I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 844: Master

Although Song Dapeng has not been in the game for a long time, there have been thousands of types of ingredients he has seen. Various monsters in the game can burst cooking materials, even the lowest-level zombies can burst. You can imagine how many types of cooking materials are used in this game.

So far, most of the cooking materials that Song Dapeng has seen are of white quality, the best quality is blue quality, and silver quality has never been seen. Now seeing so many golden quality cooking materials, Song Dapeng's heart suddenly Beating violently

Master cooking uses ordinary cooking materials and recipes. There is no way to improve proficiency. Recipes can be developed by yourself, but advanced cooking materials are not available to players with only more than 20 levels. Most of the doomsday money Song Dapeng earned in the game was used to purchase advanced cooking materials, which is why he opened a restaurant in the city of hope and earned some more doomsday coins.

"Here, are these the ingredients that need to be cooked?" Song Dapeng looked at the snake-like meat on the hill, feeling that his throat was a little dry, and his palms were all sweaty;

"Yes, but each piece of material can only make one kind of food. There are a total of 136 pieces of material, which means that you have to make 136 different kinds of food. You can make Are you there? "Song Jian said, staring at Song Dapeng.

Song Dapeng touched these materials and saw the properties of these materials. He immediately understood what Song Jian wanted to express. If these materials could not be made into different things, it would be the greatest waste.

Song Jian glanced at these materials, his eyes showed a regretful look, so many golden-quality cooking materials, if he used them all to improve his cooking, at least he could upgrade to expert cooking, but for him Upgrading cooking with these materials is completely a waste. In the cooking process, not only can they not fully play the role of these materials, but may also cause a lot of waste;

Take the same barbecue, the barbecue made by Song Jian can only add 2 points of physical attributes. If you let Song Dapeng make it, the same barbecue may increase the physical attributes by 3 or even higher;

"Yes, I now have more than 180 recipes. Although not all of them are made with meat as the main ingredient, I can develop new recipes and make sure that these materials make the best use of them!" Song Dapeng looked. Solemn assurance

"Okay, you've made it here in the past two days. You can't leave the manor castle for half a step before it's finished!" Song Jian stared at Song Dapeng.

Song Dapeng froze, but quickly nodded in agreement;

These golden-quality cooking materials are worth thousands of dollars. Even if they are directly sold to the auction house, they can sell at least several million doomsday coins. The money is moving, and Song Jian has to take some precautions.

"City Lord, where did you find so many golden-quality cooking materials? It's awesome. Song Dapeng turned it up this time. How many masters can improve the proficiency of master cooking!" Wang Qiman looked with a look of astonishment. .

Seeing these materials, Wang Qi is also a jealous Venus, a material that permanently increases the attribute point. If it is only made of food, it is almost as valuable as the attribute fruit;

You know, now that one attribute fruit has been bought at the end of 150,000 yen, and there is still no price. If the fruit of the same attribute is not eaten too much, it will have to double its price.

Song Jian smiled slightly. These golden-quality ingredients are more precious than the attribute fruits on the market, but now the attribute fruits on the market can only increase one or two attribute points, and these snake meats are made into food. Even with Song Jian's nine-level cooking level, you can make food with an increase of 2 points. If you let Song Dapeng make and make food, I am afraid that it will increase the food by at least three points or more;

"After making it, you can give part of it to the brothers in the war alliance to send benefits!" Song Jian laughed;

The current City of Hope Alliance has rarely added players. All players who want to join the City of Hope Alliance must be strictly evaluated. Even if they pass the assessment, they can only become the periphery of the City of Hope Alliance. Members, at least a three-year evaluation period, and also need to make a huge contribution to the war alliance in order to become a full member;

With such harsh conditions, Song Jian wouldn't have many players willing. Unexpectedly, as soon as the conditions were announced, thousands of players would not be able to enclose the registration area of ​​the City of Hope League, and they would all join the Alliance.

Wang Qi's eyes brightened. He knew that what Song Jian said was to give benefits to the brothers of the Alliance, which naturally refers to the players who followed them in the quest to build a city. These belong to the core members of the Alliance. There are good things, naturally. Give them first;

Three days passed quickly, and Song Dapeng was flushed with red eyes. He placed a portion of the prepared food on the table in the conference room. The table was 12 meters long and more than 3 meters wide. The savory food makes people just stand by for a glance and feel that the saliva can't stop flowing out;

"Dapeng, how much is cooking?" Wang Qi looked at Song Dapeng, whose eyes were flushed and looked exhausted, but very excited;

"Master Nine!" Song Dapeng said proudly;

You know, life vocational skills are divided into one to ten levels, ten levels and one hurdle. After reaching level ten, they will advance to the junior title. After the tenth level, they will advance to intermediate, and so on, until the master. level;

Song Dapeng was only a third-level master before. I did not expect that after making more than a hundred dishes with golden materials, he was directly upgraded from the third-level master to the ninth-level master!

"Great!" Wang Qi was surprised. "Master is going up, what level is it?"

"It should be a grandmaster, but if you want to advance to a grandmaster, you must complete a task!" Song Dapeng said, although no one told him this information, but after he advanced to master 9th level, his mind Relevant information emerged in China;

"City master, try these foods, all of them can permanently improve their attributes!" Song Dapeng said to Song Jian with a smile on his face, "136 materials ~ www.novelhall.com ~ made a total of 78 "Good quality food, 58 perfect quality food!"

"Perfect quality?" Song Jian swept away. The surface of these foods only exudes a faint golden light, and there is no obvious difference;

"Yes, excellent quality foods have a 40% increase in effectiveness, and perfect quality foods have a 100% increase in effectiveness. That is to say, foods that could only have 3 additional attributes can be increased by 4 if they are of excellent quality, and Perfect quality can add 6 points! "Song Dapeng explained;

Song Jian nodded and began to taste these dishes one by one;

After taking a few courses, Song Jian suddenly frowned, and he found that some deviations from the previous conjecture were not different recipes, and the attributes could be added to the recipes;

Among these dishes, some increase the power by 4 points, some increase 5 points, and others can increase 6 points. Although the dishes are different, Song Jian can only choose one type. If he eats, it will increase 4 points. Food, then adding 5 and 6 o'clock will not have any effect on Song Jian;
