I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 831: Break into

I have a doomsday city, the author has lost his hair

Jin Yin detailed the locations of the six eagle killers, told Song Jian later, and shrunk the short figure into the shadow of the rock again. If you don't look carefully, it will be difficult to find its sound. Song Jian ’s temporary mission has been updated again, and it has become the killing of six eagle killers, obtaining the guardian feathers of the other party, and then killing the eagle leader, obtaining the crown of the eagle leader, and at the same time finding Goblin's goods; after looking at the mission content, Song Jian did not go directly to find the Gargoyle killer, but turned to continue to look for the Gargoyle wanderers and witches in the valley, sacrificed, and killed them all, turning them Became his own combat experience; Wan Jian Fei Xian also became skilled in Song Jian's performance again and again, not only the number of spirit swords approached the limit of twenty-four, but even the target was not attacked. There will be situations where you want to attack in groups, but all of them are inserted into a monster, and you want to attack them alone, but they cover an area of ​​seven or eight meters. Within a short while, a terrifying mourn came out from the valley, and the golden seal hiding in the shadow of the rock couldn't help but be frightened; "I feel the hatred of the deity's hatred of the hawk, it seems Stronger than me! "Jin Yin muttered softly. Suddenly there was an inexplicable fear of Song Jian. At this time, in a cave at Yingying Cliff, several players of the shrines were sitting on the ground eating and drinking to recover, and in them Beside him, two forty-five level eagle corpses were lying on the ground, and the transparent flame slowly rose up, burning the eagle corpse's flesh constantly; "Boss, you brother Yong, will they be all right? A player asked with some worries; Zeus glanced at him, and said with a cold hum: "What can be done without letting them fight with these eagles? Fighting is not good, and escape is not good!" The player immediately narrowed his neck and stopped talking; it is not easy to climb up this eagle owl cliff. A little closer, it will attract the hatred of eagle owl. As long as it attracts a eagle owl hatred, the whole eagle owl cliff monster ,on Will be shocked; Zeus has no way but to let a few fast players, after attracting the eagle owl a certain distance, lead people into a cave; but they did not expect that in this cave, they still returned Two hawks did not go out, and two forty-five hawks were so busy that this group of players with more than 30 levels was busy. Fortunately, the seven or eight people left by Zeus are considered to be some of the powerful ones in the battle alliance. Although the forty-fifth level monsters are a bit troublesome, under their siege, these two monsters were eventually killed. ; "Hey, the experience this monster gives is very high, I have gained 4% experience!" A player said cheerfully; "The explosive equipment is also good, two monsters, one of them forty Class blue suit, but the class is too high, it will take a while! "" Do n’t you say that there are pet eggs in these caves, do you see it? "" No, just such a weed nest, nothing was found. , But this cave is very deep, will it be inside? "After several players recovered, they were all attracted by the channel extending behind the cave;" Boss, we have not found Song Jian's figure, you said, he will Wouldn't you go back? "A player pointed at the passage behind the cave and whispered;" Go, look inside! "Zeus hesitated for a moment, nodded, and took the lead in drilling towards that low passage; no After a while, a few of the temples On the channel, drill down to the valley on the cliff, watching the valley, several people looked at each other, and Song Jian, they did not think, behind the falcon patch of cliff, but there are still a large area so vast valley. "This is simply a paradise. Maybe we should explore it, maybe there will be treasures!" Said a player excitedly; "Well, look there, it seems to be the monster's body here. Looks like someone is better than us I came here first, and I still brush monsters here! "A player pointed at the corpse of a monster that had been burned by transparent flames for more than half, and said curiously;" Song Jian, it must be him, he entered this area in advance The valley, the boss, these corpses must have been made by him ... "" Let ’s slow down, don't startle him, his strength is good, and he can upgrade a forty-two monster here alone, unless he is attacked, Otherwise, I'm afraid we don't have any confidence! "" Go, let's go on, and then follow these corpses to search for the past! "Zeus flashed a flash of light in his eyes, and said; he had obtained the information, and Song Jian became the master of the city of hope and obtained A city seal, once he is killed, this city seal will burst out. As long as you can master this city seal, any person can lightly Gained control of the City of Hope; Song Jian at this time ~ www.novelhall.com ~ constantly killing the Witch Winged Hawks in the deep valley. These forty-level monsters not only give a lot of combat experience, Even the explosive items are of very good quality; for a while, there are already a dozen pieces of green-quality forty-level equipment and seventy-eight pieces of blue-quality forty-level equipment in Song Jian's parcel; in addition to these In addition to the equipment, the hawkman also burst a lot of materials. Just the light feathers used by the mage exploded more than 20 pieces. You must know that in the auction house, a light feather can sell for 1,500. Doom! These materials alone are a lot of income; the movement of the Black Dragon is too big, and Song Jian did not summon it, but just released the stone man Guru, because he bought a lot of foods like the elements at the pet shop, Guru Now the intimacy with him has risen to ninety-one, this is already the limit to improve with the pet shop food. If you want to improve again, it will not be so easy; with the help of the elemental grunt, Song Jian hunts these The speed of the hawk is faster, and the combat experience has also improved to 87% of the 38th level. I don't know how many eagles have been hunted. Song Jian slowly walked into the deep valley, where some artificially built building traces gradually appeared; some wooden lookout posts and some low wooden houses. Even some humble traps, which made Song Jian immediately vigilant; soon, a forty-five-level elite BOSS appeared in front of Song Jian. This witch-winged hawk is larger than a normal hawk. The wanderer was larger, and he was wearing simple leather armor, holding a long sword in his hand, and looked much fiercer than the hawkish wanderer. In both eyes, a faint scarlet light was revealed. It exudes a terrifying breath; "Falcon Killer? Damn, I was deceived by that little dwarf. The Falcon Killer turned out to be the elite BOSS!" Song Jian murmured in his heart, whispered in a low voice; ...