I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 830: mission rewards

There are not a lot of thirty Gargoyle wanderers, but with the hunting of the peripheral edges, these are less and less, Song Jian will inevitably go deep into this valley;

Going deep into the valley, the monsters inside are not only the Wraith Wanderers, but also the Wraith Winged Lightning Wyrm Sacrifice, and the Scarlet Witch with a crimson crown on his head, These two kinds of monsters are both long-range attack monsters, and they are mixed among the ghouls. If they are not careful, they will lead to them;

Song Jian's current attack skills are only two, one is Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, and the other is Xuanyue Streaming Sword. Wan Jian Fei Xian is a long-range attack, while Xuanyue Streaming Sword is a melee damage skill.

宋 When Song Jian used Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue to attack a Harpy Witch, a spirit sword stabbed uncontrollably towards a Harrier Wanderer three to four meters away;

A thousand-point crit damage emerged from the top of the Gargoyle wanderer, hissing, and the Gargoyle waved his wings and rushed towards Song Jian;

I hadn't had time to pick up the spooky witch that had just hung up, and Song Jian broke through the sword and rushed towards the wanderer;

The figure is like lightning, even faster than the soldier's charge skills, and even a faint afterimage is left in the air;

Long sword stabbed the chest of the Gargoyle severely. Suddenly, the body of the Gargoyle wandered suddenly and tilted down, as if losing control of the body and slowly floating in the air;

Uh ~

The dazzling lights of swords continued to flash, and the blood splattered, and three hundred or four hundred points of damage were floated on the top of the vagabond wanderer, and the blood value suddenly dropped by more than half.

I waited until Song Jian retracted his sword to withdraw, and this suspended hawk wanderer fell to the ground fiercely, struggling and trying to stand up again;

"Yes, yes, it seems that it is right to not incorporate this sword skill into Wanjian Feixian. This is simply a sword move that combines damage, control, and displacement skills. It is really powerful!" Song Jian was surprised;

After Wan Jian Fei Xian was raised to level 2, his proficiency increased greatly. At least two or three high-quality swordsmanship can be used to improve again. Even if Song Jian engulfed this trick of Xuanyue Streaming Sword, there was no way to take Wan Jian. Fei Xian decided to upgrade to level 3 immediately. In addition to this sword's great power, Song Jian hesitated for a moment, but still kept it, but unexpectedly gave Song Jian a surprise in actual combat;

There are only more than one thousand eagle wanderers with qi and blood value, and Song Jian cuts it two times, taking away the last qi and blood value, bursting out a palm-sized, like white jade carved claws;

It took more than an hour for Song Jian to kill at least 50 or more Gargoyle wanderers, and for 20 or 30 Gargoyles witches and sacrifice, before he turned 30 Winged Gargoyle claws. Collect all

You know, not every Gargoyle wanderer will drop their claws. The whales and sacrifices of the Gargoyle are less likely to expose their claws than the wanderers, which caused Song Jian to kill at least ten 仈 Jiǔ Witch-winged hawks collected the quest items;

"I knew this, I should have more rewards for the task!" Song Jian did not expect that he was so careful, but the gold stamp of the goblin still took advantage, and it was a bit depressed.

发布 The NPCs in this game release tasks, and the task rewards given are not unique. Players can even bargain with each other to increase the number or grade of task rewards;

But this improvement must also be within a certain range. Otherwise, not only will NPC refuse to release the task to you, but it will also cause NPC disgust.

According to the difficulty of this mission, Song Jian estimated that even if two more hawksbill spirits are needed, this goblin will have a great chance to agree.

Back to the place where the golden seal was, this little dwarf was hiding behind a huge rock, which made Song Jian easy to find;

给 "Here, here are the talons of the eagles you want!" Song Jian stacked thirty talons of talons with white jade light, all of his brains were stacked in front of Jin Yin, and he said angrily;

"You are such a powerful god-lover, you never expected to complete the task so soon!" Jin Yin smiled, carefully looked at Song Jian's face, hesitated and said, "This task you have accomplished very well OK, I decided to give you a little extra reward, no matter which reward content you choose, you will get an extra Eagle Essence! "

Goblin can be said to be the most calculating race in the game. After clearly feeling Song Jian's dissatisfaction, he immediately proposed to increase character rewards;

Seeing that the goblin was so acquainted, Song Jian looked slightly better, nodded his head, agreed.

Soon, four eagle eagle spirits were put into the parcel box by Song Jian, plus one previously obtained, Song Jian now has five eagle eagle spirits, which can increase the speed of the flying mount by 10 points;

Song Jian tried it, these spirits can still be used by the Black Dragon, even in a strict sense, the Black Dragon is only Song Jian's pet, not a flying mount;

An ordinary flying mount has a flight speed of only 30 to 50 points. Increasing it by 20 points is a significant improvement, but for the Black Dragon ~ www.novelhall.com ~ its own flight speed has reached 100. At 80 o'clock, increase the flight speed by 20 o'clock, the ascension is not obvious;

"I can use five more, I don't know if there is a better way to get it." Song Jian secretly said.

对 "Yes, the eagle spirit is very useful to me. If you have extra, don't know if you can sell it to me? I can give you a satisfactory price!" Song Jian said;

In the future, there will be more and more players who get flying mounts, not to mention selling, even if it is to provide benefits to the brothers in the war alliance, Song Jian wants to stock up a batch;

当然 "Of course, I am a businessman, to meet the customer's requirements, that is my job!" Jin Yin's face showed a bright smile, and his mouth was a bit closed.

"However, you have to get my goods back for me first, otherwise, I would not be able to sell you anything at all. The four hawksbills just now are also hidden by me. Now they are all one. No more! "Jin Yin's eyes turned and said immediately;

"Well, go on to the next mission, is it going to hunt and kill the leaders of these eagles directly?" Song Jian asked.

"Gods, you have proven your strength. Next, you can go and kill the Capricorn leader in the cave, deep in the valley, as long as you have its crown and the goods I lost. Bring it back to me, and I will give you a generous reward for the task! "Jin Yin said with a smile on his face." But before that, I hope you can kill the six Harpy slayers who robbed me of my goods. The guardian feathers on them were also brought back to me, otherwise these Griffin killers would mess up when you and the Griffin leader fight! "

Uh ...