I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 832: Hawk's claw

Several eagle killers wandered around a wide cave, looking as if they were guarding the cave. Even if Song Jian entered the stealth state, I'm afraid it would be difficult to enter the cave from among them. I want to enter this cave. All the eagle killers wandering in the cave must be killed.

Song Jian looked around and touched it slowly. He first killed the ordinary witch-winged eagles farther from the hole, so as not to fight these ordinary monsters when he fought with these eagle-killers. Lead over

The witch-winged sparrows are scattered far from each other, and they don't seem to dare to get too close to this hole. Song Jian kills all of them, killing all ordinary sphinxes within the range.

After killing these ordinary witch-winged eagles, Song Jian began to observe near the cave. He must remember the area and time for each eagle-killer killer to wander, so that he can only attract one eagle at a time. The killer came, after all, it was a forty-five-level elite BOSS. For him who was only thirty-eight, he had level suppression, and Wan Jian Fei Xian was too random. If twenty-four swords were summoned, Song Jianyou had Confidence dropped off a eagle killer directly, but if only the minimum number of two handles was summoned, then Song Jian, who lacked the means of attack, would probably fall into a hard battle.

Entered into hiding, Song Jian hid behind a huge rock and waited tightly;

One of the eagle killers passed by here every three minutes, and then turned back, so the back of this rock is the best place for ambush, and it is easy to hide, as long as Song Jian does not make a strange sound , Want to observe Song Jian hidden in the shadow of the rock, unless this elite BOSS has super strong perception skills, or can see through the stealth pupil;

"Three, two, one ..."

Song Jian can already hear the sound of flapping wings of the eagle killer, and there is even a hint of blood, lingering on the tip of Song Jian's nose;

With a thought, a pile of rocks seven or eight meters away from Song Jian suddenly trembled. A giant stone man close to two meters slowly relaxed and opened his body, throwing a grinding disc towards the eagle killer. Large and small stones

Stoneman Guru can disguise as a pile of rocks if he does not enter the combat state. Unless he has the ability to see the camouflage, even if he walks in front of it, he cannot find its existence;

As soon as it moved, the eagle killer found the grunt of the stone man, attracted by it, turned to stare at the grunt, and his mouth threatened with a low hissing noise;

When the stone smashed at it, the eagle killer couldn't avoid it, and slashed his sword at this huge stone;

At this moment, Song Jian hiding behind suddenly moved, and the sword in his hand was like a fang of a wild beast, stabbing at the eagle killer who was more than ten feet away from the ground;

Uh ~

Breaking through the gap in the leather armor, the sword stabbed the body of the eagle killer, and suddenly more than 500 points of damage floated from the top of its head;

This sword surprised the killer of the eagle. The original sword was only cut to half, and it could no longer be cut. Because of the pain and severe deformation of the action, there was no way to fly it. The stones coming over were split;


The flint stone slammed on it severely, knocking it directly to the ground, and a dizzy symbol appeared on the head;

Song Jian took the opportunity to cast Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue. This time, he was very lucky. He summoned twenty-four swords, a wave of heavenly swords, and twenty-four swords shining with spirits. The eagle killer on the ground flew over;

轰轰轰 ~

The power of TNT explosives erupted with each sword, 130% weapon damage, so that the damage of each sword is close to a thousand points, and there is a chance to trigger the effect of deepening the damage;

This effect is triggered when the fifth sword is cut on the eagle killer, and the damage is deepened, which can increase the target's damage by another 50%. This makes every Each of the spirit swords caused nearly 1,400 injuries;

When all the twenty-four spirit swords were chopped on this eagle killer, Song Jian saw the appearance of this elite BOSS. At this time, the leather armor on it was already worn out. Full of sword marks, two round eyes open, a deadly look;

In fact, when the twenty-first Spirit Sword was chopped on it, it had already harvested its last qi and blood value. The damage of the subsequent Spirit Sword was completely overflowing, but for Song Jian, it did not matter anymore. This Once, let Song Jian realize again that the horrible damage of Wan Jian Fei Xian decided;

The eagle killer is a forty-five-level elite boss, with a blood value of more than 12,000 points. However, in the face of the full-fire Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, he was directly spiked. This not only shocked Song Jian. Even the distant stone man murmured, he was a little confused, and even looked at his hands, it seemed as if he was doubting his attack, when did he become so powerful!

鹰 This eagle killer ~ www.novelhall.com ~ In addition to bursting a quest item to protect the feathers, it also exploded a silver forty-level jewelry "Griffin's Claw".

"Talon (silver), accessories, item level 40, equipment effects: all attributes +5, attack speed increased by 10%, damage increased by 20%, it has a deterrent effect on ordinary witch winged sabot, as long as it is not active Initiate an attack, and the ordinary Witch-winged Hawk will avoid you when you see it! Items and equipment requirements: Level 35; Can you bring out the game: No "

Song Jian took a look at this piece of jewelry and was very interested in its enhanced attributes. As for the deterrent effect on ordinary witch-winged eagles, Song Jian felt a bit of a rib. For him, these ordinary witch-winged eagles, It is no longer a threat to him. As long as there are not more than ten Harpys siege him together, he can kill all of them in a short time;

However, the attributes of this jewelry are much stronger than Ant-Soul Beads. Song Jian eventually replaced it with Ant-Soul Beads, which suddenly improved its strength and increased the damage by at least 40 points.

When Song Jian's strength is raised to a stage, it will become very difficult to increase it. Sometimes it takes months to change a piece of equipment. After all, the drop rate of high-quality and high-level items It is too low.

In addition to this trinket and quest items, the Harrier Killer also burst some materials. Song Jian put all these materials into the parcel box without looking, and continued to move towards the next Harrier Killer. Feel away

Uh ...

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