise their heads;

"Well, sea wolf people, you rarely come here usually. What happened today and pay again?" The brawny man with his head looked up and down with a smile;

"Hey, don't mention it, you met a monster in the sea, a big shark that was more than ten meters long, and crashed the boat. Come over and repair it." One of the crew members seemed to know the person and explained with a smile on his face. There are two distinguished guests on board, the boss asked us to bring them here to meet the world! "

"When did the sea wolves start a pimping business?" Another strong man with his head bowed suddenly said, raising his head, staring at a few people, with a bit of fierce light in his eyes;

Seeing this man, the faces of several crew members changed at the same time, and a look of fear appeared on his face. Song Jian looked away. The strong man wore an eye patch on his right eye and two scars on his left cheek that looked like beasts. A little bit

"Water ghost, haven't you and our boss been settled? Why do you still want to trouble our ordinary little sister?" The crew next to him said blankly ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Little sister. The tone of the word is also especially accentuated.

"Oh, of course, the things between me and the sea wolves, of course, will not involve you ..." A faint smile appeared on the water ghost's face, and said, "Xiao, I just want to ask, you meet In the case of monsters, a dozen-meter-long shark, do you think you are still living in the Jurassic era, what kind of shark did you encounter, megalodon? Then your luck is so good, why not say you met Godzilla? "

"Water ghost, we don't need to lie to you. The body of that monster is not too far from here. If you go to see it now, you can still see its body at the bottom of the sea, at least some of the remains are Absolutely. "The crew member said coldly.

The crew was still very clever, and did not reveal that the monster was killed by Song Jian and Hao Dong, nor did they tell them to increase the credibility of the matter. After speaking, he no longer ignored the name. A strong man called a water ghost, but led a few people towards the backyard of the wooden house;

The water ghost stared at the back of several people, with a fierce look in his eyes, and glanced at the people next to him, saying, "Do you believe in a shark that is more than ten meters long?"
