I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 842: Tandi

Standing by the water of the waterfall pool, Song Jian looked down;

The depth of the water in this Wangtan is bottomless. Even if he raises his eyes, Song Jian can see nothing, but he can perceive that there are many weird creatures or monsters in the depth of the pond;

In this case, jumping hurriedly just sent him to death, Song Jian thought for a while, and found a piece of raw meat from the parcel, which is also a cooking material, but Song Jian did not use it to make food, but instead The planing knife was cut into long strips of finger thickness, and then thrown into the pond water one by one;

Song Jian waited quietly. After a while, the pond water suddenly moved and became more and more violent. Several black shadows in the water kept stirring, all swimming towards the water surface;

"Sure enough, there can't be only one such python ..." Song Jian smiled slightly, stepped back slowly, and clenched the sword in his hand.

Soon, dozens of pythons burst out of the water and pounced towards Song Jian. These pythons were huge in size, but their movement speed was not slow at all.

Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue!

More than a dozen long swords immediately enveloped these pythons, and the sound of explosions one after another interrupted the offensive of these pythons;

Then Song Jian's long sword was thrown into the air, and five swords were transformed into a five-element sword array, and more than ten pythons washed up from the lake were all covered;

The sword energy value dropped by more than half in an instant. The invisible sword array consumes sword energy value based on the number of attack targets and strength. Once the sword energy value is consumed, then the five elements sword array will not break.

Fortunately, after Song Jian learned the luck of the Royal Sword Technique, the upper limit of the sword's value increased a lot, and the quality of the sword's quality also improved several times after being advanced into a golden sword, and the recovery speed was extremely fast. Monsters, in addition to condensing the sword array, consume more, maintaining the sword array does not need to consume too much sword energy;

In the gray sword fog, there were constant roaring and roaring of pythons. The levels of these pythons ranged from as low as forty-two and as high as forty-five. Most of their blood values ​​were around 6,000. The sword light shone, and each sword light would bring them seven or eight hundred points of damage, so it didn't take long for the roar in the sword array to gradually weaken until it was silent;

After all the pythons were dead, Song Jian suddenly realized that not only would these pythons provide precious cooking materials, but also the experience value was surprisingly high. The dozen or so pythons provided more than 200,000. The experience value has increased Song Jian's experience slot by more than 5%;

"The only regret is that the probability of this burst is too low!" Song Jian said, looking at the white-quality equipment on the ground in twos and twos, with some depression;

More than a dozen monsters of forty grades have burst only three pieces of forty-grade white-quality equipment and two pieces of green-quality equipment, and did not burst any materials. Such a burst rate, if not Song Jian knew that Precooked precious cooking materials from them, I am afraid that after playing it once, I lost interest in these monsters;

Using the planing knife to plan the pythons alone, Song Jian obtained a lot of materials. After all the planing was completed, Song Jian's planing technique was also upgraded to the eighth level;

"Each python can decompose a piece of light golden quality cooking material, and there are some blue quality snake skin and snake scale materials. These materials alone are probably worth a lot of money!" Song Jianlian A smile came up;

In addition to the "magic snake meat", Song Jian also obtained eight snake skins for making forty-level leather armor and snake scales for forty-level scale armor, but the horns on their heads only Two were collected, plus the previous one, and a total of three were collected;

Looking at a dozen pieces of pale golden snake meat in the parcel box, Song Jian smiled slightly and began to repeat the action of attracting the python before;

For a whole day, Song Jian was like fishing, seducing a python from the depths of the pool, and then using sword skills to destroy them all;

"Magic snake meat" Song Jian collected more than a hundred fast, and there are a lot of other materials, the most important thing is that Song Jian's level has been directly improved by one level, from 38 to 39 ;

Song Jian was added to the Xuanyue Streaming Sword. The power of each sword has been increased from 35% to 40%, which is not large, but the total damage has increased by at least 2,000.

Looking at the pale golden snake meat in the parcel box, Song Jian secretly said, "If all these materials are cooked into food, the enhanced attributes alone are probably equivalent to successfully passing a B-level first-order combat performance assessment world!"

Due to recipes and eating restrictions, Song Jian cannot run out of all of these materials. He must share them with others in the Confederate Alliance, and use these snake meats for cooking. The cooking experience will increase faster than usual. Many, even if it sells, each piece of snake meat sells for 30,000 Yen, I am afraid that many people are rushing to buy it;

But now Song Jian has no shortage of doomsday currency. Now he is more inclined to barter. These snake meats may be exchanged for many good things;

Continue to seduce, no python in the water pond surfaced. It seems that Song Jian has completely killed the python here, shook his head, and Song Jian is ready to turn away.

But at this moment, Song Jian hesitated for a moment, turned around and jumped directly into the pool, slowly sinking towards the bottom of the water;

This puddle is really weird. It gave birth to such a weird python. Song Jian wanted to take a look. What is strange in the bottom of the water?

There was silence in the water pond. The more you dived, the more pressure Song Jian felt. If it wasn't for the physical fitness being greatly improved, I am afraid that Song Jian would not be able to persist for a long time.

Ten minutes later ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian was already dark around, and he could only open his eyebrows and raise his eyes to observe everything around him.

Sure enough, the underwater python did not seem to have Song Jian seduced ashore to kill him. There were no traces of monsters in the pool. After a while, Song Jian suddenly felt as if he had passed through a thin film. , Fell directly to the bottom of the water;

The bottom of the water is full of dry sand, without a trace of water, and there is a layer of light curtain that emits a faint fluorescent light at the top of the head, which is like a semi-circular bowl.

"Sure enough, the place where pythons can be born is not as ordinary as I thought!" Song Jian patted the sand and soil on his body and stood up;

The light curtain is seven or eight meters away from the bottom of the lake. Song Jian is equivalent to falling from there and caught off guard. If it is an ordinary person, he may fall into a serious injury, but for Song Jian, he has not suffered any injuries.

Walking on the bottom of the white sandy pond, Song Jian suddenly saw a dark golden light flashing in front of him, which immediately attracted Song Jian's full attention;
