I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 841: Magic snake meat

Looking at the cave in front of him, Song Jian narrowed his eyes and stared carefully.

"These two eagle owl young birds should roll out of these holes?" Song Jian guessed that there were many eagle owl young birds in the holes he had passed before. The holes there were steep. Once the eagle owl young If a bird gets into a hole and cannot control its body, it is easy to hit a sharp stone corner and be injured;

Looking at these two hawksbill birds, although the spirit is a bit sluggish, but the body is not injured. It seems that the holes in this area should be relatively smooth. The hawksbill birds fell from the nest and would not be hurt too much;

"If this is the case, there should be many traces of eagle owls here. How could there be no trace left?" Song Jian frowned slightly and looked around;

At this moment, the surface of the pond under the waterfall suddenly rippled slightly. A giant snake of seven or eight meters long slowly swam out of the pond and rushed towards him from behind Song Jian;

The scales of this giant snake glowed with a metallic luster, and the water surface slipped easily without making any noise, and it seemed to fly. After leaving the water surface, it emptied directly into the air and fluttered towards Song Jian's back;

Song Jian was looking around at these one-man holes, wondering if he was going to drill through them, and went to the Eagle's Nest to take a look. Maybe he was lucky, and he could catch a few young Eagle-birds.

At this moment, there was a slight burst of air in Song Jian's ears, and a faint smell of smell appeared on the tip of the nose. On the ground, a thick black shadow was fluttering towards himself;

Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue!

Song Jian grasped the sword in his hand and turned and chopped towards the void behind him;

Nearly twenty spirit swords floated in front of him out of thin air, and flew past the dark shadow locked by his eyes;

Bang Bang Bang ~

After a burst of explosion, this python, which looks like a forest giant, has become a corpse after falling, covered with sword marks over a foot long, and constantly shed blood;

This python is an ordinary monster at level 43. Its blood value is less than 6,000, and it was directly killed by Song Jian. Looking at the three-inch horn that emerged from the forehead of this giant snake, Song Jian thought of it and burst it. After picking up a forty-level green dress, he threw a planing operation;

Song Jian's planing technique is still low, and there is no special practice. Now I saw a three-inch horn on the forehead of this python, and I was curious. I couldn't help but threw a planing technique. Already.

The corpse of the monster that had originally burned a transparent flame began to disappear slowly, leaving two items in place;

"Yeah, pale gold material?" Song Jian looked at the snake meat with a pale golden light on the ground and a blue-quality horn, with a look of surprise on his face.

This is Song Jian's first encounter with golden-quality materials;

"Strange, my level of planing is not high. How can I break down such high-quality materials?" Song Jian looked at the two materials in his hands, feeling strange;

You know, with his level of planing, there is a high probability that the gray quality will be decomposed. There is no good material at all. Good luck, you can decompose the white quality materials, but it is difficult to decompose the green and green Materials of higher quality;

Don't talk about this golden-quality material. If this blue horn can be collected usually, Song Jian will be happy for several days.

"It's strange!" Song Jian looked at the properties of the two materials;

The blue-quality horn does not look strange, it is a forged material that can be used to make daggers or daggers;

But that piece of light golden-quality snake meat made Song Jian's eyes wide open.

"Magic snake meat, cooking material, quality: golden, use effect: can be used in cooking, there is a great chance to make food with permanently increased attributes; requirements for use: cooking level 8; material description: this is a piece full of magic The material of power. It is the cooking material that many chefs dream of. Use it to restrain foods with various attributes. As for what attributes to add, it depends on the cooking method you master and your cooking level! "

"Culinary materials that permanently increase attributes?" Song Jian's face was surprised;

This saying has been circulating among players, if cooking can reach the top level, food that can permanently increase attributes can be made, but this has always been a rumor, and no one can make real materials that increase attributes;

Song Jian has always thought that even if this statement really exists, it must be because of a high-quality recipe. I did not expect that this legend really exists, and the ability to make this kind of food does not depend on the recipe. Depends on the cooking material;

Cooking is a life skill that is best to level up. Almost all players will master this skill after entering the game for a while;

Song Jian ’s cooking skills have already rushed to the ninth level. He does not lack a variety of high-quality cooking materials. In addition to some recipes purchased at the auction house, Song Jian has also developed many recipes by himself. After all, in the real world, His cooking level is not bad;

After seeing this material, Song Jian couldn't wait. He directly lit a bunch of bonfires and started using this material. Because there was no corresponding auxiliary material on hand, Song Jian could only use it to make the simplest barbecue;

And the properties of this material also let Song Jian determine that the properties of the food produced do not depend on the recipe, but on this golden-quality material;

After a while, a fragrant piece of roasted meat appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes. The surface of this roasted meat also exuded a pale golden light.

"Sure enough, the quality of the final food is determined by the ingredients, not the cooking or the recipe!" Song Jian secretly looked at the attributes of the barbecue.

"Magic grilled meat, food, quality: golden, effect of use: After eating, it will permanently increase 2 physical properties. After eating, it will increase the blood value of 128 points per second, which will increase the blood value of 3200 points for a total of 15 seconds. All hunger levels can be obtained simultaneously with a temporary effect of +10, the effect lasts 30 minutes; Item description: the same kind of food, permanently increase the attribute effect, one person can only take effect once; "

Song Jian didn't hesitate ~ www.novelhall.com ~ ate this hot barbecue, added 2 physical attributes to himself, and obtained a temporary effect of physical constitution +10;

Not counting temporary effects. At this time, Song Jian's physical attributes have reached 106. At one point of physical fitness, 50 qi and blood values ​​are calculated. At this time, Song Jian's qi and blood values ​​have exceeded 5,000 points, even if some equipment Bad fighters do not necessarily have high blood values;

"Unfortunately, the same kind of food can only be eaten once. Otherwise, a blood cow can be piled out based on the food alone." Song Jian secretly said.

But soon, his mind suddenly flashed: "Similar food, similar food, then I change it, isn't it the same food? Damn, in addition to my constitution, I have several other attributes, even if The same foods that increase constitution, the effects of different recipes are different ... "

Thinking of this, Song Jian's eyes were looking towards the water pond, his eyes were full of expectations;


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84".