I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 826: Great Eagle Cliff

Song Jian rode on the black dragon and slowly lifted off. Li Ke'er followed the eagle eagle to follow him far behind, constantly pointing at the direction of Song Jian's flight, but the eagle owl was too far away from the black dragon and he did not dare to approach. Friends chat channel conversation;

Flying to mid-air, Song Jian unintentionally glanced down, only to discover that the area of ​​the city of hope at this time has exceeded half the area of ​​the city of Doom, and there is a clear tall wall separating the two. ;

One side is full of vitality, completely like a human city, the other side is full of dead silence, zombie monsters everywhere, roaring again and again;

Between the doomsday city and the territory of the city of hope is a wall of several tens of meters. On the tall and wide wall, three or four magic crystal railguns are being built at the same time. Almost every ten meters or so, there is a magic Crystal rail guns, in between the two rail guns, there are numerous arrow towers, giant crossbows, hundreds of city guards, guardians on the wall, and the water guarding the city of hope cannot be leaked;

A dozen orbs have been produced in batches, and the magic crystal mines have gradually begun to enter the mining stage, but after all, the mines are in the wild and monsters can invade at any time, so they are afraid to mine on a large scale. Only ten are arranged. Several miners and a team of more than one hundred people were mining near the entrance of the magic crystal mine and did not dare to go deep;

Therefore, the magic crystal ore that is being mined is only enough for the city of hope to use it by itself and cannot be sold outside. You must know that magic crystal is a strategic material that will not be circulated on the market at all. strong;

可 Li Ke'er constantly guides Song Jian through the friend channel. Her eagle owl is afraid to approach the black dragon at all, which also makes her feel very angry and kicks the eagle owl secretly twice;

After the two flew for more than an hour, Song Jian finally saw a rolling mountain range ahead. These mountains looked very steep and there was no place to climb at all. To go up, he must have a flying mount.

"Brother Song Jian is more careful, this is where the eagles gather, and they will be attacked when they are close!" Li Ke'er carefully reminded in the channel: "Let's land in front and walk slowly."

"You land first, I'll see it before I say it!" Song Jian finished, the black dragon made a howling sound, the speed suddenly increased a lot, and rushed towards the towering cliff;

System: You have found the Eagle Cliff, gaining 1000 experience points;

When Song Jian was still a few hundred meters away from the cliff, a large group of black spots rose from the cliff, and Song Jian's eyes narrowed. These small black spots were all forty-five level hawksbills, densely packed, There are at least three or four hundred;

Ang ~

A long cymbal rang out across the world, and the eagle owl opposite was agitated for a moment, but soon regained his composure and continued to rush towards Song Jian;

Song Jian's brows were slightly frowned, and the dragon's power of the black dragon seemed to have lost its deterrent effect on these hawksbills;

Seeing hundreds of forty-five monsters rushing towards him, Song Jian controlled the black dragon to turn around and fly away;

When I saw the black dragon flying away, these hawksbills did not chase them, but after symbolically chasing dozens of meters, they all returned to the steep cliffs and caves;

Here are the nests of the hawksbills. Their bird's nests are all built on the cliffs, one by one, like honeycomb caves. When they fly back to the nests, they can't see anything unusual from the outside;

Slowly dropped the Black Dragon into the battle pet space, Song Jian shook his head and said, "There are too many monsters, and all come out as soon as they approach, it is a headache!"

可 Li Keer giggled and said, "What is it? If you go in again, you will see the elite boss of the forty-five level, and a boss boss of the fifty level!"

"What, the 50th-level boss boss?" Song Jian looked surprised, knowing that the 50th-level has already touched the edge of the second-order combat power. I do n’t know if the eagle-headed boss boss already has it. If the second-tier combat power is really a strong second-tier combat force, Wang Qi's desire to capture the hawksbill and the establishment of the flying cavalry may be defeated.

"How did you get that eagle owl?" Song Jian couldn't help asking.

After meeting Li Ke'er in the game, Song Jian found that Li Ke'er had very good luck in the game, equipment, pets, etc., almost no need to worry about, and no need to brush hard like other players every day Upgrade, although her level can not dominate the top ten ranks like those upgrades, but she will definitely lead them by five or six levels compared to ordinary players;

"I also wandered around this place and found an eagle owl falling from the cliff, so I caught it directly and became my flying mount. It was very simple and it didn't cost me anything!" Big eyes said

Song Jian shook his head, this luck is really good, there is no replicability at all;

"Slowly approach, maybe walk from the ground, will not alarm them!" Song Jian said;

If it wasn't for the dragon groan issued by the black dragon just now, I am afraid that it would not lead to a large number of hawksbills across this distance;

Two people approached slowly, and after passing through a large dead wood forest, they finally approached the cliff;

Song Jian found that even the lowest eagle owl nest is nearly 100 meters away from the ground. It is not easy to go up ~ www.novelhall.com ~ And now it is so close. Once there are more monsters, Song Jian I can escape with confidence, but Li Ke'er doesn't know if he can run away;

"Let's do it today, Kerr, let's go back." Song Jian laughed;

"Will you just go back like this?" Li Ke'er opened his eyes wide, and said with a doubtful look, "Would you like to go up and see, maybe there are young birds in the nest?"

"You haven't seen it before?" Song Jian curiously said, with Li Keer's temperament, now that he came here and picked up a baby bird, how could he not go up and take another look.

"I want to go up, only half way, then the boss boss poked his head out and stared at me, and I was afraid to continue to climb up." Li Ke'er frowned;

Song Jian thought about the scene at that time, couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioner, and looked at Li Ke'er up and down;

Now if someone says that Li Ke'er is not the pro-girlfriend of this game, Song Jian will never believe it, it has already attracted the attention of the boss boss. As a result, the other party just drove Li Ke'er away and allowed Li Ke'er to take one How is this possible, baby bird?

I thought for a while, Song Jian felt that Li Ke'er could not be allowed to take risks. After all, she was too young, which made Song Jian a little uneasy.

Well said 歹 said that Li Ke'er was persuaded to go back, and Song Jian moved his mind, spread a pair of steel wings behind him, and flew towards the nearest cave on the cliff

Uh ...

Ps: Thanks to the "guardian vs god" for the 1000 starting coins ~

:. :