I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 836: Wealth in wealth insurance

The blood and blood value of the blood plume of the hawk leader is several times that of Song Jian. Even though nearly 30,000 blood and blood values ​​have been lost, the remaining blood and blood value is enough to allow it to be used for injury and life. Life-threatening play

Seeing the leader of the eagle man smashing towards him, Song Jian directly loosened his sword and stepped back. The staff struck fiercely where Song Jian stood before, and immediately hit a large pit and broke it. Stone splash

Seeing Song Jian abandon the sword, a faint smile appeared on the face of the Capricorn leader, and his weapon was lost. Song Jian's threat to it suddenly dropped several times;

Before the smile on the face of the Harpy leader disappeared, Song Jian stretched out his hand and inserted the long sword in the boss's chest as if pulled by a mysterious force, struggling to fly towards Song Jian's hand;

"No!" The hawk chief's face showed a horrified look, and he waved the staff in his hand, and slammed down to the ground. Suddenly, Lei Guang recklessly shot from the place where the tail touched the ground. Suddenly it became a field of thunder and lightning, countless thunder and lightning, like a whip, waving around;

Under the control of the Harpy leader, several electric mangs slammed into the sky-breaking sword, bursting into a muffled sound, the sky-breaking sword in the air slightly shaken a few times, but still firmly moved towards Song Jianfei go with;

Song Jian's face was white, and the Skybreaker was connected to his mind. The thunderbolt field of the Harrier leader was extremely powerful. Attacking the Skybreaker also hurt Song Jian's mind. It seemed like a sledgehammer in his mind. Constantly tapping his knowledge of the sea;

When Po Jian returned to Song Jian's hands, Song Jian was weak and fell to the ground on one knee, exhaling blood;

The leader of the Harpy issued an arrogant cry, and continued to pounce on Song Jian, waving his staff, making a sharp sound of breaking the air, and smashing heavily towards Song Jian, who fell to his knees on one knee. ;

Song Jian gritted his teeth and backed his sword to resist. With a clang, Mars splashed, the staff was swayed, and the leader of the hawk screamed. He continued to swing the staff and smashed the thunder. With this blow, the leader of the Harpy turned out to use all his strength;

Song Jian took a deep breath. He couldn't resist this stick, he could only roll back and forth to avoid the blow;


The whole cave shook slightly. This blow turned out to be like an explosive explosion. The lightning flashed. Song Jian hadn't stood up yet. Seeing that Wan Jianju had cooled down, he lost a slash in the void towards the leader of the Harpy. ;

This time, he only summoned three spirit swords and flew towards the leader of the eagle.

As soon as Song Jian was surprised, this was one more than summoning the minimum number of spirit swords. He originally thought that he had mastered Wan Jianjue, but he did not expect that this happened.

The three-handed spirit sword bombarded the leader of the eagle, making the BOSS take a step back, but Song Jian took the opportunity to take out a bottle of healing potion and poured it into his mouth;

From the picture passed by the stone man Guru, he has seen that two thieves have entered the stealth state and touched them inside the cave;

Song Jian snorted coldly, his eyebrows opened wide, and a silver beam of light shot towards the leader of the eagle.

Bang Bang Bang ~

The power of eye-killing has also been greatly improved with the improvement of Song Jian's strength. After 5 seconds, more than five thousand points of damage floated over the head of BOSS;

At this point, the cooling time for the Xuanyue Streaming Sword has reached, Song Jian stepped forward, and Liu Guangjian rushed towards the BOSS;


The two thieves slowly sneaked into the cave. What they didn't know was that behind them, a pile of scattered stone golems were watching their actions silently;

The stealth skills of the thieves will reduce their movement speed by 20% even if they reach the full level. Therefore, these two thieves only enter the stealth state when they are close to the cave.

What they didn't expect was that at the door of the cave, it looked like a pile of gravel stones. It turned out to be Song Jian's pet, and he was closely monitoring everything in the vicinity;

"Stealing God, even the boss ran away. Just the two of us, can you kill him?" Next to Pirate God, some of the skinny thieves seemed to ask, worried.

"Did you not hear the sound of fighting inside, huh, that is a forty-sixth-level lord boss, even if Song Jian is more powerful and confident, it is impossible to kill a lord without injury. Class BOSS? "Pirate God gave his companion a glance, if not thinking that if he was in danger, let him be a cannon fodder, Pirate God would not call him to attack Song Jian together.

"Begging for wealth, he is already playing BOSS now, I don't believe that a forty-sixth-level boss boss, you can still kill as easily and easily as before!" Look, heard the sound of fighting in the cave, a confident look appeared on his face.

Song fitness equipment, Pirates looked at the eyes, as long as he can kill Song Jian, he can make a fortune by dropping one of them, not to mention the possibility of harvesting a forty-six lord boss boss. Thinking of this, Pirate's heart suddenly became hot;

What he didn't know was that behind him, the pile of stones kept staring at them, until they both entered the stealth state, then slowly trembled and reassembled into a stone man close to two meters;

And Song Jian also began to slow down the pace of fighting with BOSS. The lower the blood value of BOSS, the greater the power of the released skills. Once it broke out, maybe Song Jian could be directly wounded seriously. By then, the two thieves would Will easily kill Song Jian;

His eyebrows opened with open eyes, and the dim hole would show up. Soon, Song Jian saw two vague voices, and slowly touched the depths of the cave;

As Song Jian fought with Blood Feather, he slowly pulled the boss back. When two thieves saw Song Jian, they were really fighting alone with a forty-six lord level boss. In their hearts ~ www.novelhall. com ~ still shocked;

You know, before they only guessed, Song Jian had a one-on-one strength with a forty-six-level lord BOSS, but that was just a guess. Now I can see with my own eyes that my heart is still shocked;

"Misty grass, look at the equipment on his body, a set of golden quality. Hey, don't say I saw it with my own eyes. I have never heard of it. Who owns a golden set ...!" The eyes of the companion next to Pirate God Once bright, a cross of Venus emerged from his pupils. Obviously, he had the ability to see the equipment properties of the opponent;

"Oh my god, the epic necklace, his necklace, the epic, how is this possible, can I hit the epic necklace now?"

Pirate God froze, looking at the necklace on Song Jian's neck, because the quality light was turned off, Pirate God did not see anything, but he believed the words of his companions, brought him, except to prepare him as cannon fodder It is one of the important reasons to choose Song ’s fitness equipment.

"It seems that the most valuable piece of equipment on his body is the necklace." Pirate God held a small token in his hand, and a touch of joy appeared on the corner of his mouth;
