I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 843: cooking

The area of ​​the bottom of the pond is not large. It only looks like three or five acres. The dark golden light that Song Jian saw was right next to a rock at the bottom of the pond. When Song Jian walked over and saw it, he found that this Turned out to be a plant more than three feet tall;

This plant looks like a green bamboo, with bamboo circles appearing on the surface, and there are several branches extending from the bamboo, and a few palm-sized leaves grow;

On these leaves, there are dense traces of bites. Look carefully. Most of the leaves that have already been eaten should also be left. Many of the leaves have been eaten clean and there is nothing left. Only the bare ones are left. Bamboo pole

"It's strange that a bamboo plant has grown at the bottom of the pond!" Song Jian touched the bamboo plant with a light touch, and its attributes suddenly appeared in front of him;

"Qixue Cuibao Bamboo, Qizhen, use effect: Thirty bamboo leaves are grown every ten days, and bamboo leaves can be used for refining medicine to make Qixuedan; directly eaten, can grow muscles to stop bleeding, increase the upper limit of Qi and blood, use The maximum limit is 5 pieces; Item description: This item can stand on its own, and be isolated from water and fire. Once it takes root, it cannot be moved! "

"Improve Qi and Blood Value?" Song Jian's eyes brightened, no matter what kind of professional players, there will not be too few treasures to increase Qi and Blood value, this Cuibao bamboo is worthless;

"Unfortunately, it cannot be transplanted, otherwise, it can be transplanted into the spiritual field of the manor castle;" Song Jian frowned slightly;

It's in the wild here. Once someone finds it, I'm afraid not only will all the leaves be picked, but this Cuibao bamboo will be destroyed;

At this time, almost all of the leaves on this Cuibao bamboo were eaten. The next time to grow the leaves is less than three days. Song Jian thought about it and took out a few sword gas stones. Around the Cuibao bamboo, a magic sword array was arranged to cover up the Cuibao bamboo;

After doing all this, Song Jian searched the bottom of the pond again, but found nothing else, and turned towards the upper reaches of the pond;


Back at the manor castle, Song Jian found that Li Ke'er and Wang Qi were in the castle's conference room and seemed to be waiting for his return;

Seeing Song Jian's appearance, Li Ke'er rushed up immediately, pulled Song Jian's sleeves, and asked with a look of anticipation: "Brother Song Jian, have you got the eagle eggs?"

Song Jian smiled slightly and took out all the hawksbill eggs from the package, and two young hawksbill birds, all placed on the conference table;

Seeing Song Jian going out only once, he had so much to gain, Wang Qi's eyes were straight;

"How is that possible, how can there be so many?" Wang Qi said to himself.

"Brother Song Jian, you are so amazing!" Li Ke'er jumped up, and was immediately attracted by the fluffy eagle owl young bird, ran over to arouse;

"I heard that the Eagle Eagle Cliff is very dangerous, and there is a hatred linkage of Eagle Eagle Eagle there. As long as you get one, you will welcome a big one. You, how did you get so much?" Wang Qi wondered;

Although Song Jian is powerful, Wang Qi has also sent people to investigate. Hundreds of hawks are chasing after him. Even with Song Jian's strength, I am afraid I won't be able to persist for long.

"Sneaking up, from a passageway in a hawk lair, into a valley, all of which are witch-winged hawks." Song Jian said without reservation: "I encountered a goblin merchant there, whose goods were hawked by the hawk. Someone stole it, and I retrieved the goods for it. These are considered mission rewards. "

"Task rewards!" Wang Qi's eyes suddenly appeared a look of disappointment. You must know that such tasks are often one-off tasks, and it is impossible to duplicate them.

Although Song Jian obtained more than ten hawksbill eggs this time, it is far from setting up a flying cavalry brigade. If you ca n’t find the rest how to get hawksbill eggs, I am afraid that the flying cavalry brigade of the city of hope cannot be established. .

Seeing Wang Qi's appearance, Song Jian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the eagle owl eggs will soon be available. Up to ten days, that goblin merchant will bring a lot of eagle owl eggs, and we will buy them directly!"

As soon as Wang Qi heard this, he was relieved;

The development of the Undead Valley has been ongoing. In addition to the Shadow Forest, the gems in the river next to the Undead Pagoda are also of good quality, in short supply, and the price is high, bringing 100,000 to the City of Hope every day. net profit;

If the construction of the city of hope has not been fast, I am afraid that a huge amount of wealth has already been accumulated;

"Is there anyone in the League who specifically contacts cooking?" Song Jian asked.

"Cooking?" Wang Qilue nodded and said, "Yes, Song Dapeng, thirty-two years old. In the real world, he is a chef of a five-star hotel. After entering the game, he didn't like leveling much, Until now, it is only 26, but cooking has been mastered. He knows more than a hundred recipes, most of which he himself learned! "

If you are a chef in the real world, understanding the recipes in the game is a very simple matter. You only need to make the actual dishes in the game to understand the corresponding recipes.

"Where is he now? I have a batch of materials and I need him to make it!" Song Jian said;

"He is busy decorating the shop these two days, and is going to open a restaurant near the square. Wait a minute, I will tell him to come over here!" Wang Qi said;

After a while, a cheeky man was brought in;

Seeing Wang Qi, Song Dapeng showed a flattering smile on his face, nodding his head, rubbing his hands and smiling: "Wang, Lord Wangcheng, are you looking for me?"

Wang Qi pulled him in front of Song Jian and said to Song Jian, "Citylord, this is Song Dapeng!"

Upon hearing Wang Qi calling Song Jiancheng, Song Dapeng was shocked and bowed toward Song Jian again and again ~ www.novelhall.com ~ nervously said: "City, city master, sorry, I, I have never seen you, lost, excuse me!"

"Song Dapeng, don't be nervous!" Song Jian laughed, took out all the snake meat in the parcel box, put it on the table and said, "This time I'm looking for you, I need your help. I have a group Cooking ingredients, want you to process it all into food. "

Upon hearing that Song Jian was just looking for him to cook, Song Dapeng immediately relaxed and nodded again and again: "Citylord please rest assured, I will never waste a trace of materials, and ensure that they are all excellent and above!"

Even with the same recipe, the higher the cooking skill, the higher the quality of the food produced. With the master cooking of Song Dapeng, it can completely guarantee that every food prepared is at least of excellent quality, even higher. ;

"Okay!" Song Jian nodded and said, "But I have a requirement that the prepared food cannot be duplicated, and each material must be made into a different food!"

Song Dapeng froze and glanced at the small snake-like meat on the conference table. His eyes suddenly straightened: "Gold, golden-quality ingredients ..."
