I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 835: Pick up cheap

The floating state of the Xuanyue Streaming Sword is much more powerful than the Folding Wing Sword. As long as the first sword is not blocked, the following eight swords will continue to receive the unsuspecting floating state bonus, regardless of the defense armor. High, all are equivalent to nothing;

The effect of the streamer sword also seems to be extremely shocking. The blood feathers in the floating state are like a funnel, and several blood arrows are shot. A scream of pain is emitted from its mouth, and the body twitches slightly. ;

At this time, Song Jian also found that Jianying's avatar lost contact with himself. Just now the lightning ball of the hawk leader, Blood Feather, even killed Jianying's avatar directly. This made Song Jian's heart sink. It looks like this BOSS's long-range damage is much more powerful than he expected, and he still needs to be close to combat to restrain it;

You should know that the greater the range damage, the longer the release time, and Song Jian can only interrupt it to release the skill only when it is in a melee state;

After the release of Xuanyue's Streaming Sword skills, Blood Feather fell to the ground fiercely, and with a screaming scream, Blood Feather stood up and looked for Song Jian, but suddenly saw that Song appeared before the fitness. There were more than ten stalks of ghostly long sword ghosts, and suddenly a look of fear appeared in the blood feathers' eyes, retreating back and forth;

Uh ~

Wan Jianju once again exhibited, more than ten spirit swords, backed up again and again by the blood feathers;

The cooling time of Xuanyue Streaming Sword is five seconds, while the cooling time of Wanjian Fei Xian Jue is ten seconds, and two flat cuts in the middle can connect these two skills very well, but Xuanyue Streaming Sword , Need to be launched three meters away, every time you need to release, Song Jian also needs to actively distance, this is a small flaw;

After the release of Wan Jianjue, Song Jian stepped forward and waved his long sword fiercely to chop the blood feathers. His damage skills are still too small at this time. Both skills are in the cooldown time. Hack to continue the attack;

However, Song Jian ’s weapon breaks the sky sword, and the damage is already very high. Coupled with the talent skill “Holy Sword”, over time, it can increase the damage done to the target, and it can also shorten the cooldown time of the skills. The most important thing is Yes, the most important thing is that there is a certain chance to trigger the "Unbreakable" effect;

In his usual casting, Song Jian found that it took at least ten minutes to maximize the effect of the "Holy Sword" on increasing the damage and shortening the skill time;

However, with Song Jian's current strength, I am afraid that ten minutes will be enough to resolve the boss-level boss in front of him. This is also because Song Jian's current damage is too high, causing the "Holy Sword" effect to not fully play. More powerful BOSS can make the effect of "Holy Sword" fully play out;

However, the more powerful BOSS often has the ability to spike Song Jian. Don't say ten minutes, even one minute, I'm afraid Song Jian can't hold it.

Seeing Song Jian rushing towards himself, Blood Feather waved his staff, and he was like a soldier, and he fought with Song Jian. A set of cloak staff method was exhibited. After a short time, he actually suppressed Song Jian. Song Jian was very surprised at first, but he did not expect that the Harpy leader who should have been a long-range legal attacker would even use such a melee attack method, and it seems that he is much more skilled than him;

Although many of Jian Jian's sword skills have been swallowed and disappeared, Song Jian still remembers the performance of these sword skills. After all, he used them hundreds or thousands of times before. These skills have been deeply imprinted on Song Jian. The mind, but at this time, it is displayed, without the power of the previous sword skills, all are the damage of ordinary attacks;

Even without the skill bonus, Song Jian's current swordsmanship is not weaker than the average swordsman who has practiced for more than ten years, but I did not expect that in the presence of this Harpy leader, there was a feeling of suppression everywhere. For the melon leader, I am afraid that he has studied a lot of melee combat skills for melee combat;

Seeing that Song Jian was suppressed by himself, there was a happy look on the face of the blood feather leader of the eagle, but this happy look just appeared, and then he saw Song Jian waving his sword again, and struck himself in the void, ten The phantom of the long sword with flashing aura of Yu Shan, once again appeared in the air;

With a scream, a look of shock and anger suddenly appeared on Blood Feather's face, and the staff that had been smashed towards Song Jian immediately took it back, backed up again and again, and at the same time cast a defensive skill, the staff waved , Suddenly surrounded by a layer of defensive light curtain flashing with electric light;

Papapa ~

This layer of lightning defense light curtain, just resisted the three-handed spirit sword, was directly smashed, and the spirit sword in the back was slashed mercilessly on it.

This layer of Lightning Defense Light Curtain of Blood Feather is actually not only defensive, but also has the ability to counterattack, especially against melee classes. It has great restraint. When attacking the Light Curtain, it will be damaged by the lightning attached to it, triggering paralysis and shudder effects , But this layer of light curtain counterattack, for long-range damage, counterattack ability is completely wasted;

When Song Jian saw this layer of thunder and lightning curtain on his body surface, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and the thunder and lightning on the light curtain were wanton. When he was chopped by the spirit sword, these thunder and lightning were like sweeping whip, and he constantly understood. , I am afraid that the melee threat of this light curtain is greater than the attack of the sparrow leader;

Fortunately, the leader of the Harpy will only use this defensive skill when he is under great threat. Otherwise, if the skill is released in the close combat just now, Song Jian may not pay attention and may suffer a secret loss;

He also harvested nearly ten thousand points of blood and blood ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian made a leap forward, his figure was like lightning, his sword stabbed towards the throat of the eagle leader;

A crit injury of nearly two thousand points floated from the top of the Harpy leader, and his body floated involuntarily;

Uh ~

A sword light shone, and the Xuanyue Streaming Sword was cast again. If the previous thunderbolt light curtain did not disappear, the first stroke of this trick may be resisted, so there will be no floating state, and subsequent damage will not occur. It will be so big, but as long as the BOSS does not resist the first time, then the subsequent sword moves will no longer be able to resist;

Just as BOSS fell to the ground and Song Jian stepped forward to continue to attack, the stone man at the door grunted, and suddenly a picture was passed. The two professional thieves actually touched it again, and it seemed that they wanted to come. Pick up cheap

Song Jian snorted coldly, his figure stunned, but the sword in his hand once again stabbed towards the leader of the eagle, with a scream, the eagle leader gave up the defense and took the sword with his chest, but the method in his hand Staff, but howling and smashing over Song Jian's head;
