I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 834: fighting

Song Jian took the lead and immediately killed a player in the temples, causing everyone to be frightened. He did not dare to go forward to fight Song Jian, and all ran their escape skills to escape;

Zeus was unwilling, but he also knew that he could not be Song Jian's opponent. He immediately cast the cloak with his flying cape and flew into the air;

Since he knew that Song Jian possessed the skill of steel wings, he was also spending a lot of money to collect flying skills, but he hadn't received it for a long time.

Seeing that everyone else had already run away, Zeus was disheartened, looked at Song Jian, was about to fly up and escape, but suddenly felt a pile of stones near the entrance of the cave, and began to "go across".

Suddenly in my heart, Zeus slammed under his feet, and the figure flew out into the air. The cloak behind him unfolded like a wing, and the whole person was like a big bird.

When he flew less than five meters off the ground, a large stone was smashed towards his back;

Uh ~

Zeus stunned in midair, exhaled blood, and looked back at Song Jian with a stern look, flying directly out of the valley;

Song Jian stood at the entrance of the cave. It was clear from the blow just now that there was an invisible layer of transparent energy protecting the surface of Zeus's cloak. The stone smashed on it, and a sudden wave of water appeared. ripple;

At the same time an immune word floated from the top of Zeus' head;

It looks like this cloak, in addition to having the ability to fly, also has the ability to immune to stuns and repel such adverse effects. Otherwise, Zeus would not be able to continue to fly away after taking the stoneman's grunt. ;

Song Jian's steel wings were still cooling down. Looking at Zeus flying in the air, a coldness appeared in the corner of Song Jian's mouth. The temples do not need him to deal with them. The next strategy of the City of Hope Alliance is to defeat some of the surrounding Alliance's territories and completely integrate the city of Doom into the territory of the City of Hope. The Temple of Alliance is the next one. Goals of the stage.

Song Jian hesitated for a moment, or decided not to continue chasing, otherwise, at the speed of Zeus, he would soon be caught up by the Black Dragon. Song Jian ’s Wan Jian Fei Xian will definitely leave Zeus no way to escape.

"Just spare your life today, if you know the acquaintance, leave the doomsday city as soon as possible, otherwise, the next time you meet is your death!" Song Jian said coldly;

There is no difference between killing in the game and killing in the real world. Song Jian glanced at the corpse of the mage professional player at his feet, picked up one of his mage guards, and turned to walk deep into the cave. go with;

When Song Jian returned to the depths of the cave again, the witch-wing stealth leader had already awakened and saw Song Jian, it uttered a howl, and rushed towards Song Jian;

"Is the alert range so large?" Song Jian was taken aback. He knew that he was now more than ten meters away from the witch-winged phantom leader, and the cave was dim. You can see a fuzzy figure, but you can't see Song Jian at all;

"Damn man, this is not the place you should set foot on!" The blood of the hawk leader, Blood Feather, was sharp, as if talking around his neck, and sharp claws scratching on the glass, which sounded annoying. a feeling of;

Song Jian gave a cold hum, and the breaking sword waved forward, and eighteen swords emerged in front of him;

"Oh ~"

A sharp blast sounded, and the eighteen swords flew towards the leader of the Harpy;

The blood feather wings flickered slightly, flashing lightning currents, and suddenly emerged;

It's stabbing ~

Rays of lightning crossed the twisted arcs in the air and flew towards Song Jian, covering all the small areas around him immediately;

Bang Bang Bang ~

The spirit sword slashed on the blood feathers, emitting a violent explosion, a scream screamed, and seven or eight hundred points of injury were floating above the blood feathers;

This blow directly caused blood feathers to lose nearly one-fifth of their qi and blood value, and it looked at Song Jian's eyes, and also showed a look of fear.

Song Jianying retreated sharply. Where he was standing, he was suddenly struck by lightning. The gravel was splashing, and the sound was quite scary. Song Jian was also hit by two thunder and lightning, and more than two hundred and fifty floating above his head. Point of injury, at the same time as if shocked, shivering;

However, soon, the talented "cheeky" skill took effect. The "chill" effect, which lasted for 6 seconds, only disappeared for more than a second.

The shuddering effect makes Song Jian unable to move and attack. If it is six seconds, Song Jian must bear the attack of Blood Feather again. If he continues to start the "chilling" effect, Song Jian may even be directly attacked by this lord. Level BOSS to death.

Thinking of this, Song Jian felt a movement, and suddenly a figure exactly like him appeared, standing on the side and casting Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue towards the blood feathers;

The attribute of the sword shadow clone is only 30% of Song Jian's body. Even if Wan Jian Fei Xian is cast, the damage to the blood feather can only cause 30% of Song Jian's damage. However, Song Jian does not want him to attack. But to attract the attention of BOSS;

Seeing Jian Ying playing Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, BOSS's attention was immediately attracted to him, and he entered the skill cooling, and Song Jian who was rushing towards it was ignored by him;

The lord boss's intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary monsters. It can autonomously determine which enemy poses a greater threat to him in battle, and does not follow the principle of highest damage and hatred;

After undergoing a Wan Jian Fei Xian decision ~ www.novelhall.com ~, let Xue Yu have a strong psychological dread and fear of this skill. Seeing the shadow of the sword cast the Wan Jian Fei Xian decision again. , Immediately attracted all the attention of Blood Feather;

With a sharp hissing, Blood Feather turned from behind the black rock, and pulled out a staff that was too long. This staff looked extremely gorgeous, and a fist-sized gem was set at the top;

Wielding the staff, the countless currents in front of the blood feather suddenly began to converge, and eventually formed a huge lightning ball with a diameter of more than half a meter, flying towards the shadow of the sword;

After releasing the sword shadow clone of Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, under the control of Song Jian's body, he did not continue to fight, but turned and ran toward the cave;

Unexpectedly, although the chasing speed of this huge lightning ball is not fast, it seems to have locked the sword shadow avatar, and has been following him toward the hole;

At this time, Song Jian's body had already cast the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, a residual image was passing by, and the Skybreaking Sword had severely penetrated into the body of the blood plume of the Harpy leader;
