I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 833: Spike

Song Jian became more and more proficient in the control of Wan Jian Fei Xian. With the cooperation of the stone man, although there have never been one summoning twenty-four spirit swords, the number of spirit swords summoned each time is twelve In the above, it took less than five minutes to kill the remaining five Harrier killers.

Such efficiency, Song Jian could not have imagined before, this step made him feel that he had made the right choice;

After killing these six elite bosses, except for the first one that burst with a silver-quality jewelry, the other five bosses only burst 40-level blue-green equipment. Song Jian didn't care and just received it. stand up;

I entered the cave, and a smell of stench rushed forward. Song Jian even saw the remains of some living creatures at the door of the cave, with bones and bones, laying a layer on the ground;

Qi Song Jian first let the stone man mumble, disguised as a pile of stones, scattered outside the hole, and then slowly touched it by himself.

Along the way, Song Jian carefully avoided the bones under his feet, lest he make a sound to startle the boss in the cave. Song Jian knew that since the gatekeepers were all forty-five elite bosses, the leader, level and quality of the cave would higher;

There are no other monsters in the cave. Song Jian went to the depths of the cave very smoothly. On a huge black rock in the depths of the cave, he found the invisible man who was lying on the rock and sleeping;

鹰 This hawk leader is still a monster with a name, Sells Blood Feather, is a forty-sixth-level lord boss, and the blood value alone has more than 50,000 points;

Song Jian was preparing to blame, and suddenly felt the grunt at the entrance of the cave, passing himself a picture, this is a group of players, who are carefully approaching the cave;

When I saw the person headed by Song Jian, his eyes narrowed, and a look of anger appeared on his face. Those who were in the temples!

Thinking of this, Song Jian glanced at the distant BOSS, slowly backed down, and used a necklace at a corner to enter the hidden state.

The cave was dim, and Song Jian was hiding in a shadow. Even if someone on the other side was always driving through the stealth skills, it was difficult to find Song Jian in the shadow of the rock wall;

Zeus came in slowly with a group of people. Just two steps later, the **** of thief next to him grabbed Zeus with a dignified expression and shook his head slowly;

He and his party slowly backed out again, Zeus looked at Pirate God in puzzlement and wanted him to give an explanation;

"It's so quiet in the cave ..." Pirates shook his head and whispered, "Either Song Jian has killed the boss and left, or he hasn't entered the cave yet, or ..."

The Pirate God looked around and whispered, "Either we have been found by him, he is now in the cave and is preparing to ambush us!"

A few players in the shrines were shocked and quickly looked around;

"The monsters at this door are all forty-five elite bosses. There are a total of six!" A player whispered;

"How could his strength be so powerful, six forty-five elite bosses, killed so soon?"

"Otherwise, let's withdraw. Now that he has found us, the sneak attack has no meaning!"

"Yeah, boss, I guess we few of us can't be his opponents!"

Uh ...

Along the way, several people have been scared by the corpses in the valley. Such a high-level monster, Song Jian, was killed alone like chopping melon and chopping vegetables, without any damage himself. Compare the strength and let them feel A sneak attack on Song Jian is an act of seeking death;

Zeus's face became more and more gloomy. He found that Song Jian's strength has increased rapidly since he became the Lord of the City. He attributed all of this to the Lord of the City. Perhaps it was because of the help of the Lord of the City that Song Jian's strength Leap forward

"He has only one person, and we have six. Do you think that if we do not attack, we will fight head to head, and six will not beat him?" Zeus whispered;

Several elite players in the temples looked at each other, and they saw a strong fear in each other's eyes. Not to mention six, even if there were sixty, they may not dare to take the initiative to Song Jian;

"Boss, otherwise let's just forget it this time, how about waiting for us to convene enough staff to come to him to calculate?" A player whispered;

Zeus glanced and found that these people had lost their courage, even the Pirate God was a face expressionless;

Zeus knew that the last time the city of hope was built successfully, and they did nothing, which severely damaged his prestige, but he did not expect that this time, they would collectively resist their decision;

"Maybe a sneak attack on Song Jian, is it really a bit overpowered?" Zeus couldn't help but ask back;

Ji Song Jian waited for a long time, but did not see the people in the temples coming in, just wondering, the stone man grunted another picture into his mind.

The group of people in the original shrines retreated to the entrance of the cave, and started to discuss. It seems that the pressure on them was too great, so that they did not even have the courage to look in;

Song Jian sneered and took the initiative to walk towards the hole. Since they don't come in, just go out by themselves;

Zeus sighed, a little discouraged, and it seems that there is no meaning to stay in the city of Doom. Sooner or later, the entire city will become a city of hope for the League of Hope. Contact ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It is better to leave here and go to other cities to develop;

When Zeus hesitated, he suddenly felt something, turned his head towards the opening of the hole, and saw dozens of shining swords rushing towards them;

"Song Jian!" Zeus was desperate, but he did not expect that Song Jian alone dared to launch an attack on six of them;

The thirteen swords, flying, locked a mage professional player next to Zeus. No matter how the mage dodged, these spirit swords seemed to have eyes. They crossed the arcs of the road and changed the flight. Direction, always flying towards this mage professional player;

Boom, boom, boom ~

After a roar, the dust was scattered and the mage's body was lying on the ground;

There was a look of panic on everyone's face. You know, although the blood value of French professionals is low, they have a lot of defensive skills. They will kill him in one stroke. If this horrible damage falls on For other people, even if they are not spiked, they must be seriously injured and lose their combat ability;

Suddenly, two professional thief players immediately cast their strong and hidden skills and entered a stealth state. They fled towards the valley and woods, and the remaining two players also applied acceleration skills and ran towards the distance. go with;

Zeus snorted, and the cloak behind him showed a stream of air under his feet. The cloak looked like a bird's wings and dragged him into the air;

Uh ...

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