I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 840: Puddle

The mission reward this time is five eagle owl flying mount eggs, increasing the reward by 20%, which is equivalent to giving one more eagle owl fly eggs. You know, this is a flying mount. Now the price of the flying mount is over 300,000 Doomsday currency has always been priceless.

And Song Jian entered here for these flying mounts;

"Is there anything else, I'll pay for it!" Song Jian asked, staring at the goods box of the goblin merchant's golden seal;

"It's expensive. This is a flying mount. If it weren't for this shipment, I wouldn't have used it as a mission reward." The goblin businessman said with a pained expression.

"Rest assured, the market price will not let you suffer!" Song Jian comforted.

At this moment, the goblin merchant was quietly putting the six guardian feathers and the crimson red crest leader into the cargo box, and Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed.

"I thought these mission items were proof of hunting. It seems that their value is far beyond my imagination!" Song Jian secretly said.

Can take out five, no, six eagle owl flying mount eggs as a reward, except for being able to get back the goods, I am afraid that the value of these mission items is not much worse than these eagle owl flying mount eggs;

Thinking of this, Song Jian's face suddenly became a little gloomy;

Seeing Song Jian's eyes staring at those mission items, the face of the goblin businessman Jinyin also changed, and he sighed and said, "Hey, forget it, whoever asked you to help me so much, I have five eagle eggs here, so I'll sell them all to you. "

Then, Jin Yin found five eagle owl eggs out of the container and put them in front of Song Jian.

For these five eagle eggs, Song Jian spent more than one million yen. After completing the transaction, Song Jian's face became noticeably better, which also made Jin Yin relieved in his heart.

"By the way, in this valley, apart from the hawk's lair, is there any other hidden place?" Song Jian put the hawk eggs in the parcel box, stood up, and looked around and asked.

"This isn't a hawk's lair, it's just a simple place, and the hawk that occupies it is just a traitor who escaped from the hawk's lair. They are now just a group of robbers, and the hawk has actually There is no relationship whatsoever. "Jin Yin shook his head and said," The real eagle nest is hidden in a gap in space. There is no key. There is no way to find it. It is said that there is a eagle paradise with ten seats. The mountain is a habitat for the sprites! "

"Ten mountains?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and thought of the silver feather in the parcel, which was a token that could open the nest of the eagle, which was probably the key in the mouth of the golden seal, which allowed him to enter the eagle.

"Nice, ten mountains!" Jin Yin nodded, his face aspiring, said: "It is said that in the mountains, the true treasures of the hawks are hidden, which are treasures collected by the hawks for hundreds of years. Liancheng, unfortunately, there is the real home of the Harpy, if it is not Harpy, there is no way to get there! "

Song Jian smiled slightly. Now that the mission is completed, he doesn't need to stay in this valley anymore. He is about to bid farewell to the goblin merchant. At this moment, Song Jian suddenly heard a sharp eagle owl from the valley in the distance. The name suddenly changed.

"There is also a hawk in this valley?" Song Jian hesitated and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, I'm just following this group of eagles to come here, I don't know what's in this valley." The goblin businessman shook his head and said.

Song Jian nodded, and said nothing, turned and walked in the direction of the hawk's name;

The goblin merchant counted the lost and recovered goods in the original place. After packing everything, he was about to leave. I don't know what I remembered. The golden seal suddenly stopped and hid all the goods in the shadow of this huge rock again. , Turned around and sneaked away in the direction Song Jian left;

This valley is very large. Song Jian collected a few rare herbs in the valley woods along the way and harvested a lot. Through this forest, Song Jian appeared in front of his eyes. This waterfall is only a few meters wide and more than ten meters. High, there is a bottomless pool of water under the waterfall. Song Jian can vaguely feel that there is a faint threat from this pool of water. It seems that there is something that can threaten his life;

Song Jian looked up, two adult hawksbills were continually hovering over the waterfall, making a groaning sound, sometimes even planning to rush down, but in the end it seemed to have a strong fear of this area, always Did not fall.

Song Jian felt strange. He searched carefully along the edge of the lake, and after a while, he saw two chicks the size of a hawk-headed hawk, fluttering wings that had just grown a layer of fluff. The grass was rolling, trying to stand up.

"Eagle bird young bird?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes. This is a natural flying pet. It is very difficult to capture. Generally, as long as he can catch them, it is easy to sign a pet contract with them;

It is just that such young birds are easy to find, but it is very difficult to catch them, because there are always adult hawksbill guards near these young birds;

The two eagle owls did not know what the reason was, they even fell to the grass in the valley, but the adult eagle owls who guarded them did not dare to fall because they were afraid of the monsters in the water pond;

Song Jian rushed towards the two eagle owls and held them in the palm of his hand. When he saw Song Jian grabbing the two eagle owls, the two adult eagle owls on their heads made a desperate tweet and turned away.

System: You found a hawk bird, would you like to conquer it and become a battle pet / flying mount?

Generally, after catching cubs, there are two training directions, one is fighting pets, which can assist in fighting, and the other is mounting;

Like now ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Once the direction is selected, it cannot be changed. If you choose to train to become a combat pet, then these two hawksbill chicks will develop in the direction of battle as the level increases. If you choose Trained as a flying mount, it will develop in the direction of manned flight.

Song Jian directly refused. Whether it was a flying mount or a battle pet, the Black Dragon could already meet his requirements. The two eagle owls took it back to Wang Qi and let him set up a flying cavalry.

Put away the two eagle owl young birds, Song Jian began to examine the surroundings carefully, this is a valley, if there are no special circumstances, there will be no eagle owl young birds;

Soon, Song Jian saw a large number of dense holes like honeycombs on the cliff next to the waterfall. These holes are exactly the same as when he entered the valley before. It can be imagined that behind these holes, there must be Also one hawk lair;

Song Jian glanced back. The area here was at least a few hundred meters away when he entered the valley. I didn't expect that the range of the eagle owl cliff was so wide, and the number of eagle owls in the eagle eagle cliff was far more than he found before. quantity;
